i was looking at the vaccine symptoms (adverse events reported in Canada) and also the symptoms of Rabies.

it is uncanny how much overlap there is.

then a friend share that numbers of young women/teenage girls in her hometown are experiencing paralysis (diagnosed as migraines and ‘sympathetic symptoms’ because so many other girls are experiencing the same thing... absolute bullshit).

anyway, Rabies, HIV, and Snake Venom (see DrArdis and drChetty for the venom connection) are well documented as having similarities, including using the Nicotinic Acetyl Choline receptors, which the c-19 spike protein uses.

Rabies has spike proteins.

and the CDC does not specifically say that the c-19 shots produce SARS-CoV-2 spike protein...

so i’m wondering if the shots might be producing Rabies spike proteins. and other spike proteins.

i think the lies on this might go deeper than we thought.

weird coincidence: researchers are developing c-19 vaccines using rabies.

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Have you seen Dr Ardis' recent presentation with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson?


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i haven’t. but i’ve had a year of open minded yet unconvinced listening to Ardis’ theory. when dr Chetty echoed the findings i was on board, and doing my own research i’ve been amazed at venom, HIV, rabies and covid pathogens having such strong similarities.

we know that drLuc Montagnier found many HIV sequences inserted into the S protein of the ‘novel coronavirus’.

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It's been a very long time since the last Pandemic ,and Bill Gates is getting nervous ,that the new pandemic is not in full swing yet .He promised a new one that will make our heads spin ,the problem the pandemic makers have is that the baby whyrusses take a bit longer to grow up and be released on us . In the mean time lets be thankful we still have plenty of the old one we can enjoy .

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the last pandemic meaning covid?

i was surprised how often we actually have pandemics. they’re not as rare as i thought...

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The WHO announced a pandemic (2009 H1N1 swine flu) on the basis of two suspected cases. But each new flu is a pandemic (zzzzzz), so we really need to redefine 'pandemic'.

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Agreed on Dr. Ardis his venom theories are a stretch. That said let freedom of speech reign.

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the tingling prickling in the rabies symptoms is what got my attention since it’s the number one vax symptom.

the creeping paralysis these girls are experiencing is more in line with rabies.

and searches for rabies SARS-CoV-2/covid similarities only yield links to articles about vaccines using rabies for covid vaccination which sounds 🤮

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Migraines...amazing how they can't even spin the lies anymore. Sorry for your friend. Thanks for sharing all this Gabby.

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and ‘sympathetic symptoms’. like ‘unknown cause’ or ‘undefined symptoms’ becoming leading causes of death...

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Unknown is a new code word, just like conspiracy theory, to minimize our human reality.

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manipulation and gaslighting on an industrial scale.

i’m sure the unaddressed excess death is being kept quiet so that it can be used for the next health crisis.

how long did we hear the covid deaths reported every 5 minutes.. now those numbers are higher and the media’s not touching it.

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Great point on how those unaddressed deaths will be used. When that time comes, it's no-holds-barred truth in the face to everyone you know, if you haven't already told them how you feel/what you know.

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Sympathetic symptoms…as in Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy aka Regional Complex Pain Syndrome? This can lead to severe debilitating pain and amputation/loss of affected limbs.

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Rabies does NOT have a spike protein.

"The virus genome encodes five proteins associated with either the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex or the viral envelope (Fig. 61-3). The L (transcriptase), N (nucleoprotein), and NS (transcriptase-associated) proteins comprise the RNP complex, together with the viral RNA.

These aggregate in the cytoplasm of virus-infected neurons and compose Negri bodies, the characteristic histopathologic finding of rabies virus infection. The M (matrix) and G (glycoprotein) proteins are associated with the lipid envelope. The G protein forms the protrusions that cover the outer surface of the virion envelope and is the only rabies virus protein known to induce virus-neutralizing antibody."

Free advice, you should get your science from actual scientists....who ever you are listening to is not at all competent.

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the spike glycoprotein IS the envelope protein.

look it up.

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Thanks for the replies. BTW: you link doesn't work.

Covid: coronaviruses have an envelope made from Glycoprotein and Matrix protein and Spike protein.

Rabies: rhabdoviruses have an envelope made from Glycoprotein and Matrix protein.

No Spike protein in rabies.

Here is the genome of rabies virus:


No gene in rabies virus for Spike protein.

Having kooks fill your brain up with nonsense is not doing research or learning the science.

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this is way less technical than the first link:

“The glycoprotein forms approximately 400 trimeric spikes which are tightly arranged on the surface of the virus.”


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another quote from this CDC link (below a diagram)

“Rabies virions are bullet-shaped with 10-nm spike-like glycoprotein peplomers covering the surface. The ribonucleoprotein is composed of RNA encased in nucleoprotein -(), phosphorylated or phosphoprotein -Illistration of virus, and polymerase -virus.”

‘spike-like glycoprotein’ and ‘spike glycoprotein’ are describing the form that the glycoprotein displays.

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Thank you, this is very helpful.

Please recall that proteins fold into very complex 3D structures.

(1) coronavirus make a protein called "Spike"

(2) as detailed in your link, rabies makes five proteins:

nucleoprotein (N),

phosphoprotein (P),

matrix protein (M),

glycoprotein (G) and

polymerase (L).

Rabies does NOT make a Spike protein.

Like countless other millions of proteins, the glycoprotein folds into a shape with projections sticking out called "spikes".

See the difference?

In rabies spike is just a descriptor for the 3D share of glycoprotein--your links are NOT saying that rabies makes Spike protein.

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i gather that referring to it as ‘the spike protein’ is part of ‘the new normal’ brought on by the alleged pandemic and the ‘novel coronavirus’.

please do your research.

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you will have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

“The genome organization and virion structure of rabies virus (RV), the prototype of the Lyssavirus genus within the family Rhabdoviridae, are highly similar to those of VSV. In both viruses, the nonsegmented negative-strand RNA together with the nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), and polymerase (L) forms a helical ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. In the virion, the RNP is enwrapped by a lipid bilayer containing the single transmembrane spike glycoprotein (G) and, ostensibly, the matrix protein (M). Although the central role of M pro- teins of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses in virus assembly and budding process appears to be obvious, direct experimental evidence for their functions has not been pro- vided. This was mainly due to the lack of systems that would allow direct genetic manipulation of nonsegmented negative- strand RNA virus genomes. These technical difficulties have been overcome by the development of reverse genetics systems allowing recovery of viruses from cDNA, as first described for RV (31), which are now being employed for generation of non- segmented negative-strand RNA virus mutants (reviewed in reference 9).

Recently, we have shown that spikeless rhabdovirus-shaped particles are released from cells infected with a G-deficient mutant, albeit at a 30-fold lower efficiency (21). This demon- strated that RNPs associated with M protein can be enwrapped with a membrane and bud at the cell surface. For VSV, it was shown that M is able to induce budding of vesicles in the absence of other VSV proteins (13, 15), indicating that M protein is able to pinch off membranes autonomously. Apart from M protein, rhabdovirus G proteins were also shown to contribute to the budding efficiency and even to be able to mobilize RNAs or RNPs (21, 25). Therefore, highly efficient budding of rhabdoviruses is achieved by a concerted action of both spikes and cores.”

different link to the same paper. one of many i have found on the topic by doing independent research. i have not heard anyone, kooks or otherwise, raising the similarities. but they are well documented in the published (peer reviewed) scientific literature over multiple decades. one needs only look, and maybe consult a dictionary for terms one is unfamiliar with.


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The C19 vaccine does harm, but I think Dr. Ardus puts you in the crazy corner with his philosophies.

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which philosophies are you referring to?

and how much fact checking have you done on these ‘philosophies’ to qualify them as ‘crazy’? (please show the evidence)

are you implying that there isn’t a connection between the nicotinic receptors and SARS-CoV-2? (if so, please show the evidence)

or that SARS-CoV-2 is dissimilar to any venoms? (if so please show the evidence)

or that SARS, Venom, HIV, and rabies don’t share uncanny similarities? (if so please show the evidence)

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What evidence is there to prove there is snake venom in the vaccine. I can't find any other than Dr. Ardus' statements.

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i notice you haven’t answered any of my questions...

if you’ve given the venom theory any time you will have seen/heard that multiple scientific and medical people have independently found that the virus (and those infected with covid-19) is where the venoms (and strikingly similar to venoms) are found. this phenomenon is observed and recorded on different continents around the world.

there are a startling number of research papers showing the venoms and SARS-CoV-2 homology. (not only snake venoms).

do you understand what the mRNA vaccines do? (if not look up Dr Beens medical lectures which are very helpful explaining the mechanics of how the mRNA vaccines work, simple explanations but the information is not dumbed down).

once you understand what the mRNA is and does it becomes clear that a substance doesn’t have to be in the vaccine... since the mRNA instructs the cell to produce it. whatever it is. this is a genius bioweapon because the toxin doesn’t have to be injected. it’s built by the cells.

have you found the research on venoms used in mRNA development?

how about venoms used in multiple pharmaceuticals?

i know how weird it seems, but it is super obvious that there’s a lot of money going into venom research.

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I withhold my position on the topic of Dr. Ardis and his interpretations. I have watched several hours of his presentations and have read many (not all) of the papers and/or articles he's referenced.

I can't help but admire your vigor when defending your views in this exchange you've had with Jayro. When I read your comments I think to myself that this is someone who'd I'd definitely want on my side when the shit hits the fan.

I'm itching to ask you if you've investigated Dr. Ardis himself?

It's obvious you've done an amazing job of absorbing everything he's put out there, and I recognize just how much time and effort it is do that.

When it comes to the Doc himself, what did you come up with? Or have you not looked?

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free advice: do your research.

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I need to learn about the venom connection. Where do I find Dr. Chetty? I listened to 1 video of Dr. Ardis but he didn't go into detail re venom. Thanks Kindly.

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After the successful lauch of their first bioweapon they are trying again. Next comes cyberCOVID when the internet is closed. The only way to get back online will be your WHO vaccine passport. The banks are then closing, your money will be converted in to digital currency causing hyperinflation. Disease X will then be released. The only way to travel, work, go online or shop will be with your vaccine passport and digital currency. Your currency will of couse be deleted if you protest. If this happens it will be over my dead body.

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Numerous Substack writers believe that the WHO treaty is an inevitable occurrence that cannot be prevented. However, it is crucial to recognize that the only true certainty is that our nation's leaders, who could potentially be corrupt, will sign the treaty. As individuals, we possess the ability to resist this decision in some form or another.




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The WHO treaty is a sure thing. Its why we have not had Pandemic 2: The one you wont ever forget.

They want boots on faces and bioweapons in arms. No stopping them now.

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Signing it may be easy, enforcing will be a problem

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I never complied the first time. Even fewer will a second time.

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There is reason to be optimistic. For those who are proficient in the French language, I have some information to share:


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I engage with a little over 200 small stores as I run a Point of Sale company. I know the owners and managers.

So, lets say 450 people.

2 people died.

4 became unable to comprehend the POS sytem, all ran it for years.

6 have neurological issues.

1 was diagnosed with MS, then recovered! He said his doctors are baffled.

At least 2 have turbo cancers.

Many get sick all the time.

The Vax is very dangerous if manufactured to specification, we are lucky a lot of bioweapons are duds.

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i massively reduced my social circle due to their attitudes through this.

i know of 3 who died suddenly (one was a turbo cancer)

1 turbo cancer (30 something year old had a double mastectomy)

1 person’s cancer returned

a family member had multiple strokes

it is disgusting.

please see pages 21-25: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1776985/000119312519241112/d635330df1.htm#toc635330_17

especially p.24 where BioNTech anticipates needing to train medical personnel and failure to adequately train could result in injury and death.

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WE THE PEOPLES TURN We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles sand organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Declaration of IndependenceBut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

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My daughter now has holes and folds in both her retinas, she also has high blood pressure and her liver is not right. Reading thru this devastated me, it's beyond anything Ive seen. I have a friend who may have cancer up inside her, she also has deep vein issues and clots. Why can't these once healthy people put two and two together.

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People don't want to admit that they were deceived and so denial is the answer to truth. I am so sorry for you and your daughter. We have a family member who got the jab to keep her job. Unfortunately she was pregnant and miscarried and then broke out with herpes across her face and one of her eyes was involved. She went through a hellish time of pain, agony and grief and was on temporary disability. No job is worth that. Amazingly, she went back to her hospital job after all she went through.

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If any of you follow Mike Adams, and Attorney Todd Callender. You know that none of the frauds occupying the white house have even taken an oath of office, so anything he signs, including all his executive orders are null and void. If the military, and that's who's left after every institution and court has been corrupted, who's been watching all this does come into the picture then everything could quickly be reversed. This came out just yesterday.https://www.brighteon.com/e7bffb6c-2064-41c4-ae05-e9d75d1c0098

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Well, the "why are they doing this" part is answered when one considers the overall agenda - depopulation. All the BS reasons foisted upon a mostly ignorant and fearful (by design) public - "we's all gonna die of covid!"..."we's all gonna die of global warming!!"...etc.) have in common the apparent exccuse to allow our "benevolent" leadership to make decisions that are, in all cases, very bad. Poison vax, multiple boosters, quadruple masks, let grandma die alone in the home - none of these were for health benefits but rather to make more and more people go over the edge of depression.

Note how many ads they're running on TV nowadays for drugs to help with bipolar syndrome or, even more fascinating, Tardive Dyskinesia (the shakes that some anti-depressant drugs apparently give people)...who ever heard of this stuff 3 years ago? And as a bonus prize for the scum of the left, all that depression has led to more shootings - allowing them to bray endlessly about how guns are evil and scary and need to be taken from the hands of the citizenry. For them, it's a win-win!

And then we have the utter stupidity of "global warming" - so while our all-caring munificent leaders want to limit your driving and take away your gas stoves, they say NOTHING about China producing something like 25% of the world's CO2 and building hundreds more coal fired power plants this year. Why is that little retard Greta over there chiding President Xi, I wonder? But it's all moot, because the entire premise is false - but it makes a great way to scare the ignorant and emotionally driven sheep into behaving the way their masters tell them to.

One can only hope that, at some near future point, enough people whose brains still work (which apparently eliminates the Democrats) will stand up and fight this nonsense.

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Exactly right!!

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I would like to know where Pfizer got the information to list all of these adverse events. The people who were having adverse events were told that they were caused by anything BUT the injections.

Were the hospitals/doctors secretly reporting these events to Pfizer?

HOW did they accumulate this data post marketing?

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That's the under reporting factor the true harm of off the charts

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One of the basic concepts of clinical trials is that every single negative medical event is captured.

This is important because that way you find out about the side effects you didn't expect.

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The trials were not robust and participants injuries were downplayed. Never mind they wanted to hide all the data for 75 years and if it wasn't for the tenacity of Aaron Siri forcing Pfizer to disclose, they would still be gaslighting injured people.

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Or, you could use your jr High level skills and see that data was not hidden for 75 years, that they don't even discuss injuries and that not-a-scientist Siri is selling complete garbage..

PS I hope the smoke is better for you.

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180,000 pages a month will keep them busy for awhile. Don't you think. Smoke affecting eastern Canada. I'm out West. Hopefully it's not impacting you too much. We tend to get a lot of smoke from annual fires in BC each year. Hopefully this year there will be fewer of them. Take care.

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I am glad that you are OK with respect to smoke--I heard it was very bad a couple of weeks ago in Alberta.

I note that you didn't post the lawsuit, or the data--it was posted before the lawsuit--or exactly what the pages being posted are, or what they are measuring.....

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It was and we did get smoke from the fires up north. I live in southern Alberta and we are dealing with drought conditions right now. Farmers in our area are suffering losses of 90 to 100 percent. As it's mostly cereals they are growing and canola, it will impact prices.

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Mar 17
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Buy "garbage" you mean I used my basic reading skills to see that Siri et al make their money preying upon folks that don't understand big words like "slander".

Seriously Jason....you had 8 months to read the publications and see the claim that Pfizer wanted to hide all the data for 75 years is a flat out lie.

Too hard for you or do just not care that anti-vaccs lie a lot?

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Mar 17
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I Am Trying To Decide

If I Will Ever Tire Of Seeing All Of

The Reports Of Sudden Death.

If I Ever Did Tire Of It

It Would Be For

An "Unknown Cause"


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Dr. Malone,

Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Your Reluctance Is What’s Killing You Inside.



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It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.

It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of

A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper

Challenge With Robert Malone

To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.


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You are not in front of anything. You have no “charge”. Everything is reactive and derivative.

Bottom Line:

You Are The “Before There Was A Vaccine” Guy.

& The “Here’s Where It Got Fucked Up” Guy.

Un fuck it. Yours needs to be a campaign:

1. Declare Victory REPEATEDLY For Natural Immunity ... All Else Follows.

2. Re-Write The Testing/Trial Protocols. That Is Your Vehicle. It Undoes The Past. And It Blazes The Trail To A Better Future.

I have never been more right. Sir.

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manufacturers of bombs and artillery are on the stock exchange...

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And Pfizer and Maderno share a Monopoly.

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they also licensed the same Kariko Weissman patents for the mRNA...

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pfizer is pfoul pfuckery murderous insanity

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I guess since no one in the medical mafia cares one way or another, poisoning billions of people is perfectly fine because absolutely there is no fault to be had. It was all an innocent mistake and big pharma is free to keep the mRNA gene altering injections coming like clockwork. It is clear that the medical establishment is not happy because not enough people were murdered.

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What are governments doing with mandates and the funding and announcement of the building more of these facilities. Are governments even our friends, I mean do they like us, I mean do they like us alive? Do they think they are accountable. Was there money changing hands? How does so gross a fraud take place on the people? YES LISA THE PEOPLE WHO TELL OUR GOV WHAT TO DO ARE TRYING TO KILL US, THEY HAVE HOPED TO DO IT COVERTLY BUT WORD IS GETTING OUT

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I ask the questions because I want the reader who may be on the fence to answer it themselves. Hear the answer in their head. Just a technique, to have them say these things, for it to come from them. In a substack I super hope gets shared with those fence sitters. It is visually powerful.

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i hear ya, very good, i do the same thing sometimes, thanks for a really good article, i am subscribed now

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