“US teacher John Taylor Gatto exposed the hidden purposes of schools in great detail with his best selling Underground History of American Education. It is well understood as a social control designed to make children more predictable, obedient and otherwise amenable to institutional management (i.e. control).[3]”
Who stood up?
Who bowed to authority?
image from the Financial Post
What we are witnessing is the culmination of years of programing to stand down, feel inferior, believe we are incapable, and look to the front of the classroom for authority to lead us.
Shall we be done with that?
Shrug off your layers of programming.
So not comply becomes, we are the resistance, becomes we are the pack. and among us leaders will emerge.
This process must be repeated and repeated.
*Do freedom groups fracture? it is because they are supposed to.)
Within the freedom movement are an irregular amount of free thinkers… and leaders
They either reject that someone can think for them or speak for them. Most don’t want the responsibility of authentically thinking through their problems. Being told and listening to the telling is much easier than thinking for oneself and owning that.
When you realize that, you should see the world and “sheep” differently. You should be able to game their state the same way the elite do.
The other personality I have noticed in the freedom movement is the wounded. They have been harmed by power or authority long before covid. They have a second skin developed just to recognize those who harm, and they intrinsically know it.
So those scars are badges that pull you through. And although your suffering hurt you, it gave you wisdom. You know who you are.
And then there are these incredibly grounded individuals mostly because of their faith, that seem to handle what is being thrown at us and willing to lift others up in these times.
Here’s the math. Staying silent might “save your skin,” but only for a while. If we all do that they win.
Risking it. Risking it. means we have a chance. That has been my math. That along with many other Lions roaring right now.
Teach yourself to speak, to defy, to help, to lead.
I don’t know what helped me more during all of this. My intellect. Or being the quick tongued little towhead that I was growing up.
No matter how much trouble you got in there always seemed to be more things to do.
These submissive doctors of medicine …
They aren’t like us.
Not like me, I’ll tell you.
I sure didn't shut up in school, I missed 42 days in a row in grade 9, then in grade 8 in a Catholic school I told the sister superior to fuck off, my dad put me back in regular school. I was life smart, my dad said I should have been a counsellor when I was 14, I connected to kids my age and older, I gave great advice. My sister was a genius and I wasn't but I knew more about life than she did, she was book smart, that gets you nowhere in life, most history books lied about everything anyways. Growing up I did some dumb shit, like getting pregnant at 16, I got married and kept my daughter, we divorced after 5 years, he couldn't grow up at 20 or 21, so I left, too many women. So thats a snippet of my young life. I think I did ok, Im now 73 going on 50 LOL