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In the discussion around Bill C-293, it’s critical to recognize that the implications of this legislation transcend individual beliefs and affiliations. Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, supportive of SOGI 123 or not, or advocate for DEI or against it, the essence of this bill demands our collective scrutiny and absolute REJECTION. Regardless of our faith, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or atheist, or our financial connects to this bill or even if we have been bribed to support it, the potential impact of this bill on the Rule of Law our Freedoms is a matter of the greatest concern.

This bill has the potential to impose restrictions that affect us all, threatening our liberties and autonomy. Opposing C-293 It’s not about our personal beliefs or affiliations; it’s about standing together to protect our fundamental rights and prevent any form of overreach that could enslave us in the long run.

Let’s unite, regardless of our individual perspectives, to ensure that our voices are heard and that this bill is CANCELED IN ITS ENTIRETY. Our collective action is crucial in safeguarding our freedoms AND INDEED PROTECTING CANADA FROM BEING DISSOLVED INTO THE UNITED NATIONS. I urge everyone to go to preventgenocide2030.org take the actions there against C-293 and SHARE SHARE SHARE Feel free to reach out to my substack if anyone wants jpeg's of materials such as flyers, QR codes, car magnet templates, banner templates etc. More than happy to share all materials. That's what they were created for.

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