Lincoln in a famous speech said the underlying battle throughout history is between two principles: Right and Wrong. And they always come down to two manifestations which are the Divine Right of Kings vs the Common Right of Humanity playing out over time.

So, Rasmussen offers data revealing this hidden and underlying attitude of the Divine Right of Kings ( the 1% of post-grads in America, twelve universities, World Enslavement Forum, WHO, global billionaires, Bilderberg, et al )

And as Washington wrote, " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. " Hamilton wrote, " For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests. "

Studies have shown our social pathologies have increased almost in direct proportion to our abandoning our "indispensable supports " and the belief in the " finger of God. "

Rasmussen should ask the 1% how many still believe in a Judeo-Christian God, and more importantly, how many go to Church or Temple.

Could our western civilization be saved by a simple act of faith with Americans and Canadians taking a knee and asking the creator of the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" to reconnect us to our founding spirit of faith, humility, wisdom, self-discipline, and love for our fellow man?

Would this preposterous idea cause us any more harm than we are currently experiencing?

I believe not...

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Amen to that.

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I am sure a large percentage of the so called elites got to where they are by "passively" endorsing criminal activity therefore making themselves in fact criminals so yeah I 100% believe this. Never forget a criminal is a criminal...always carry a gun and keep your head on a swivel.

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