The shot is clearly causing harm. The best response to that is pulling the jab.

I am tired of the medical censorship. By the way, awesome posts Lisa keep on writing.

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Xo you readers are the wind beneath my wings

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Your welcome. Yet, the thing I am not looking forward to is the day that no one can speak, write or post something that goes against the narrative.

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They will have mutiny with their organization. Maybe some work for them for this precise purpose. Infiltration works both ways

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Can’t you just hear them? “But I didn’t mean to call out to God! I was tricked!” lol

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Such a trick....The real trick is what Happens when they feel Him answer. Imagine those masked antifa or BLM are who we are waiting for. Imagine it is they we must pray for most. Imagine they take the red pill. Or imagine in a fanciful imagination there really are Lions over there who just need to touched by love. Imagine they find God Some of us are worn or tired seeing what we see. So reinforcement come from where. In the least likely place. The story of the prodigal son. The one sheep the Shephard must find.

Imagine God just works in the most mysterious ways. Imagine they finally see what is at stake and link hands with ours. Humanity in the tribe. So who knows who we reach with love. Honey... what a pot.

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Luke 15

Those searching must know they Are Being searched for. Read Luke 15.

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