Wow. I won’t pretend that I’m able to digest, let alone understand every aspect in each of these article write ups. But I am appreciative of your work here Lisa, on top of the work done by the original authors. This type of writing and exposé is absolutely required, as in like yesterday to formulate plans and implement strategies to effectively counter and succeed over that attack that is currently waged upon us.
... LL do u have any specific details u can direct me to or articles that substantiate the apparent? or suspected? Tedros genocide connection....he spoke 'virtually' at a recent event in Ireland, and i find the fact that he did extremely disturbing!...
I try to follow, but unidentified contractions make me lose the thread.
What is IW, please?
Information warfare
Is English your native language?
Learned French at home and went to a French school until gradev 8. Add a tad of dyslexia that rages when I'm fatigued, and you get me.
Then this is weird...
We speak the same language.
Wow. I won’t pretend that I’m able to digest, let alone understand every aspect in each of these article write ups. But I am appreciative of your work here Lisa, on top of the work done by the original authors. This type of writing and exposé is absolutely required, as in like yesterday to formulate plans and implement strategies to effectively counter and succeed over that attack that is currently waged upon us.
Someone offered me a radio channel and I was thinking it would be interesting to do, to discuss the substacks and my ideas more in depth.
... LL do u have any specific details u can direct me to or articles that substantiate the apparent? or suspected? Tedros genocide connection....he spoke 'virtually' at a recent event in Ireland, and i find the fact that he did extremely disturbing!...