Would not be surprised if this news turns out to be true!

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I would not be surprised. Health Canada removed the treatment for CV2 from pharmacy shelves that were one available over the counter. Yep Ivermectin safe effective anti-parasitic non prescription medication that saved my husband’s life when we were travelling outside of Canada. When we got home we tried to tell everyone what saved his life. Wrote to all lead politicians, health Canada, federal and provincial minsters of health. No one answered us. We learned from our pharmacist friend that health Canada pulled ivermectin off the pharmacy shelves. G I wonder why. Because it’s cheap and effective and safe. All these politicians were “in this together”. That’s why Trudeau kept using the term always “we are in this together”. So many politicians and leaders in public health care and regulators at the regulatory college levels were invested in this unproven vaccine. Now it makes sense why they are coming after health care providers that fought them on this vaccine narrative. Selfish criminals.

Well karma is real and they are all about to get exposed and fall.

The Canadian Public are now “in this together” for freedom, medical autonomy and we want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us god!!!! We will get it.

Further point Sophie was a journalist and reporter. She knew how to indoctrinate people through her experiences in media also.

The corruption of this government and the Ontario government is being exposed but we are just touching the surface. Why do we think Christine Elliot resigned as Ontarios Minister of Health? She didn’t agree with the crimes against humanity.

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Thanks for sharing.

“ we must stand United “ is another saying you’ll often hear from politicians and refers to their affiliation with the United Front Work Department ( CCP).

Sam Cooper

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Let's call her and ask!

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I don't think so.

She seems to be carving out a niche using her reporting experience in interviewing/holding meetings in the mental health area, finding purpose etc alhough she has no mentioned eduction in that area https://sophiegregoiretrudeau.com/ and selling a book she wote https://www.facebook.com/SophieGregoireTrudeau/about

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Call and ask. (613) 324-8205

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Holy hell, thank you for putting that out. Of course she has a lot of mental issues after being married to Mr. Turd. On this unbelievable

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She has an LI profile with Mental Health Canada...no photo....no posts

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Just like the Duffy tapes of Truedo

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