Very sad - I said a prayer for the repose of her soul just now. We must forgive even when others have mistreated us (as she clearly did those around her who did not want to get the blk magic nanosauce). The photos are incredible - such a young beautiful woman who had aged significantly prior to her passing.

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It would have eased her soul, helped her, uplifted her final moments indescribably if she had. If she'd just made a short 3-minute video apologizing, in a self-mocking way, crying a bit, laughing at her foolish younger self, & wishing everyone long life! It would have been so powerful, & no one would crow about it. A pity she died alone, so alone. God help her.

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Catholic heretical teaching . Read the Bible KJV for the TRUTH 🙄

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But hang on - did you know her? Do you know how she spent her final moments? This is why it's important to pray for the dying…because we have no idea how they died irrespective of their use of modern technology. Let us pray and not presume or engage in idle speculation. God bless.

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The Evangelical Gospel is widely available these days. So no-one is ignorant. So stop your Catholic heretic lies . To go to heaven one has to be a born again Christian,

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Once someone dies that is it . Catholic heretical teaching is a lie .read the Bible KJV yourself get the truth .🙄

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You misunderstood what I said. But you were so unchristian in the way you handled this that I don't wish to engage further. All the best, God bless.

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A true Christian response. Thank you.

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That's just catholic heretic talk . it's too late once someone dies. Read the Bible KJV 🙄

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I have never heard of her before. I'm not a moviegoer. But pictures of her show her malignant narcissism.

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Some people are soooo smart that they are going to prove it to you even if it kills them.

I know because I have two sister in-laws that fit that bill, unfortunately !!!

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I'm sorry.

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Yup, know a few of them too.

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Sad. Yet another “f**k the unvaxxed” dies young and suddenly. I pray for all departed souls including her.

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I don't. Not after the ugliness they put me through.

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I understand the sentiment. The problem is that hell, if one believes any of the NDE testimonies of those who claim to have spent some time there, let alone what the Bible says about it, is so indescribably horrific that I can’t wish it on the worst of the worst, let alone someone like her who was indoctrinated into believing that the unvaxxed are a serious threat to her health.

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Yes. Except these COVID cult lunatics will smile on your incarceration and extermination..if you don't comply...REARM NOW**

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Yes… she wasn’t a bad person; like most of the masses, she fully believed in the indoctrination.

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As Non Sectarian pro 2A pro freedom real Christians .not churchocentric isreal firster delusionaries .we very much agree with Capt R.Harkness point..Responsibility .recognition of the idiotic dogmatic stalinistic..persecutorial normies mentality ..sad but true..so many *adults*..? in chronological age were horrifically self righteously insisting everyone conform or die ..to their wrong headed ugly false conclusions on Quackzine safety and efficacy * They learned the hard way but in actual fact this is still going on in spite of massive turbo cancers sudden deaths and cover up s by rino s and demonrats ...their risk...their reward..sorry..play stupid games get stupid prizes* cheers Captain Roy...we fought tooth nail and claw against The New Jew Kung Flu from the very begining and know many people fought with us against the isreali--jewdevil vivid Quackzines ...from the begining...sorry but we were tight and many who attacked us are now dead. Gone on to their ..reward ..*

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Typo Covid Quackzines*

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Well you are wasting your time. Once someone is dead it's too late . Read the bible KJV , instead of believing Catholicism heretical LIES .🙄 Covid was a HOAX , A CON by the government and the global elite that hates us !. WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!

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Good grief. These clueless sheep.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


It Is Time To Re-Frame

“Unexpected Deaths”


“Expected Deaths”

For the Vaccinated.

Who Are Dying “As Expected”.


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Died Suddenly becomes Died Expectedly

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💯. And for the life insurance industry to start advertising to ‘get your life insurance NOW because you’ll never know when you might die suddenly’. I was shocked when I first heard it on my unpaid Pandora station - then I realized of course they’d find another way to benefit financially.

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Then they deny your claim because you took am experimental shot. That is what they are doing.

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Nice comfy scam...indulging wallowing..in Genocide Denialism**

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Absolutely. Another greed based scam.

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This will eventually bankrupt them. Tune into Ed Dowd sometime.

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That’s why they’re grasping at whatever revenue stream they can scare you into. ‘Insurance’ of whatever type is not what we think it is. Imo, it’d be best if they did implode and we, the people, come up with something that actually serves us.

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They don't say..Beware The Synagogue Of Satan"for no reason...(S)

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Unfortunately for the blind self righteous now dead or horribly ill proselytes of Covid...you ..we..were ..are..absolutely correct..even if we don't gloat or say ..we told you so..from the begining...**so much for.."trust the science*..Hang Fauci **Hang birx.hotep...wallensky......soros..hang Bill Gates**

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I prefer "finally died"

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Please….everyone wear your winter coats…..even in the far south…..or my winter coat won’t save me from freezing to death……my government told me that …oh and btw….take your vitamins also….or mine won’t work for me either. Thank you government, for caring about little ole me…….. NOW F OFF.

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Silly person, if only she had used her common sense and done this instead: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.

If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.

It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.

Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.

The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.

I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?

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Yes, a saline nasal rinse and gargle do wonders. I wouldn't swallow that much salt though, at least not regular table salt, or iodized. People also use salt water to induce vomiting! Depends on the amount of salt though.

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Overall wise but generically correct advice..good sense..sure...but if any fool took the most deadly kill shots clot shot batch 2times....or also took booster shots.....doubt that salt will eliminate so many heavy metal adjacent toxic preengineered poison adulterants...

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The purpose of the salt water sniffle was to use salt instead of having a vaccine injection - once that is done, it can't be undone and whatever happens internally happens and that's that.

My theory is that the body does not know what anti bodies are, or how to make them, in fact it has no idea what to do when it is injected with a poison which strips away its natural immunity from plus 100% to minus 97% or less and when it can't cope with the injected poison, it just dies in just the same way that a lethal injection is injected to kill murderers - what's the difference for some people?

With regards to Helen above - I've been doing my simple cure these past 35 years and in all of that time, I've never been ill from anything - how many of you vaccinated have been Covid ill since your injections? - what we are told now were Gene therapy Injections?

If the salt tastes sweet, you don't have much salt in your body, when it tastes bitter, you do, but that aside, 2 mouthfuls is nothing when I'm trying to save your life from Covid and vaccines as a last resort, still, each to their own.

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.you mean having never taken a vaccine..that s best..*

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No, I mean not having had a Covid vaccine is best - made in 10 days and not tried out, in the old fashioned way, which took 10 years to achieve previously before it was considered safe for Human consumption and they still occasionally got it wrong like with Thalidomide. I'm not against vaccines, my dog had his Kennel Cough vaccines a few months ago - just Covid vaccines and those since - and Bird Flu is a joke in my opinion, not that Bird Flu has ever arrived at our shores, so we are told.

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Sorry for her passing. Sad to say that some are more susceptible to brainwashing.

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I just feel a great sadness that such evil can take this woman & so many others. Even worse is that the scourge (of the vax, not mild ineffectual C19) is spreading out raking in others further afield.

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I say the same.

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Deeply sad. One more victim of brainwashing.

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This is so sad and when will it end? We have no idea, we dont know what the vaccinated will pass on to future generations. And how long can their denial last?

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You needn't worry Diane: The Lethal Injection has rendered them sterile.

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Dear Sir...their being sterilized does not mean the absence of Quackzine shedding*..something rational and spiritual folk should look into ..

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Sort of like my landlady's cat? She had to have the poor creature put down after he developed an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs. By that point she'd had 4 doses of the 100% Safe and Effective Covid Lethal Injection

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Sadly we are mandated to say thank you on your reply.Many scholars of the subject…—THE JEWS CULPABLE for Covid “…say transparently that THE JEWS. Have an ongoing war on purebreds that extends to all animals not only humans ..

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Nobody regrets not taking that poison jab. Not one of us.

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No matter what trumprat says most people we know knows someone who dropped dead or died horribly or. is alive and ruined for life or suffering.while doctors play dumb or say done filth like...there's always a percentage that die i..or..suffer horrible complications from the isreali--jewish biopharmakeia Quackzines .....but that's the cost of the.."greater good"..what idiotic murderous r elitist nonsense! Just more shill for Jewish bioethics ..Jewish depopulation advocates ..jewish eugenics ..Paul Ehrlich. Ezekiel Emanuel..so many others too numerous to relist here but *they*are loud proud self righteously wrong.. and they are i very public too..

..... by the way.thevobviously Jewish corporate .green carbon credit scam..a form of totalitarian asset stripping wealth transfer... is directly connected to Jewish depopulation ideas...*

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Typo Doctors say some dumb filth like...a percentage always die from Quackzines or suffer horribly..but that's for the*greater good..for.."progress of "science*..Hows that Covid science working out for you?

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It’s was accelerating until the obits got washed.

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I think she had 2 transplants.

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Liver transplant

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Agenda #1, Depop.

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