Wow for a few minutes there I thought you were writing about Canada under Trudeau the way he manipulates media and social media and the way he destroyed peaceful protests with physical violence from his armed guards and arrested political adversaries or those daring to dissent from his authoritarian stance.

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If you link through to my previous blog that is the thrust. So great minds think

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Those With Natural Immunity

Are Made Of So Much More

Than The Lost Souls

Who Remain With Us

In Their Self-Inflicted Suffering.


Knowing How This Ends For Them

Is Now A Secret Worth Keeping.


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Thank you Lisa for this information.

It is extremely upsetting.

What is all this for?

I keep asking...

To silence us, to make us ill, to kill us, to gain more wealth and control, and when we are all gone or squeezed..ravaged by wars and geoengineering, then what? Dead robot zombies everywhere? You do not want sex with a robot zombie, do you? What's in it for them, tell me? Emptiness and boredom? A planet which looks like Mars?

Honestly I still do not see the ultimate end game, at all.


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Control. Those collaboratorating probably don't want the future they are making

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Who's the Boss?

In AD 1302, Papal Bull Unam Sanctum issued by Pope Boniface VIII claimed ultimate authority for the papal office [Vatican] as follows: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” https://www.papalencyclicals.net/bon08/b8unam.htm

2015 Root of the Great Reset

Pope Francis’ encyclical letter ‘LAUDATO SI’: ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME, makes clear who’s the boss. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html

1783 Treaty of Paris was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire, means 'the King works for the Vatican'. https://ia801305.us.archive.org/10/items/cihm_44215/cihm_44215.pdf

June 2023, through The Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and World Economic Forum, 'His Royal Highness launched' a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset

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The “Tedros Files” reveal the criminal past of current WHO Director General. Links to select in your language. https://www.kla.tv/26784

Moral courage is the antidote to our precarious political predicament https://youtu.be/zOJLGpfnX34

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Great article Lisa! Here's some tidbits of info I have saved....

👉 The Truth About the World Health Organization's (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: https://tinyurl.com/35rsk7u8

👉 WHO Chief Tedros’ Marxist Political Party Accused of Mass Rape, Murder in Ethiopia: http://tinyurl.com/ysxdfxc2

👉 Bill Gates: Public Enemy Number One http://tinyurl.com/5evf7tv3

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