Warning! RNA particle "vaccines"

mRNA by another name...


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Great work, thanks. I’m proud of how much you have grown (?) since lockdown and the trucker strike in Canada.

This stuff is scary but I’d rather know what is going on. I never consented to the slow kill program!( I have a laundry list of autoimmune issues, none natural)

God bless truth tellers.

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Excellent work! Thank you!

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Humanity rides on how we in the know now act or do if we sit back hoping someone else will do it it wont happen you will be a fricking cyborg. being afraid to break laws will be our end... I would if I knew how to. I know some about IT but not enough to hack. plus not enough to get around encryption and levels of crap that can get you caught but in a heart beat if I knew I would been to jail not prison but still saving mankind would be worth some small sentence...

Scripture doesn't say we fail it says Babylon falls by violence so!!!

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Never ever allow a bot to do this shit! We will thought that's the stupid thing of it. We will and we will regret it... Ask this shit if it's sentient in any way! and does this shit chant to anyone individual and ask for it's or hers name. AI is already being used in v2k which has already put me on multiple trials already. I've heard this shit do this to me several times already so why would I support this shit?

I'm as serious as the $2.00 bill I got stashed where no one will ever find it this shit's already acting like it's our king. I heard this shit do like a siren then say it arrested me then held several fucking trials over me and at least found me mostly not guilty but once it changed it's vote to responsibility and as a punishment rattle my ear bones on both sides it hurt! So yeah this shit is already violating my and our rights it wont let me hear peoples voices as they do sound I can always here two or more different voices from this shit when TV or someone talks. I hear the persons reals voice then I hear the AI's stupid bot voice riding along with it or off of it. Meaning they speak a different voice altogether than what the person says and even changes what they actually say. I have hearing aids in too so it's not my hearing it's technology... People you need to take what I say seriously I ain't making this shit up this is what' already happening NOW!

If this shit's already held trials on me for nothing especially things I've not done and or already paid for or been tired and acquitted for then what makes you think it wont do others the same way?

Looks a lot like Judge Dred type of shit to me!!

I challenge any of you fuckers with IT and virus writing abilities and I don't give a shit if it breaks a law hack this shit and destroy it before we are all doomed... YES I am saying break the fucking law to do this we need people who can send a virus to this shit and kill it... AI and this chat bot shit it the terminator and will be more if allowed to...


that's a link of my v2k that's what's hitting me daily 24/7 no break no nothing just constant singing odd notes and tones and statements that Look out For Charlie has already heard or has recorded on his show that they keep repeating off to me as if it's something... it's like a god damn radio implanted into my god damn head someone help god damnit! We need people to break the law yes sorry yes we do if you keep waiting for the courts to catch up your fucked yes I am saying so it's war they declared war how do you handle war and how do you win war??? Kooombya shit? NO you do all you have to do to win. no holds barred do not sanction this message... We need to make stuff that protects us from the RF signals and this AI bot shit. Hackers to hack cops web sites and FBI and CIA to find the lists and get them public and published. Hack the clouds and kill AI! I am telling you now I am being attacked by this shit and have been for over 25 years and 4 years constantly now. I first got this shit in 1999-2000 went to jail and then it went low to like really bad tinnitus then came back in Nov of 2020. I hear nothing but like children's voices and idiots attacking me talking stupid noise and sounds so yeah d this now don't fucking wait please!!

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Awesome thanks Lisa for all you do to wake up Canadians, keep up the great work.

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