A mammoth compilation with solid arguments and observations. Thanks.

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Lisa, we both know this has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with destroying mobility, the ability for people to meet and talk with each other and complete communist control of all human activity. And I do mean ALL. Just picture the kids are off to grandmas and you make a nice dinner for hubby with plans for later. BUT your internal micro ship says you are ovulating......well guess what no plans for later for you two.....perhaps the man becomes impotent or your chip kills you hormones levels to the point you just are no longer interested. Of course this an exaggeration (or perhaps not) but you get the point. They will keep us "safe" from pedestrian deaths but will kill us in their own time using their own means.....ie monthly vaccines, poinsoned air and water and frankenfood. People really need to stand up and resist. They do public presentations trying to convince people how wonderful life will be when you have everything you need within a 15 minute reach but fail to tell people about the penatly for daring to go visit grandma who lives outside your 15 minute prison. Again, imagine.....eventually the only people you will ever see or be able to communicate with are those within your 15 minute prison. Basically you have lost all ability to really communicate. No more social media sites. No more speaking truth or your mind for if you do you will "taken care of speedily." Our governments are not out to do what is for our own good. They are out to murder and control. The sooner people realized this the better off we all will be. Blood may shed but as Thomas Jefferson once said: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

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I'm still at the Pen is my Sword and collective action part of the paradigm, but in all other matters when you join the dots, it sure does extend into worse tyranny. They were tyrannical over the last 3 years and that's with the vestiges of democracy. With the IHR amendments I don't expect they'll all of a sudden get 'more reasonable'. I want our work to go mainstream. Did you see my substack on the Israel Pfizer?

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My theory is the Globalists will kill too many, move too fast, the systems of which they rely for power and life will collapse. Out live that and the world really will be your oyster.

We are all descendants of people that lived thru War, Pandemics and Famine.

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I've always believe that beauty will come from chaos. Optimists will find ways to channel the overlords evil into good. Shine a light and people will flock to it. A hero and heroine is born in this movement every second. We may even sway their A.I bots and be more interesting and entertaining for their bots than the reductionist technocrats. Oysters here we come.

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My Grandmother ran from Germany in 1935, I believe that was the year. She was a nurse and, slowly then rather suddenly, she was asked to perform more and more "Eugenics". A day came and she was ask to hold a "defective" baby underwater. She walked out and made it to the states and died at 87 years old in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The rest of her family was killed in the war, she was German, but the bombing got them.

NeverIsNowGlobal.com for a comparison between the Globalists of today and yesterday. Somethings never change, evil being one of them.

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People who say they 'would never' are the ones turning a blind eye aren't they. Our standing will help others get to their feet. Your grandmother saved her soul. Good for her.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by LawyerLisa

Great insightful piece Lisa! "They hide in plain sight."

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by LawyerLisa

The LA Times today had a op ed article titled "Are L.A. drivers suddenly more OK with endangering lives? The war on mobility is here!!!

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Special thanks for your religious inclusivity. I read lots of 'stacks and pages, but there is a subset of voices that tell me to pray the rosary, or believe in God and Christianity to be included in their club. Some can speak to all of us, others cannot or will not be bothered to. I think this is the next and historic battlefront, the supposed separation of church and state, or not, and the use of the religions as a divisive force. Yet another club that I cannot belong to as a pagan herbalist with Ojibwe, French and Romanian roots.

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"love they neighbour like thyself" is a very powerful part of Christianity, wonderful freedom fighter neighbour!

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These thugs seem unstoppable. Will knowing this change anything?


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Change is at the local level, with your neighbours. In Canada Action4Canada has a lot of resources and they ARE working at the local level. they have chapters in each community and if one hasn't started you can start one. If you are in another country consider getting on their mail out and copying their format. I'm Christian but you could copy the format for your religion if you are not Christian. If you aren't working with your neighbours with similar type groups. I like them because they are organized with a plan on each item and volunteers taking on tasks. I think the movement has to go from 'protests', to organization. Action4Canada is excellent in this regard. To show the sheep the middle has moved put up stickers STOPTHESHOTS.CA and THEWORLDRESPONDS.COM . Print the brochures found at THEWORLDRESPONDS.COM and do a mailer with them and your neighbours.

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Thanks, Lisa.

I'm part of a group known as Réinfo Québec. We are like-minded people against weaponized and tyrannical medicine.


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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Author

who knew the universities had people with such positions?

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I was mentioning my profile.

Réinfo covid (https://reinfocovid.ca/) is a like-minded group with which I promote democracy.

Anyway I look at it, the globalists have had time to prepare well... at least since the Bretton Wood Accords (1944?), the Bilderberg first meeting, etc. The timeline is known to anyone familiar with the careers of such eugenicists as Henry Kissinger.

And this is worrying... they've already poisoned much of humanity, and the CBDCs are on their way. A prison planet seems likely. (https://ethics.org.au/ethics-explainer-panopticon-what-is-the-panopticon-effect/)

This is not good.


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thank you . I will enjoy looking at this. trade erupted by the peasants in response to Communist China. the market is a force. many hero's are being born into the movement. looking at the dark like we're doing difficult but presupposes the light. glad to meet you.

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Thanks, Lisa!

I would also suggest you take a look at these, too:

"New research focus

The public panel discussion launches a new

research focus of the Forschungskolleg

Humanwissenschaften »Democratic Vistas:

Reflections on the Atlantic World.« In the

spirit of Walt Whitman, we approach the

Atlantic World as a testing ground for

democratic innovation and experimentation.

We ask whether the current upheavals force

us to reinvent democracy – and what such

reinvention could look like.

For further information, please visit



"Vassilis Charitsis*, Detlev Zwick** and Alan Bradshaw*** *University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, vassilis.charitsis@helsinki.fi **York University, Toronto, Canada, dzwick@schulich.yorku.ca ***Royal Holloway, London, England, Alan.Bradshaw@rhul.ac.uk Abstract: In this article, we draw on theories of biopolitical marketing to explore claims that personal data markets are contextualised by what Shoshana Zuboff calls “surveillance capitalism” and Jodi Dean calls “communicative capitalism”. Surveillance and communicative capitalism are characterised by a logic of accumulation based on networked captures of life that enable complex and incomprehensive processes of extraction, commodification, and control. Echoing recent theorisations of data (as) derivatives, Zuboff’s key claim about surveillance capitalism is that data representations open up opportunities for the enhanced market control of life through the algorithmic monitoring, prediction and modification of human behaviour. A Marxist critique, focusing largely on the exploitative nature of corporate data capitalism, has already been articulated. In this article, we focus on the increasingly popular market-libertarian critique that proposes individual control, ownership, and ability to commodify one’s personal data as an answer to corporate data extraction, derivation and exploitation schemes. We critique the claims that personal data markets counterbalance corporate digital capitalism on two grounds. First, these markets do not work economically and therefore are unable to address the exploitative aspect of surveillance capitalism. Second, the notion of personal data markets functions ideologically because it reduces the critique of surveillance capitalism to the exploitation of consumers and conceals the real objective of data capitalists such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple to not (just) exploit audiences but to create worlds that create audiences. Keywords: personal data markets, biopolitical marketing, communicative capitalism" "

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I would like to think she saved more than that, the day the Pandemic hit I was suspicious and thought of her. My wife and I are unvaxxed, a not an easy path in Oregon.

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The Ukraine People Must Overthrow Zelensky To Save Their Country

Top former Zelensky Advisor:


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