In a normal world whoever ordered this would have to resign in shame. Including the PM if he were involved.

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Of course he was involved. Have you heard any apologies from Justin?

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I am sure he was.

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We already have one criminally convicted cabinet member in Steven Guilbeault , Trudeau’s Greenpeace environment minister. We need to put Trudeau and Freeland really the entire complicit cabinet in jail for a horrendous dereliction of justice in their totalitarian actions

against disaffected Canadians.

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I'm all with you on that one!! Did you see Freeland will fight (appeal) the verdict about the Emergencies Act invoked to end the truck convoy?

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It’s not looking good for the Liberals. If they buy appellate court judge there would be pandemonium. Fighting it means they knew what they were doing. They are as guilty as hell.

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The caca will hit the fan soon, unless Trudeau's friends put the cover on the lid as usual. The same team that did just that to camouflage all of Justin's numerous conflicts of interest...

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Fantastic news! Thanks for forwarding it!

Lot of good news emerging. Did you hear that the Swedish government is withdrawing from Agenda 2030? And that in Britain there is a case that the country’s membership of the WHO is invalid because it was enacted illegally?

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I wasn't there but followed the coverage. I was pretty traumatized to realize to what extend Trudeau was a dangerously mentally sick narcissist. And my country's leaders twisted.

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Victory 🦅

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It’s being appealed and due to the SCC being stacked with socialists I would be willing to bet that it will overturn this ruling so as to allow Trudeau to re-invoke the EA whenever he feels his reign is threatened.

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The socialists have to see their cities decimation through homelessness., poverty, mismanagement. I believe living Justin Trudeau neoMarxist Canada might be wearing thin even for them. There's IS a chance

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Yesterday I watched a short video where Tucker Carlson called the Canadian government on the telephone and left a message for PMJT that he was “coming to liberate Canada”!

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You have 4 tests to apply, but I have 7. The 7 natural law principles, given by the Creator and came to be recognized in the 1776 American revolution are that NOBODY has the right to do these 7 things: 1) Assault 2) Murder 3) Rape 4) Steal private property 5) Willfully lie for ill gain, which causes another sentient being harm 6) Trespass another's private abode, the place they have the right to feel safe 7) Engage in coercion / duress to attempt to intimidate others into complying with another's demands.

So, you mention "under the law" but really, when it comes to human shit written on paper that I am supposed to comply with, it is really "under the legal". Law deals with the Creator's natural laws, which we all inherently have these, and "We (the people) hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights (natural law rights), that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So, before I will even consider "under the legal", I first analyze "under the law". Let's see if the Canadian government (or ANY fucking government since 1776, which even the Americans are now corrupted) passes the 7 natural law tests:

1) Assault -- under natural law, only if I actually cause harm, is there any cause to hold me accountable. So, yes I might be "speeding" (ie driving a little faster than legal statues) but I haven't yet caused an accident, so I choose to ignore the flashing lights behind me, which is my right. And I continue to drive, perhaps even a little faster to get away from the asshole with a uniform who thinks he has the right to threaten me. What would happen, do you think? Can we say ASSAULT, hmmm??? How about assaulting minor children, to allow gender change surgery, before their little minds can even be capable of making an informed decision about such a life altering decision? This is what happens, when people become conditioned and desensitized to murdering children in the womb, right up until 9 months, is allowed such abortions in Canada. Even protecting children becomes something nobody cares about anymore. What's the difference between a 9 month old aborted fetus and a 6 month old premature baby who survives by emergency C-section? Just one difference. One is wanted and the other is not. But don't worry, it's all legal. This government, like ALL governments, is out of control!

2) Murder -- Can we say capital punishment in the past in Canada? How about the covid bioweapon intentionally created to kill people, and they deny it and still push that shit! How about every fucking war governments intentionally create to kill people, steal and dominate others, take resources that are not theirs, etc, etc....yeah I think Canada fails this test too. Just thought about MAID too now, which mentally unstable people are allowed to make such decision, depression and such, to kill themselves. I think that is not official yet, but this year is planned changes in legal shit to allow depressed people to kill themselves.

3) Rape -- while not officially endorsed (yet), ya know if you refuse to comply with the slightest little shit, like refusing to pull over for "speeding" when you have done no actual harm, you will likely go to jail, where that's likely to happen, especially if government agents "unofficially" hire somebody to do that, to "teach you a lesson".

4) Steal private property -- Well, hmmmm, refuse to pay your house taxes and what happens? They steal your home and evict you! That proves you don't really own your home, just rent it. You are evicted similarly to a non-paying renter, so you are really just renting. They re-name the rental fee to taxes to deceive you, but it's theft and extortion.

5) Willfully lie to cause harm? Can we say covid, and the oft repeating scandals that sometimes come to light (many more we never learn about), and every lie said to get elected that never happens, etc, etc....

6) Trespass your private abode where you have the right to feel safe? Well, again, refuse to pay house "taxes" and there will some major trespass comin, yah know it...........

7) Intimidate with coercion / duress? Well, every one of their fucking, stupid, unlawful, contradictory, nonsense legal shit has threats behind every stupid shit they put down on paper, to try to coerce you to comply.

So, the bottom-line is ALL governments are unlawful. 6 natural law rights are publicly admitted to be officially violated by government, just because they fiat say so. Their fiat laws are as much manipulative nonsense as their fiat money: created out of thin air, by fiat, and worthless.

One natural law principle, rape, is not officially violated (yet) but could change at any moment. Actually, I just thought of escort agencies and porn, which is legal. So many women, due to the need to get nonsense fiat money, allow themselves to be raped repeatedly. Ya, I can hear the excuses already, but despite what some might think, the vast majority of women don't enjoy it in a total sense (some physically only, no doubt) and would not do that work if they didn't feel they had to. And if women didn't do it, then men who want to do it, would have NO work. The women drive this legal industry.

All government laws may be legal, but they are not lawful. Our ignorance about UCC contract legal shit might make it legal, but even according to their own rules, since fraud invalidates contracts and full informed consent and education has NOT been provided, EVEN BY THEIR OWN LEGAL SHIT, ALL GOVERNMENTS ARE ILLEGAL. AND UNLAWFUL ON TOP OF THAT! Why the fuck is ANYBODY listening to ONE God-damn, fucking word, ANY of these stupid shits say or put to paper. Fuck em all. End of story.

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'A wise and learned judge', or whatever exact words Shakespeare wrote. Good luck, GOC, finding the error in fact or logic to give you grounds to appeal!

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Not that this makes that action right, but it's not the RCMP doing the trampling, it's the Toronto Police. (which in a way is worse since they actually had to ship all those horses in from Toronto & find them stabling in the Ottawa area, whereas the RCMP stables are minutes away from Parliament Hill, assuming they really needed horse patrols)

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Was the RCMP not in charge?

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Regular Police forces were in charge in Ontario. Ottawa police called in police from many other areas to go lend a hand. If you look at the uniforms of the mounted police, you will notice that it is not an RCMP uniform. Also the RCMP horses are always all black, and of thoroughbred/warmblood breeding. The horses who were made to trample people were bays, browns, and many looked like they had Clydesdale blood. As far as I know, the RCMP horses are purely "ornamental". They stand on guard by parliament, they pull carriages of dignitaries, and they travel Canada and the world with the famous musical ride. The mounties who ride the horses are police, but the musical ride is a two-year stint for them.

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