Tattoo artist studios. Piercing clinics. Safe supply vending machines. CBDC for gold shops. Tent supply outlets. Soylent green distribution centers. Cult indoctrination specialists. MAID and abortion care facilities... As far as the eye can see.

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Bike repair shops?

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Right beside the gender transition clinic.

Despite my morning prayers asking for strength and guidance today, I need to take a white pill because the last one is wearing off and I'm reverting to the influence of the long-lasting black pill I took during the plandemic pandemonium.

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Thanks Lisa!

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This is in response to what You have been writing about Smart Cities and my hopes are you spread this info far and wide. You certainly have a broader reach so I hope you don't mind me sharing research and info I deem important for our freedoms, health, productivity and overall well being.

We seem to be directed on a course  we never agreed to yet is pushed upon us in ways that are neither ethical or legal by constitutional standards. Similar to the way cattle are herded into a pen.

By nudging, prodding and using whatever force is necessary for them to get their desired results.

They do it mainly in subtle ways that even the ones making decisions at every juncture of the processes in govt. don't fully understand the ostensible  reason for the desired outcome. Mainly through monetary means via the government. tax breaks, subsidies and even penalties for wrong think at cities and townships all across my nation and yours from what I can surmise. 

Not unlike the steady stream on chemtrails or whatever term of endearment these creatures label the poisons, smart dust, nanotechnology and weather manipulation they have waged against all that is good and holy within the best of mankind. They are controlling the weather, spewing poisons down on both man and nature. One only has to look at what's happening at the lowest forms of life* such as the plant growth then moving into the insect kingdom with most noticeably the bee population.

The documentation of what has and still is transpiring is no different from what Rachel.... penned in her explosive work of writing, 'Silent Spring' They spew platitudes in every paragraph in their DEI documents that always stresses solving the world's greatest problems and challenges without actually defining the former then placing the blame on a very controversial subject such is Klimate Change because they can and do get the desired results in the science and white papers by whatever means necessary. All the while censoring, attacking and even murdering those who have a different opinion or even research the disputes of their propaganda.

To extrapolate further on the Smart City model they want to implement we need look no further than into their own documentation one will find by examining all their writings down to a seemingly inconsequential details.

Thus we have The Cognitive City.


I'm certain there are many much more intelligent people than me that have  a better understanding of the English language who should be able to break down their own documents to find the desired results the rulers want implemented on us peeps.

An example below is found in the section:

Interaction between citizen and city

The whole urban environment is equipped with sensors that make all recorded data available in the cloud (cloud computing). 

Challenges section one will find inoculate terms and phrases such as (cf. citizen as sensors)[7]So to look further following the links our benevolent rulers have provided you will undoubtedly see the love they bestow on mankind to want the implementation of such having one and all be involved in the process of being controlled at the most minute level of existence such as having a thought.

Now look at the Definition section  

and you will find terms such  collective intelligence[6]

how nice it is for these unelected rulers to purposely subject us to their will of what they deem to be the solutions of a utopian world.

What is hidden is their end game in the manmade commandments they established in writings on the stones in Georgia, which happen to be dust like everything else upon which this plain will eventually return to.


Interaction between citizen and city is another section where you will find 

Internet of Things (IoT): The whole urban environment is equipped with sensors that make all recorded data available in the cloud (cloud computing). In this way, a permanent interaction between citizens and the technology that surrounds them is developed. The citizens thus become a part of the technological infrastructure of a city. The Web of Things uses web standards to overcome IoT-challenges.[11]

Sensors, wow cool they're everywhere. We such a fortunate species to have this kind of technology.

Here is just a few of the developments our owners are implementing for National Security.

Do remember that we writing and reading here are not in the best interest of the Owners National Security.

 Our fello warrior Nonvaxer 420 has this extensive look into it. Over 3:00:00 long but one has to watch only the first :15 seconds to see the capabilities that are already being used on us peeps. I read not long ago the tech was possibly used in the Rwanda genocide back in 94 and it made me wonder if it may have been used on Jan. 6th.

Dr. Giordano talks about the air-borne sensors already being used that can and will be used agist you without your permission.

I guess nowhere in the constitution is it written that they must ask for our permission first.

You know to do minor things like control your thoughts, actions and probably your right to live.

I suggest one watches a full minute as to guarantee nightmares that evening.


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Two approaches to address the apparently overwhelming and insurmountable leviathan controlling us:

1. Throw sand in the gears and cogs of the machine. Be steadfast in stating you do not consent, will not comply, and won't shut up. Become free by being ungovernable,

2. Get right with God or your own chosen deity. Treat others with consideration and respect in your daily interactions. Accept that we are in the end times, the material world is ruled by satanic entities and strive to achieve personal salvation before it is too late. Your life on Earth is short and full of hardship and suffering. Your soul is eternal.

Peace and love.

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Turning the whole thing over to AI to run at which point there will be too many people for their model to work.

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"Companies are planning to have local satellite offices near where people live, that will reduce commuting."

Note the use of "companies," rather than "corporations."

The underlying motif of all such rhetoric is efficiency. The above prognostication belies the reality of corporate efficiency, the reality that we already observe.

"a lot of underutilised property in cities that could be converted"

And once these asset conversions have fully amortized and obsolesced, the numbers regarding replacement do not pencil.

Follow the money...... if you can stomach what you find.

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"ARE JOBS just going to be what’s at those strip malls positioning within 15 minutes of our houses"

What jobs? That's the "why" for it all. Ain't going to be any so we need to be taken care of and that means a UBI check every month (or on your Global Credit Score Card) and maybe you don't lop off our Big Tech heads for ruining lives forever.

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Sellers of the 15 minute city certainly wouldn’t want to highlight the negative side of their project, so the write ups make 15 minute cities sound utopian. How do you explain the reality to people who have chosen the blue pill?

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The top-down deployment has been and will be facilitated by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and/or Area Transportation Authorities (ATAs). Cities and counties are required, by law, to work with their "regional" NGGOs (Non-Government Government Organizations). In order for cities and counties to receive their federal funding, they must adhere to what the MPO and/or ATA demands. Whatever the government funds, it controls!

Locally, we are under the thumbs of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA). Board members and committee members are appointed, not elected. Most of these same individuals are elected to city councils, as mayors, or county commission board members. These NGGOs control 119 cities in 9 counties in Kansas and Missouri. There is a concerted effort by those committed to the Cathedral of global sustainability to have those elected to city and county positions to be global sustainability clergy.

When #45 redirected Paris Climate Accord $$$ to Gates' GAVI, just in time for the scam/plandemic, the deployment of the global agenda at the local level never missed a beat. In fact, it was accelerated while most people were locked down, anti-social distancing, wearing garish masks, and waiting to line up for injections.

Research "Metropolitan Planning Organizations" online. While you are online, research the recently passed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) that will impact us on the other side of the pond, and people all across the globe, as well. Of course, what will be found online will be a sanitized version of reality. Grab your wallet! What will begin as a voluntary situation will eventually be fundamentally transformed into a mandatory situation.

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