May 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Wow! All I can say is wow. I can’t even begin to fathom the under reporting of adverse events. I knew it was bad, but holy crap. I know so many family and friends affected and they won’t acknowledge that they have side effects. Great find!

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LOL! Holy crap was my reaction too.

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Wow just wow, thank you Lawyer Lisa for bringing this forward and the document.

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May 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Who is the EMA?

"Assuming this source through the EMA is providing an accurate document and it sure appears as such" If this was released a year ago, do we know if it is an accurate document at this point?

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It references the time period studied. Wouldn't you want to know data until now. .....stay posted

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It has the Pfizer logo on every page.

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For convenience I listed all the nearly 10,000 Different Jab Harms published by Pfizer in its PSUR3 in a 2-part substack and demonstrated they can all be attributed to the uncontrolled Endotoxin that Pfizer wrote into their patent as preferred "adjuvant" they don't have to pay for.

Search for Adverse Events suffered by any Jabbees you know.


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It is more than adjuvant though, isn't it. The pseudo uridine, the body producing misfolded proteins. The simian virus encoding, the bulk DNA.

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Holy crap! It would probably be easier to list what harms it doesn't do.

I feel well armed having that document with the Pfizer heading on it, thank you Lisa. I'll check my printer ink and maybe print it out.

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May 27Liked by LawyerLisa

If this is Just Dec of 21-June of 22, imagine how bad it is in total!!!!! Pray for the injured and dead. As hard as it is we're commanded to love those perpetrating this global mass murder.

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Are you a member of Dr Makis’ Substack Covid Intel? If you are you couldn’t possibly utter your last sentence in all seriousness!

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Steveo I think just means justice and love are not mutually exclusive. Who will be administering this Justice may not have Christian love for them.

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No love no forgiveness no forgetting

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I'm talking about what God asks us to donas Christians. We are supposed to kove and pray for everyone, including evildoers. Justice is His only. Everyone "normal" wants to see justice but what people should realize is the justice may not come in this lifetime for ua to witness. I don't expect justice to happen. There's plenty of data, evidence, testimony, etc the blatant violation of willful misconduct should be enough to persecute them all. I only expect things to get worse for we live in a time where good is bad, bad is goid, light is dark and dark is light, etc.

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As I read Dr Makis’ daily Substacks I just can’t stomach this as all I am able to feel is pain and sorrow and sick to my stomach and anger and I want justice for humanity whether I’m here or gone, by the people and for the people.

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May 28Liked by LawyerLisa

I want justice as much as anyone else, and possibly more than most. But, judgement isn't ours to have. We are commanded to love, forgive, etc. Forgiving isn't for the person being forgiven, it's for the person giving it. We don't have to love their ways or the heinous crimes they commit. I pray your anger subsides and that you find comfort in knowong this will all be taken care of some day. satan is the father of earth so I don't expect it to happen here. It's possible a person here or there may be held accountable, or maybe a rx company is scapegoated and pays a fine (to the corrupt/complicit governent, to appease society.

Scriptures for your consideration:

Psalms 118 5-6

I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me and he set me in a large place.

The Lord is on my side, I will not fear: what can man do unto me.

Psalms 37 10

Just a little while longer and the wicked will be no more. You will look at where they were, and they will be not be there.

Job 34 22

There is no darkness nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity can hide themselves.

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We all get to different places at different times. I'm not even sure what level of mourning we must undergo just to get on the other side to where action is required. Such a burden we have.

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May 30Liked by LawyerLisa

Did you happen to read Dr Makis’very recent report on X and his Substack on the 72 YOUNG firefighters dead in one winter that were mandated to get the jab? Or how about the recent winter of clotting suddenly 26 recent stroke cases of under 30 yr olds beginning with 4 yr old little Maisie?

No my anger is very justified under the circumstances of this long planned for and well executed mass genocide and I do know a few Christians who want to see them all hang for their crimes against humanity which sits quite well with me along with God willing the final chapter the lake of fire for them all into eternity.

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I have a very strong desire to see action taken. I also know that a lot of these governments, wef, whoever else, while they are just acting out of their own sadistic, narcissistic desires, they are also fulfilling prophesy, like all of a sudden the world turning their back on Israel, people of Israel calling for all jews to move back to Israel. No one knows when but I feel like action will be taken sooner than we think. Some days I want action so bad I can taste it....


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May 27·edited May 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Thank you for everything you do to expose these criminal satanists. And no they don't like us or want us alive. Even their own kind. A death is a death and 1 less human means more adrenochrome for them. God bless you and your family❤️🙏

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I don't think they are my kind, or yours for that matter. Evil at this level has to be an aberration.

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This morning woke up to an apocalyptic dream.

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