Jul 30Liked by LawyerLisa

If you understand the mechanics of the mrna shots there is no upside to taking them. It is a bioweapon plain and simple.

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Absolutely correct!

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It looks like the same researchers also did a similar study using UK data, which also produced troubling findings.


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The slow kill continues and will continue for years to come.

Maybe that’s where Epstein got the island idea when he was a boy.

From the candy man ?

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I bet you're right

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You’re a polite bunch

You vaccine injured.

I’ll give you that.

The problem is,

You’re so worried about what others think of you

That because you’re so worried about what others think of you

They don’t have to.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by LawyerLisa

It is indeed unfortunate. All my four nephews have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Moreover, Pfizer is among the three mRNA vaccines with the most adverse effects. One of the most poisonous. I advised my nephews against trusting these products; however, they placed their trust in newscasters and so-called TV experts rather than in me, despite my extensive education.

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Jul 30Liked by LawyerLisa

The cult is a hard habit to break.....

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Nowhere do I now see that out of 60,000 Lupus patents (who take Hydroxychloroquin) in Northern Italy, only about 15 spent time in the hospital for Covid with no confirmed deaths or even permanent disability, or time on a ventilator, and this was early in the pandemic, long before treatments were available.

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Right and in areas that have malaria who take ivermectin had low death.

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Jul 31Liked by LawyerLisa

Most around me are still happily brainwashed and want to stay that way. Others think you can find anything on the internet to support any crazy notion and are very proud to have taken 4-5 shots, including having their children jabbed repeatedly. I have seen no harsh consequences for any of these folks yet there are tell tale signs that something is amiss.

I continually lament my/their inability to wake themselves up.

Ill be honest, i wish harsh consequences for them, for their cowardly, yet proud selfishness. And I know they wished the same for me at certain times.

But I’m right and they’re wrong. Lol. They say the exact same thing about me. What is the difference? Responsibility. Pure and simple.

I develop agency and consciousness. They develop dependency and delusion.

Look within. Hi darkness hi fear. Lets dance.

Quite the game we have going here. :)

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yes the desire NOT TO SEE something disturbing is very strong and they can develop entire neurosis around it.

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Lol. Yes. One can develop a whole society based around this neurosis. At least for a little bit :)

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