Mark Climate Con Man Carney, the Snake from Saville Row, will be Justin Trudeau on steroids. His policy and legislative agenda will be extremely draconian. Carney's vision for his long march to a green dystopian future will be shared "collective" poverty for all Canadians.
Thank you, I did listen to the introduction mostly to have an sober assimilation of the crises that are not regular crises, that do happen now and then, but these are all orchestrated and manufactured by those mentioned at the gathering Leaders, Experts, Change Makers and Visionaries then stepping up 17:14 Governments, Business leaders, Tech- and Policymakers and Innovators. The platform guru at that day, the day tomorrow, the week and those to come, the months and year leading up to their tradition COP28 Dubai in 2023 has been in the game for decades a Banker of importance, Bank of England and Bank of Canada and so on being and Advisory. The oppressors the people and government are struggling from their spooned crises for many decades as he do mention, each of the crises, have brought us to a age of uncertainty and insecurity further more "Climate Action Urgency and Maximum Impact"
It is a challenge to know that we are dealing with strait forwards semi criminals blue tie and white collar wreck havoc, shadow and sleeper agents, ushering inn Ad Hoc crew who have been on Initiation Campus, now decades back, through the Act of Hazing which is Act, Behave (Beehive) and Commit where the abdication of one self has taken place by a Pledge to something else. This is to be understood these look alike people are actually not responsible for their action it is someone or something else and could be the greater good, it could be a deity or it be a religious figure of choice and so on as we are on a post human path ......... already here be writing, leading astray do happen, in an era of uncertainty and insecurity all orchestrated anyhow ....... the wreck havoc crew do have their Ad Hoc crew lined up in the background at each of their initiated and orchestrated crises where the outcome is pre designed to be the officialdom truth, the narrative, which will serve what is agreed upon, at point in time on the timeline, rooted in decay and destruction by manipulation, domination and control i.e. the wreck havoc, the Ad Hoc and the Loggerhead crew, being the TriAxial in any initiated Whirl, the spooning of crises, though the Whirl can go in either of two direction up or down and it is also possible deflate the initiation though it require knowledge of the socially engineered tools by the Global perpetrators. All good keep going there is no mistake it is all pre-planned and if there is a chance to listen to poem by Margaret Ann Alice, Mistake were not made, and also the Kill Box by Katherine Watt aka two airplane craches in US. Thank you for you and blessed
Interestingly Blackrock, the Federal Reserve and banks are pulling out of the Net zero scam. It will be interesting to see how Carney will deal with this
Mark Climate Con Man Carney, the Snake from Saville Row, will be Justin Trudeau on steroids. His policy and legislative agenda will be extremely draconian. Carney's vision for his long march to a green dystopian future will be shared "collective" poverty for all Canadians.
You have to wonder whether they just spew out that BS or whether they've come to actually believe their own propaganda.
Thank you, I did listen to the introduction mostly to have an sober assimilation of the crises that are not regular crises, that do happen now and then, but these are all orchestrated and manufactured by those mentioned at the gathering Leaders, Experts, Change Makers and Visionaries then stepping up 17:14 Governments, Business leaders, Tech- and Policymakers and Innovators. The platform guru at that day, the day tomorrow, the week and those to come, the months and year leading up to their tradition COP28 Dubai in 2023 has been in the game for decades a Banker of importance, Bank of England and Bank of Canada and so on being and Advisory. The oppressors the people and government are struggling from their spooned crises for many decades as he do mention, each of the crises, have brought us to a age of uncertainty and insecurity further more "Climate Action Urgency and Maximum Impact"
It is a challenge to know that we are dealing with strait forwards semi criminals blue tie and white collar wreck havoc, shadow and sleeper agents, ushering inn Ad Hoc crew who have been on Initiation Campus, now decades back, through the Act of Hazing which is Act, Behave (Beehive) and Commit where the abdication of one self has taken place by a Pledge to something else. This is to be understood these look alike people are actually not responsible for their action it is someone or something else and could be the greater good, it could be a deity or it be a religious figure of choice and so on as we are on a post human path ......... already here be writing, leading astray do happen, in an era of uncertainty and insecurity all orchestrated anyhow ....... the wreck havoc crew do have their Ad Hoc crew lined up in the background at each of their initiated and orchestrated crises where the outcome is pre designed to be the officialdom truth, the narrative, which will serve what is agreed upon, at point in time on the timeline, rooted in decay and destruction by manipulation, domination and control i.e. the wreck havoc, the Ad Hoc and the Loggerhead crew, being the TriAxial in any initiated Whirl, the spooning of crises, though the Whirl can go in either of two direction up or down and it is also possible deflate the initiation though it require knowledge of the socially engineered tools by the Global perpetrators. All good keep going there is no mistake it is all pre-planned and if there is a chance to listen to poem by Margaret Ann Alice, Mistake were not made, and also the Kill Box by Katherine Watt aka two airplane craches in US. Thank you for you and blessed
Thank you lisa for leaving no stone unturned.
Interestingly Blackrock, the Federal Reserve and banks are pulling out of the Net zero scam. It will be interesting to see how Carney will deal with this
Got it!