Action 4 Canada with Tanya Gaw (Rumble) are doing a ton of grassroots organizing — chapters are set up across Canada to stand against many of the Woke and globalist threats on freedoms including in the legislative arena: https://rumble.com/v5dr7e5-action4canada-resources-campaigns-and-strategies-with-tanya-gaw.html

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​​You are being played Canada. It's all theatre. Michelle Remple https://twitter.com/GodWins30025487/status/1435012513809195013/photo/1

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then ALL Canadas government is a traitor, no Patriots... only Patriot was Don Cherry Loved Canada.

Canada was infiltrated by Loyalists to the crown, and no one has a backbone, lazy government loving folks..

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​​You are being played Canada. It's all theatre. Michelle Remple https://twitter.com/GodWins30025487/status/1435012513809195013/photo/1

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Lisa, I'm with you all the way in this. It is possibly the last opportunity to preserve what's left of Canada and a good hill to die on. However, I have looked for and found no indication that something is planned in Ottawa on the 11th. Unless something substantial happens in the Ottawa 'bubble' and other cities, it merely will reassure the Government and its straphangers that there is nothing to fear, and Canada will be toast. Witness the Freedom Convoy that was forced to disband, and reduced to a 'one-of' by fear and lawfare. Best, Herb.

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​​You are being played Canada. It's all theatre. Michelle Remple https://twitter.com/GodWins30025487/status/1435012513809195013/photo/1

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I cannot get a person to help us out, and all these lies are just pissing me off!

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​​You are being played Canada. It's all theatre. Michelle Remple https://twitter.com/GodWins30025487/status/1435012513809195013/photo/1

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is this Michelle Remple, I knew she was a fake, when she was enamored with the Trans people... She is a double agent!

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Scheer got caught on their website. This is the BS he is feeding Canadians. https://www.andrewmp.ca/2022/03/24/statement_wef/

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This is a tweet from her account. All 338 Traitors.

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well, we can do all the research needed but at the end of the day NO ONE Does anything... we KNOW CANADIAN politicians are all roque! OK.. we know this they are ALL GODLESS marxists.. and this happened because GOD IS GONE FROM OUR LAWS!

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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I turned back to God after being injured. It helps.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts..https://substack.com/profile/221444694-gibson-gentry

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://substack.com/profile/221444694-gibson-gentry

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Do your research on this Globalist.  She is a Board member for the Trilateral Commission.  You know it's a big deal because someone removed her name from the Trilateral Commision website.  Look her up.  She is a Traitor to Canada.   https://twitter.com/greg_scott84/status/1736167126917087728/photo/1


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