It stinks...and they are all in it together, actors on a stage.

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It is collusion that is staged as a totalitarian coup to take resources and wealth to control people.

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Luc, thank-you for sharing. The more I hear about the forced vaccinationa in the workplace I find it disheartening. I heard this all too often. I am angered by the lies of safe and effective. I also encountered the mandate in my workplace. I did receive the first two initial shots. I honestly felt uncomfortable by how it was presented. I already had some initial information about the shot, yet went anyways. I regret my decision. The more alternative information I gained. The more I realized something is wrong. I now speak out and share information with people about many pieces of this agenda.

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They'll all in on it together....WEF's great reset/one world order/turn the world into china....

It's been hatching a long time now......

What's not to like about it if you're a sociopathic politician always seeking more power and control.....

(maybe some of the little ones know they gotta go along or the international funds will dry up... which sure would be bad for their popularity and aspirations....)

The wars don't have necessarily been scripted/part of the play...... they're still alpha male/female with their own local agendas..... but i keep an open mind on everything these days..... and dammit they're great for keeping the people distracted and divided..... and yes, creating perfect conditions for globalist corporations to swoop in and build back better.

It all makes sense when viewed from the grand vision of the wef, which they've all signed in on.

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Biden (or whoever is writing his speeches & whispering in his ear) is not our friend and has been bought & paid for (by CCP and whoever else). The current US government is not acting in our best interest: traitors all.

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The BRICS are controlled and captured by the same global banking cabal. I have always sort of looked at the BRICS as a gathering place for these countries as they back away from the soon to fail U.S. Dollar. like a parking lot. Sort of like getting to a holding area before the game of financial musical chairs stops for the western countries.

The western countries and economies are slated for destruction and the BRICS is a containment zone.

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Read my Telegram site. You will find nuggets of info that can be used for free. About the tigers in our midst, about Tedros and Gates who are crooked as hell and both involved with anything (including murder) to get power! The WHO and UN. Who does the WHO and UN really work for and what are these entities ultimate goal. Look at RED CROSS. Look at Anthony Fauci. Look at his lineage and how he is involved with RED CROSS? You will find the real Pandoras box owned and operated by satan himself. God Almighty does win but as you start to uncover the TRUTH you will be astounded how many folks you know are liars!!

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Same club different players..we, the people, are but a ping pong ball to be batted back and forth

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Biden is mentally challenged and therefore unqualified to sign any bills into law or validate any agreements between 2 parties that affect the health and welfare of this country. Bidens presidency is based on fraud and makes all his decisions "acts of fraud" and not valid.

The machines were defective.

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Wow... Brilliant thought. You should have sticked to fake creamer for the coffee this morning... LOL!! Seriously, this a "connect the dot" moment, lines and dots coming from all sorts of boards, with no apparent concordance, and yet: ta da! the big picture appears, raising its ugly beast head...

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As Brave Sasha Latypova once pointed out, they are all working together towards a one-world order—a monstrous dictatorship.

- Luc










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Yup, stinks. Theatre and jostling for position going on. Putin ain't our friend

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Our goverment in South Africa is totally bought.

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