Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

During the years when I was a student of medieval English Lit., the Medieval Warming Period was discussed. Grapes were grown and the vocabulary included names for flora that only grow in warm climates and could not have been known to people in northern England unless they had been growing locally. Then I came across a memo in the alternative media, and I believe it was written by Michael Mann, that stated, “We need to find a way to get rid of the Medieval Warming Period.” What a testament to the willingness of the “climate scientists” to rewrite history and alter data points to fit their narrative. And such an odd moment when the wholly indoctrinated, left-wing lit students were offended by the wholly agenda driven, left-wing “scientists.”

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Incredible. in our local school board that serves a massive area: they THREW OUT EVERY BOOK PRINTED BEFORE 2009. if you don't want porn in school you are the book burner.

but the toppling of historical statutes, names etc A OK.

the CULT will make them do anything.

It's like we have to deprogram them and bring them to safety.

once everything is online and under technological direction and control we will know only men as every gender delivered as labour for the elite. that was the pill i was resistent to see. but all fertility attenuation and sterilization and the patents etc fit.

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Exactly. And that is the reason I was alarmed back then of the growing trend toward electronic books, and only renting them, at that! Power having complete control over information.

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I was slow to wake up. I am playing catch up and being fierce. I will get more fierce as that is what we all must do.

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Jun 27Liked by LawyerLisa

Well done.

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Excellent information, Lisa!

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