Vera Sharav made that argument conclusively already in 2020. This is no news, and should not be any news anymore. Like in 1890 (and the roots of the disease are much older, trace them from the Geschlossener Handelsstaat of Fichte to the reaction of the German aristocracy against the Hussite wars in the 15th c), after the fall of the Berlin wall all moral boundaries traced by the German version of "constitutional democracy" have been torn down, and now, like then, the Europeans imitated willingly "models" at work in the US. Racism was invented in Germany, but the Americans put it in practice in economics and in politics in colonial time. There are good reasons why the imposition of vaccinocracy was to forceful and desired in the anglo-saxon countries of the 5 eyes: it always has been about their political and economic hegemony on this planet, an hegemony that is fading since decades. Vaccinocracy did nothing else but accelerate it. Yes: history is nothing but the eternal return of the identical, as a famous proto-nazi said. Social/cultural distance and legal quarrels will do nothing, like they did nothing to the economic and political "Wille zur Macht" into which was converted the Bismarckian state after the Raete-Revolution in Germany. Like then, also today only an army willing and capable to push it back into the cavern in which it belongs can be the solution: a war of liberation from the NWO-GR. However, 99,99% are still convinced that appeasement, some elections and maybe some judges, in any case not: themselves, will solve the problem. Here is the fatal conceit. There is noone who will solve THIS problem for those who want to live in a constitutional democratic political order, also not the aliens. Not Trump. Not Musk. The People are alone: either they take the initiative NOW or they will assist to the mass murder of the whole of humanity, this time. The NWO-GR is the kingdom of mass murder.

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Attorney Leigh Dundas Warns Against Turning Orange County CA Schools into COVID Vaccination Centers

Board of Education Meeting, April 7, 2021 Public Comment

Posted on rumble April 18, 2021



LEIGH DUNDAS: Leigh Dundas, human rights attorney. Late last week I am informed a meeting occurred between Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau and Orange County Board of Education Superintendent Al Mijares during which time they apparently tried to find a way to quote side-step and entirely remove informed parental consent for the covid vaccine and also turn Orange County school campuses into vaccination centers.

The covid-19 vaccine is an experimental medical protocol authorized under the Emergency Use Authorization Act* and as such you cannot mandate it for anyone nor can you sidestep informed consent. There is a reason that kids cannot smoke, drive, drink, have sex, vote, or die for this country and it is because the law says they lack the capacity to understand those decisions. And that applies here more than ever.

Hear me loud and hear me well. We will not be morphing our school campuses into covid vaccine centers for delivery of an experimental medical protocol that killed every ferret in the last animal study they did until such time they had to abandon that study and then, and then they didn't even do the study this time around because we are the study.**

The last time humans launched a plan like this to conduct experimental medical protocols on vulnerable populations was in Josef Mengele's direction. He was an MD known as the Angel of Death, OK? And he was part of the SS*** and in 1943 he was assigned to Auschwitz where he saw an opportunity to conduct gene research quote focused primarily on children with no regard for the health or safety of the victims. This is off the Internet, you can Google it.

You know what else is gene research? Experimental covid vaccines with a transgene inside of it. If you don't believe me, go pull the EUA application for the J & J shot.****

I come from a long line of Eastern Europeans, Hungarians and Rumanian groups, groups that fled the persecution of the Red Terror Communist death squads in the early 1900s, and those of us who didn't make it to America ended up facing the Nazi death squads in the lesser known holocaust that was the the Romani Holocaust.* There is a reason my daughter is named Katia. Her Romani great grandmother was Katarina Chalma and I for one have not forgotten the lessons of our history.

The Third Reich did not end with experiments on children, nor when those children died. The Third Reich ended in 1946 when we put the doctors who committed these human experiments on trial in Nuremberg and then we put them to death. It ended with the adoption of the Nuremberg Code so we would never repeat the sins of history. And it states, and I quote, the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

Dr. Chao and Dr. Mijares, you are are hereby on notice. Last week you appear to have knowingly hatched a plan to sidestep and/or violate international, federal, and state law, not just the Nuremberg informed consent language but also the black letter law of the EUA as well as California State Law which punishes, and I quote, the willful failure to obtain the subject's informed consent, by imprisonment in county jail for one year or the imposition of a 50,000 dollar fine for both, through the planned insertion of experimental gene-altering protocols under the very children you were elected and charged with protecting.

And tonight we are asking the Board of Education for an immediate letter of censure to these individuals. And if they don't resign, for an immediate notice of termination and that letter also needs to go to the professional boards because they have no business being in these positions. So help me God. The people of Orange County will hold this policy to account.

VOICE: Your time is up.

LEIGH DUNDAS: I'm aware.


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*For an explanation of the Emergency use Authorization Act see


If you read it carefully, you will find that by taking a covid "vaccine" you are in fact participating in a phase 3 trial, that is, an experiment.

** See the US government webpage about the clinical trials (in other words, experiments), which are anticipated to conclude in March of 2023:


***SS stands for Schutzstaffel (Protective Echelon), the elite corps of the National Social Party under Adolph Hitler. See:


For more about Dr. Josef Mengele, see https://www.britannica.com/biography/Josef-Mengele

**** In addition, Pfizer's US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing on page 28 refers to the mRNA injections as "gene therapy product."


*See: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/romani-holocaust-survivors-1945

NOTE: There is a slightly different version of this video, with better quality sound posted to rumble May 14, 2022, this version appears to have been filmed as the original video, from Leigh Dundas' public comment at an Orange County California government hearing, was being replayed on a stage before a large audience. The applause and cheers are from that latter audience, shown, before Leigh Dundas on an elevated stage, in the last seconds of the video.


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Lisa, you and Leigh are courageous tigresses we need on the side of humanity against these satanic globalists. Thanks for sharing that and keep charging!

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WE need more like her.....

They are mobsters/criminals....they know they are above the law, right now....unless something miraculous changes.... WHO’s Dr. Tedros Confronted at Davos on ‘Disease X’, COVID Lockdowns and Vaccines (Video)

“This is your chance to apologize to the world for your role during COVID, would you like to take it?” https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/whos-dr-tedros-confronted-at-davos

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This woman is absolutely TERRIFIC !!!

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Orange County (California) Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public comment

Posted November 29, 2022


Also posted March 13, 2023



LEIGH DUNDAS: Attorney Leigh Dundas. Some years ago, two men sat at a table, discussing the most effective way to usher in war. Their decision after discussion was to close nonessential businesses and further, quarantine certain members of society to prevent the spread of disease known as typhus. These men's names? Jospeh Goebbels and Adolph Hitler.

You think you're special. I am here to tell you, you are not. You are new the new Fourth Reich and I have news for you today, we will not be locking down or taking funding over RSV which 90% of children contract before the age of 2 and only 100 to 500 a year die which is a 0.00000472813 death rate. It is 41 millionths of a percent.

Let me add a little bit here. Your whole meeting today was unlawful under the covid, sorry, the government

sections. Our governor's executive order that allowed you to suspend notice of meeting was specific to covid and your agenda item is specific to respiratory syncytial virus. Therefore under the government code, you are still bound to notice requirements. An emergency under the government code section is to find

as crippling activity or other activity which severely impairs public health and safety. And let me tell you, folks, 0.00000472814 death rate is nowhere near an emergency.

You will not get more blood money into this county. You will not get more state or federal funding for our hospitals. This is not an emergency. To do so is fraud.

You will not mask us, like she just talked about doing. You will not quarantine the well or the sick. You will not keep our kids out of school and damn right, you're not going to cripple our businesses anymore. Do you hear me? We will never lock down again! This is the hill we die on! Because this is America, this is the Constitution of America, and this is fu*king freedom! Never again!



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Leigh Dundas is the founder of Freedom Fighter Nation


Her Twitter is https://twitter.com/Dundas_Official

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