I read today there is a movement by the Canadian people to have Trudeau removed from office. No doubt election fraud got him elected and keeps him in office but I never hear a peep about election fraud in Canada. Trudeau is turning Canada in to a totally Communist/Marxist country just like his father....Fidel Castro

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Jagmeet Singh his WEF co conspirator announced 'when he's prime minister'. He's with the NDP propping up the liberals; do 'THEY' envision he's next with liberals propping him up?

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Our judicial system is every bit as corrupt as the rest of our government. Lawsuits will never go anywhere. The solution is with WE THE PEOPLE. It always has been. There is no white knight coming to save us. We must 1. humble ourselves before God and beg his forgiveness 2. REFUSE TO COMPLY. educate everyone you know even those that might think you crazy (especially those). Plant the seeds of truth because they will grow in time.

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a law suit is another way to get information to the people and for the people to understand the seriousness. It may not be the 'panacea'. I understand my dear friend.

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Lisa, are you in the U.S.? Is there a way for readers to collaborate with you for legal activism? I wrote this post lately on the subject: https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/help-file-lawsuits-against-covid.

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Some of us spell Justin's surname C - a - s - t - r - e - a - u... 😘

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Most people do not understand that the WHO is the military arm of the UN. They use health as the way to instill fear in people in order to drive the agenda but they really are nothing more than a military operation. Tedros is not a medical doctor but he is an Ethiopian terrorist and buddy to Bill Gates and we all know Ethiopia is controlled by the CCP. Like Lisa said they can call ANYTHING they want a public health emergency and they are declaring war on humanity.

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🎯Karen B

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I'm going to have to print this and read it properly instead of off the screen... I tried reading Bill C-36, didn't get very far: It's almost impenetrable. Meanwhile I seem to recall Reichsführer-SS Dix back in November 2021 -- just after I walked away from my job rather than take the Lethal Injection -- openly opining on CFAX about forcible injections and confinement of The Unvaccinated in concentration camps ... and Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry had in the meantime approved children as young as 12 to take the Lethal Injection without their parent's or guardian's knowledge or consent; and later, the Lethal Injection of infants of 6 months...

If the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunals applied, both these monsters should swing. As far as I'm concerned Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Mengele were pikers compared to these two. But the likelihood is high, that nothing will ever happen to them; they will never receive the justice they so richly deserve: IOW a public execution after a scrupulously fair trial. Meanwhile the sheeptards comprising the population of Canada and British Columbia? They're so bamboozled, stupid, and brain-washed it will take a die-off like The Black Death of 1347 before they start to clue in. And even then? They'll likely blame it on "The Unvaccinated" -- and come after us!

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That's why I went through it. the consequences are not actually readily discerned to the uninitiated. It sailed through the legislature; It's anti-democratic and as usual they have the PR: in this case "TO STREAMLINE GOVERNING MULTIPLE bodies".

always; there's a front story; that covers lazy politicians from going through it;

MSM is covering it a bit; https://bc.ctvnews.ca/now-is-not-the-time-b-c-faces-growing-backlash-from-health-care-professionals-over-bill-36-1.6210733

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"Beautiful British Columbia" = California on steroids.

"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin

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Where they want you to believe that British Columbians CRAVE MARXISM, LOVE COVID EMERGENCIES, AND HATE FREEDOM.

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From what I've seen and experienced thus far? The intimidation and threats of violence? That's exactly what they want.

"The trouble is, sheep are very DIM. And once they get an idear into their 'eads, there's NO SHIFTIN' IT!"

-- M. Python

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Trudeau's twin in the OTHER CA (California), Gavin Newsom signed legislation going after medical practitioners for saying anything negative about the vaccine, and was immediately hit with a lawsuit upon the first day of enforcement. I hope you'll look into some of the tactics being used to fight it. (We have constitutional laws favoring free speech and protecting religious beliefs.)

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I love that suit and its success. First step is getting awareness with this substack. I've sent this to 2 top connotational lawyers who are in the fight already.

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Dear LawyerLisa:

Just finished reading your polemic. Please forgive me for saying that it could be much better organized; that said, your anger and frustration shine through like a beacon. What is also very obvious from what you've written, is the utterly totalitarian nature of the abomination that's about to be foisted on us. From what you've written, it would seem Bill C36 (and even for a legal document this stinking mess is a masterpiece of deliberate obscurity) is using regulations ostensibly governing health professionals in British Columbia to achieve something practically identical to the Nazi Enabling Act of 1933 -- or the decrees issued by the Bolsheviks after they seized power. This can only result in the erection of a irredeemable totalitarian regime in British Columbia and quite possibly a Reign of Terror style of governance best exemplified in the French Revolution -- or the Russian Revolution... It looks to me like they're attempting the suspension of Habeus Corpus and about 2,000 years of human rights development through the back door... I'd like to add "sooner we're out of British Columbia, the better" -- but where are any of us to go? As you've intimated this will soon spread across the rest of the country. And as I've said elsewhere: Most of the population in this province and across the country are so stupid, passive and brainwashed nothing will stir them from their complacency. The only thing that will jar them awake are the bodies piling up, particularly their pre-teen and teenaged children. Trouble with that is, I'm seeing and hearing nothing like the stories in substack and the rest of the alternative media.

I don't know. I don't know what any of us can do, I don't know is to be done -- other than resist, as best we can. The Purebloods and the Red-Pilled would appear to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

Sincerely yours,

Captain Roy Harkness

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Yes better organized would improve it. But I see no one else delving into this so I want to push it out for the world to understand the impact of this beast. Let them disdain my work, my ego is gone. I feel there is an urgency: a race against time that I leave perfection for the next lawyer or fighter who picks up my work and wants to do better. Its' not flee. This is our country. these our are children. This is our people. We demand change.

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

I guess in defence of the sheeptards, it is very, very difficult for most people to grasp the nature of the evil attempting to overtake us: It is truly, Satanic.

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I remember Solzhenitsyn's name hitting the 6 o'clock news in the 60s-70s? It was controversial but I was too young to remember why or pay any attention. He had quite the grasp on the impending downfall of the West. Too bad few listened to what he said.


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I only got about halfway through volume 2.. the horror was simply too much... I'll finish it one day I hope.

But even to this day, the morons continue to espouse Marxism, in all its bastard forms.

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I am by nature NOT an aggressive person, but at this point it feels like we must go on the offensive legally and bring as many well thought out suits as possible against public agents pushing these agendas. Sueing for our lives. I will not be supporting the Biden regime come April, will you?

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Bang on Jacquelyn. For our lives. Those of our children. For the very concept of freedom and democracy. Put the measure of the division of powers to the test. We need to know that the Judicial Branch will hold the executive and legislature to the measure and we need to know before May.

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It won't. You shouldn't need me to tell you this, "LawyerLisa": The judiciary is as bought, corrupt, and gangrenous as The Medical Racket, the legislative and executive branches of government...

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What do you mean "I will not be supporting the Biden regime come April" What happens in April/ Why would any real American ever have supported Biden?

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Machines got b. Biden in.

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Our judicial system is every bit as corrupt as the rest of our government. Lawsuits will never go anywhere. The solution is with WE THE PEOPLE. It always has been. There is no white knight coming to save us. We must 1. humble ourselves before God and beg his forgiveness 2. REFUSE TO COMPLY. educate everyone you know even those that might think you crazy (especially those). Plant the seeds of truth because they will grow in time.

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"I was never ruined in my life but twice: Once when I lost a lawsuit, and once when I won one."

-- Voltaire

Trouble with litigation is, it's there to supply the appearance of justice and compensation, but not the substance. I recall an acquaintance who was stiffed in a contract by the government, so she sued.. not sure how many years later, $800,000 and everything she owned, she had accomplished? Precisely nothing. Last I heard she'd quit British Columbia and moved to take a job in the Yukon... Far as I know, she's still there... 🙄

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Get rid of the myth of "public health" and it's all solved. There is NO SUCH THING AS "PUBLIC HEALTH"! There is ONLY the HEALTH OF AN INDIVIDUAL! We should stopped that collectivism phrase long ago.

A bunch of this looks like ESG stuff.

ANY law or regulation that includes the term "opinion" should be automatically null and void. I was gonna add some qualifiers like Especially if it involves one person dictating a possibly dangerous treatment. But, no matter the reason, good or bad, anything "legal" should have everything spelled out in no uncertain terms. Adding opinions, only adds fluidity, constantly changing. No society can function with constantly changing rules based on one person's or group's whim.

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I mentioned this oncoming bill to my GP here in B.C. last month.

His reply; "I'm not too into political things."

I haven't managed to"red-pill" him either.

I looked at the Saskatchewan "emergency" bill last year- it has many of the same permissions for property entrance and seizure.

Note that John Horgan had his WEF page taken down. I haven't searched for David Eby's tracks.

Also note that Deena Hinshaw has been appointed Queen Bonnie's vizier. In this case I fear that smarter is more dangerous.

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Analogous 'laws' in place already in Straya.

Here's West Straya's emergency wording:

In WA, a State of Emergency can be declared under the Emergency Management Act 2005 (WA). A Public Health State of Emergency can also be declared under the Public Health Act 2016 (WA).

These declarations allow for the exercise of certain emergency powers, such as:

*order persons undergo medical observations or


*directing or prohibiting the movement of persons;

*entering, searching or taking control of any place;

*closing any road, access route or area;

*issuing directions to public authorities; and

directing owners/occupiers of places of business

to close to the public.

That first one's a doozy innit?

Good luck trying to raise awareness here! "She'll be right, mate!" a popular ( but overused) phrase that certainly did not arise from the generally fair and diplomatic citizenry; but from the overhead power structure propaganda to accept 'everything' they want.

"Keep yer head low, Jacko" and she'll be right!


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It comes from the WHO treaty and IHR regulations that set up satellites of the WHO in every state and province and region. They are hostile entities. Public health does not report to your people but to the WHO. If you get a bill to parliament to invalidate, repeal, or to court to strike that original legislation the rest falls.

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Amazing that the USA made very similar, sweeping changes to the "emergency rules" legislation back in 2005, too. What a "coincidence". 🙄 I'd bet that same "coincidence" also happened in other countries.

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I am not sure that any of our major political parties have an interest in the people. Yes, the Liberals and NDP are more obvious in their ideas. Yet, I feel the conservative party is not the answer either. I had the opportunity recently to hear Pierre Poilievre speak. In my opinion it was speaking some of the things that I think. Yet, I heard no substantial plan. These ideas of getting to the core of the problems such be going from the people. Just my thoughts, the alligences to the United Nations. World Health Organization and World Economic Forum run deep. I do feel they are all in on the fourth Industrial Revolution and surveillance state, which I am fearful of.

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