I don’t know what helped me more during all of this. My intellect. Or being the quick tongued little towhead that I was growing up.

No matter how much trouble you got in there always seemed to be more things to do.

These submissive doctors of medicine …

They aren’t like us.

Not like me, I’ll tell you.

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"These submissive doctors of medicine ..."

Yes, for these doctors, it is about the Benjamins and little to do with health.

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I sure didn't shut up in school, I missed 42 days in a row in grade 9, then in grade 8 in a Catholic school I told the sister superior to fuck off, my dad put me back in regular school. I was life smart, my dad said I should have been a counsellor when I was 14, I connected to kids my age and older, I gave great advice. My sister was a genius and I wasn't but I knew more about life than she did, she was book smart, that gets you nowhere in life, most history books lied about everything anyways. Growing up I did some dumb shit, like getting pregnant at 16, I got married and kept my daughter, we divorced after 5 years, he couldn't grow up at 20 or 21, so I left, too many women. So thats a snippet of my young life. I think I did ok, Im now 73 going on 50 LOL

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The solution is already available to free ourselves from government control.

You just need to understand the difference between the people and persons of the state.

See www.capillarywave.com

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Law school was the worst example during last semester to write to write that brief prosecuting a 68 year old country boy in London, Kentucky, who’s been a OxyContin pill pusher all of his life instead of writing prosecution brief wrote defense brief and the prosecution brief and my instructor was a top gun federal prosecutor named Charlie wisdom look like a skinny 1960s long haired long beard hippie. You would think he’s a bigger on the street. He’s a genius and he said why did you write this in defense and I said he doesn’t need to go to prison again for the fourth time or third time he needs to go to rehab what’s wrong with your people and you’re celebrating all these kids are celebrating. He’s getting an extra five years for a single shot 22 in the trunk of oh that’s the law Don no that’s the fucking difference between Hillary Clinton getting off Scott free killing people and a poor hillbilly getting an extra five years tacked on to 15 because he’s a three time loser double standard. I said that’s not Justice. He said Dan it’s just a game. I refuse to take the bar.

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Another thing that is related, it's not just public schools. There is television, movies, music, magazines, books, and so on to indoctrinate, program, brainwash, and mind control the masses. Years ago I pulled the plug on all of it. I look at the news on sites like this, I listen to Christian music, and read related content but I take nothing in from the sources that they use for social conditioning. When you take a step back and look at it all you truly see it for what it is! Watch what the message is. A lot of it has to do with rebellion against the ways of God and the Bible and also with conformity to what that set of leaders want from you. It is so freeing to detach yourself from all of that.

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Pink Floyd's Another brick in the wall

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Love that song

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Good meme about lions: https://www.theoriginofgod.com/liontruth.jpg

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We had this wonderful ballet instructor who encouraged our daughters to be original, be your own butterfly! Very good advice.

She came from a time f communism in her country so she knew what it was to think for yourself.

When I didn’t get the fur coat and charm bracelet, I wasn’t measuring up, a truly conforming time, thought I was less when it didn’t happen.

Be brave to be yourself, not giving into another’s idea of “making it in the world”.

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Exactly! It bugs me so much. They all think that having a good memory is 'intelligence.' They pride themselves in being able to remember random and meaningless trivia facts about celebrities, sports, and other meaningless junk! They are too dumbed down to know what intelligence even is: not the knowledge you have but what you do with it, logic, reasoning, critical thinking, seeing through the deception, brainwashing, mind control, social conditioning, conformity scripts, and calculations, quantitative, visual spatial, assorted talents, analytics, creativity, thinking outside the box, divergent and convergent thought, post conventional decision making, problem solving and conflict resolution, social smarts, and on and on. But good luck trying to educate them on that. Then there is the twilight zone of the assumers. People make assumptions all the time and think it makes them look 'smart' like a detective. Only their assumptions are false 99% of the time! If I had a penny for every false assumption (usually negative, about me) that I encountered in my life or just in general, I could buy a beachfront house and retire for life! It causes so much trouble! Rule #1 is never assume, it makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me', put it together and get 'assume.' Ugh!

Education, yes I noticed this too. Not to diss all educators, I became a math teacher because I truly wanted to help people. But when I was a kid I was a natural nonconformist. I was the kind who would ask 'why?' if someone said 'no.' That is good and smart. But they don't like that. You get in trouble for not learning to go along with all the rules and structure like good little soldiers in line. It's about conditioning and social engineering, conformity and stifling critical thinking in that regard (something I never did as a teacher), and I saw this when I was just a kid. You were 'bad' just for not conforming. But conforming to what? It's just to keep society going as the status quo and the elites want, training the next batch of worker bees, exploitees, soldiers, yes men, and those who ask only 'how high' when told to jump. Free thinkers, independent minded, critical questioners not welcome and frowned upon.

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John Taylor Gatto has the best history of education.

The Foundations moved in early in the 20th Century to control the masses for industry.

Also the young were threatening the capitalists. There were teenagers running the military and creating great companies. This created the mandatory system to keep kids in school.

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I grew up in Catholic schools and was bored from day one. I remember being dragged to the back of the class by my ear to get my mouth washed out with lye soap, by a nun, for not shutting up in class. I'd have to say, for me, they failed to teach me to shut up. https://davidbromley.bandcamp.com/album/protest-songs-covid-years

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Or do schools teach students what to think and encourage students to enforce these beliefs.

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I have always been of the opinion when looking at a resume that lots of schooling means the applicant can put up with crap and will hopefully be a conformist.

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Yes…… I distinctly remember thinking I wanted to learn about life and I’m not going to learn about it here……. So there was a boot ….. and a rear end……and that was a long time ago

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Yes it did all along it was probably what it was "behave and shut up". I did manage to escape that gulag at the age of fourteen and continued to "walk the walk and talk the talk" but you see it is not what these "absolutely not like us" do like thus all these teams of assassins going for granny and why was it important to targeted granny on a global scale in 2020 ? what are these inverted counterfeit scared off ? no way shall it be their way killing off the children now ? that is what has been done only tree generation, maybe five, before we were born, you see "behave and shut up". The strongest muscle in the body is at our cheek, on both sides, not the buttock it is only the two biggest muscle, all good keep going

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