If people have no vehicle, it makes it that much harder to escape door to door vaccinations. Since the late 90's Alberta has been building "ring roads" around major cities by removing the 1000+ rural road entry and exit points from Calgary and Edmonton. Next lockdown, the only escape routes are through main road "checkpoints".

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Australian whistle blower said he practiced military drills going door to door and running chasing subduing and vaccinating.

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Good point.

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There is nothing new with these idea's. and they always fail. Every time! Simple reason is: Those that control have no empathy or simple understanding, they are so full of their self importance and their so-called laws, they forget to include those that can make a city come alive and thrive. The city starts to rot from the centre because there is no movement or simple commerce. And the same will happen with so-called digital currency... remember we are the energy that makes currency flow, they need us more than we need them; for currency can be anything from sea shells to peanuts. We do not need them! I have seen the evidence to many times now.

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Of course we understand climate change is a fake, but what is it masking? It's the decline in oil reserves. Our whole way of life is based on abundant energy, specifically oil. Those days are over: the future will be relatively energy poor. The so-called alternatives, such as solar, aren't energetic enough. There is no substitute for oil.

My guess is the elites want to conserve as much of the remaining oil as possible, so that they can direct and control its use, mainly to benefit themselves and retain, for themselves, a relatively energy-rich lifestyle. That means there needs to be far fewer of us, in the first place, and a much lower energy use per capita among those who remain above ground.

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I think they can taste the return to feudalism

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the earth makes OIL on a daily basis.

There is no shortage.

There will be no shortage.

Put down the Koolaid.

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You're a propagandist (an official one), aren't you? Either that or a duckspeaker (in the Orwellian sense).

TPTB's strategy, regarding public opinion on oil, seems to be to deny there is a problem. Usually they just ignore the subject, if possible. If pressed they trot out a couple of ideas (if you want to call them that): that oil is abiotic in origin, and is of unlimited supply. No problem, right? We also see, at about the same time, the emergence of the flat earth idea. Quite a coincidence -- confusing, at any rate. Then, when considering energy alternatives, they conveniently gloss over the EROEI problem: an acronym which, as you know, stands for Energy Returned on Energy Invested. They wave their arms about solar and wind as being viable alternatives for oil. They are not: the EROEI is too low -- of course the actual number is disputed; of course it is, it wouldn't do for the main mass of the population to realize that solar, for instance, might not be an energy source at all (if the EROEI were less than 1:1). Most people don't think quantitatively very well, so they can generally get away with this kind of arm waving.

And propagandists for the Party Line usually try to avoid discussion, especially if it's at all rational, and instead rely on a psychological warfare tactic so common nowadays, that of name-calling. How's the kool-aide over there in the Tavistock Institute?

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Verbosity John

"tactic so common nowadays, that of name-calling"

U started your tome with name-calling.

Since we're at it ASS-U-ME is valid here.

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Maybe you're an AI. Or maybe you operate with AI assist. I can guess the AIs available to TPTB are pretty good these days.

On the other hand, if you're merely a duckspeaker, it could be that the psychological warfare deployed in this area has really gotten to you. I've read that many people, in the realm of thought swirling around the fabled cv, have incorporated the Party Line into the very fabric of their being, such that any questioning of said Party Line is reacted to by them as an attack on their most fundamental aspect of life.

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Perhaps u r extremely unhappy and need to attack or you're AI which eliminates the fight.

Otherwise thinking..... psychotic would be a best guess. Nazi would be a close second in 'the' party line-up. Carry On .... it's a nice life over here.

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It could be you're a regular propagandist (someone being paid to promote the Party Line), and then again you might have been caught up in the propaganda and feel the need to repeat it (duckspeaker is the term Orwell used). An Ai is also a possibility. One of the tactics the propagandists use is to avoid answering questions and to try to keep everything as irrational as possible. All right. What makes you think the abiotic oil idea is true?

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What if chaos is not about planetary rulers? What if chaos is about each of us remembering our original blueprint as spirit/soul in form [body], to learn that by making better quality choices we advance a better quality outer reality? Humans allowed themselves to be enslaved. In 15 minute cities humans become inmates in open prisons b/c life happens 'through' us. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/universal-law-vs-martial-law

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The government is self defeating if it is their idea of having 15 minute cities..You can't keep increasing population and expect everyone to live in 15 minute cities.

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A hypothetical question, could forest fires 🔥 be a piece of a plot to get people into cities and urban areas to grow these C40 cities?

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Extreme weather is the "proof" of climate change. So many arsonists were arrested last year.

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We watch Dutch Sinse on YouTube he has 466,000 followers he is an expert at predicting earthquakes but he has been noticing all sorts of other strange phenomena happening. Definitely NOT climate change he said, he believes these fires in AB and northern BC in exactly the same locations as last years wildfires are caused from the Teutonic Plates shifting. There are various oil and gas pumping operations in all of the locations of the fires! Check him out!

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These "forest fires" (which don't burn much forest, but do burn houses and automobiles) are likely dew fires -- in other words, arson.

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Alberta released a statement that all the fires to date this year involved arson. Last year arson in Quebec Alberta nova Scotia involved arrests. Its like a war. With the missile being arson and MSM.

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Remember D-Day? The invasion was a three-pronged attack: army, navy, and air force. Today we are seeing the same idea, but with different branches of warfare being involved. The main thrust is psychological warfare (with the media blasting out mental bombs instead of traditional high-explosives), but we also see biological warfare (artificial diseases plus vax) chemical warfare (poisons being spread out all over the place), and electronic warfare (microwave attacks of various kinds, leading to Havana syndrome and who knows what else). That's apart from all the gangsterland type tactics involving smear campaigns, delicensing, and even arrests (Pawlowski) deployed against the recalcitrant. One also wonders how much bribery and coercion goes on behind the scenes that we know nothing about.

It reminds me of the impact of World War I. That was the first big full-fledged technological society war -- no one had experience with it before then. It was horrifiying, the impact of all the new weapons systems (machine guns, poison gas, and so on). We are experiencing the same thing now: all these new weapons systems being unleashed in all their fury.

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A blitzkrieg.

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Stand up. Say no. Stop paying income tax. Stop allowing liars to get you angry. Stay comfortable in your power.

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Mayor of London candidate re 15 minute cities: "We are going to be in an open prison... for the rest of our lives." https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1789938565998153998

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Sadly it is so much deeper than this...

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But we have to show constantly the evidence

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100% thank you for all you are doing

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Wow your right.

By the way, what happens when I like it?

Will it get moved up so more people can see it?

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No I think you need to share it places so people can find it.

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I did on MeWe.

And those that care enough to listen.

Thank you.

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Print it out...mail to Municipalities.

Let them know U know.

Stop paying to be abused. Don't file a promise to pay.

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They will take your home. That has to be weighed

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Federally there is no limit/law to NOT filing? (5yrs they start to grind/threaten) threats r scare tactics only/be brave

Pay municipal taxes yes. We are closer to them and able to confront.

Disrupt in any 'safe' way u can. Fees & fines can be fought o v e r Time.

[they] understand money ..... holding back sends a message.

Cash Cash Cash ....under the mattress (not literally, too obvious)

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Allot of people have left Canada, we might be next to go, I knew it was coming someday but I guess someday is here.

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this is a global agenda...

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Not in Mexico

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July 28, 2015…

“Meanwhile, Mexico is not shy about labeling this as a competition. “It would be a bold message to the world if we could demonstrate, especially compared to other agreements, that the Pacific Alliance will be swifter in expanding trade beyond its borders,” Mexican Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal told the World Economic Forum in May.”

And now…


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I know people who live in a town in Mexico, there is nothing like whats happening here there, people are happy and content, they fled Canada for freedom, they have that where they now live.

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