Jul 19Liked by LawyerLisa

Spot on again . In Australia we have an alarming number of Lithium battery fires. The green energy mega battery storage batteries attached to houses , batteries sent to tips. As for China , most of our tvs and modems are made in China and controlled by Huawei . We buy so much of our green energy crap from there- no problem shutting down our power grid. Klaus loves Xi’s more del of government. For a real blast there’s a video circulating on YouTube of a hydrogen car catching fire in a server ce station in Sweden.

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Jul 19Liked by LawyerLisa

LIsa are you kidding. I have been sending him vax info almost daily for over 4 years. He's had about 5 shots , his wife even more and she is so stupid I don't know how she manages to stand upright. The comment was for him. HaHa keep up the good work . I captioned your piece "this woman never ceases to amaze' I know it's hard work you do but when we see family going over a cliff we can't stay quiet or turn away.

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5 shots? He’s gone.

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I think I'm down to one friend of core friends and family who hasn't done an about face. At first it made being together difficult. I even had resentment because the Crooks she believed. Then at some point I realized the division was just one more way they win. And I realized I loved my friend very much and life is so short, so i kept making time to see her. I'm worried they will take her.

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Jul 19Liked by LawyerLisa

Great write up! Sending this to my brother who is an complete idiot but I hope he reads it.

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I hope he does. Hopefully not the comment though!

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At this point I think it’s time to remove ourselves as citizens from the government. They are compromised. Or we start issuing hemp neck ties.

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