2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,

(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information

Did our Prime Minister facilitate treason by covering up the acts by these Chinese agents? Is he guilty of treason?

We need full daylight on this so the electorate can decide as it would seem the law and judiciary have no concerns.

Thank you Lawyer Lisa for illuminating us.

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Hi Lisa. Great post. You and I need to chat. SirLance2020@protonmail.com


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Heard yesterday that the first thing Tony Blair did on coming to power was to remove the death penalty from legislation regarding treason.

They’ve been preparing a long time.

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Also, in early 90's Labour had a very popular leader called John Smith. In 1994 he was heart-attacked and Blair assumed the leadership in time for the 1997 elelction at which he became Prime Minister. In 2005, the country was very p*ssed off with Blair for lying to his own cabinet to take the country to war in Iraq. His Foreign Secretary had the integrity to resign in protest. Subsequently he became hugely popular and almost ousted Blair and took his place. But before he could, he was heart-attacked too.

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Thank you, Lisa; you are appreciated more than you know!

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Just another coincidence?

No it is not. There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Everything is planned out to get them to their desired destination by using any and all methods at their disposal.

Big money can buy big results.

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Holy hell, thanks for this, this is an eye opener.

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