I'm guessing we inhabit the country of the genocidal few—the men & women of Davos... an unelected body.

Awful. I know.

Even more damning is to know that eugenicists run Canada.

We thought to have laws to prevent such occurrences... they're turned on their heads.

Remember the late Maurice Strong, who promoted the DEINDUSTRIALIZATION of the West in the 1994's (?) Rio Summit?

Same track record! Same Davos's eugenicist people...

Just look around you; they are everywhere to be found.

They hide behind each of our doors.


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Thank you. We had a nice turn-out at our Campaign for Freedom March in Oxford over the weekend. I wrote about it and how 'So-called Smart Cities are Future Prisons for Us All' at this link here:


Your post is excellent. For example, it literally shows how they already are prisons in China. I'm going to add it as supplemental to my own post to help others see it too. Thanks again.

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Ah, I didn't mean to take credit for last weekend's Oxford event, but rather to express solidarity for it as an enthusiastic participant. I had heard about it a month before via James Roguski's Substack. I try to go to any protests I hear about and I do go to many, but as we know, communication is tightly controlled and constricted. As diehard as I am, I'm usually lucky if I hear once, from some inadvertent source, about any particular event. I'm sure I miss many because of this, and that is exactly as it is intended by TPTB. I wrote a composite article about all of London's big and hidden protests of 2021 here below. It has several great videos with excellent footage from Oracle Films. I wrote it because I felt it was important that people know these events actually occurred. Even here in London where I live, only a small percentage of people have any idea...



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Bless the good people of Oxford. They are the UK vanguard in this defence. In 2015 I read Agenda 2030 and interpreted it. I didn't mean to write a prophesy but, unfortunately, that is exactly what it is.

You may find it useful:


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thank you!

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