
We’re Over The Cuckoo’s Nest Now.


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Yes. This is the nest.

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This Is A Military Coup.

You Can Call It Covid.

Or You Can Call It What It Is:

A Military Coup.

They Took Out One President.

And Installed A Puppet.


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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

Reading all of that was scarier than reading a Steven King novel. ALL of the Commonwealth countries are under attack & most of the "great unwashed" are still picking lint.

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Please help me get the word out!

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Jun 23Liked by LawyerLisa

I'm having a red hot crack but it's football season in Oz & I'm getting in the way of the TV, if you know what I mean. We are in big trouble. Please keep going.👍🇦🇺

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Welcome to a country, where the politicians work for an Agenda that works against the people.

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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

Sounds a lot like America doesn't it. Sounds like they have more parties but still seems like it's "one big club," the citizens aren't a member of.

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These BASTARDS have no idea what they’re talking about or what they’re doing

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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

Or do they?

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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

No, they are just parroting their owners.

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Video blocked with a "404" for me also?? Did they decide not to provide us with any material at all?

It seems as if my email address is enough to block any communication with Canadian politicians from any party? The first instance of this was with Leslyn Lewis of the Conservatives. The rest are no different.

What "Democracy"??? At best, one might receive a bland 'form letter'. But certainly nothing meaningful! One large problem is likely modern technology; monitoring the internet already identifies the resistors and differentiates from the sycophants?

Those with the "Courage to resist" are a definite Minority........There are many people who are too dependent on the government, and who are trying to cling to their present lifestyle???

Anything which is "Given" can and probably will, be "Taken away"....

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Thank you for finding it!

So, "The world Economic Forum" is a "Conspiracy Theory" (Mentioned 10 times in 5 minutes)???

Really? So that is why they meet annually in Davos or other expensive venue, costing Billions of dollars in up-front expenditures; purely for the betterment of humanity?

Where is the Theory?????????????????????????????????????????

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Meanwhile, Trudeau and Poilievre, play "Polite Ping Pong" to "JUSTIFY the hand-off to the Conservatives."...

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I think he downed it because the exposure. And because theory keeps getting scratched out.

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Here you go: From 1981.

> Taken from 1981 interview, Bilderberger Jacques Attali, is an example of their mindset:

> Posted by FlexDawg on 7/22/21 at 9:22 am

> This is what Jacques Attali said in 1981, who was then an advisor to François Mitterrand:


> “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself. ” [The future of life – Jacques Attali, 1981] Interviews with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir

> ...... ....


> eugenics is

> real

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Darwinism. Think of the parents sending kids into sterilization camps. Guess that DNA gets erased. The same program. I'd love to get a reference for the quote.

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Thanks to my Wife, the researcher and real brains, I have this for you. I only got snippets. But, it sounds very reasonable and very honest:


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It's a whole unit, I find. Great link!!

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That post is not only condescending, it is wrong!

Darwin failed on the question of intelligence.

Intelligence does not seem to be governed by genetics, in fact, beyond IQ Scores, it can hardly be defined, but only observed?

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Well it is a socially engineered form of Darwinism. In the same way the quote for Attali, (if true) proposes that many will be eliminated by being gullible. Were some gullible and eliminated by the vaccine. social Darwinism. Were some left infertile. Social Darwinism. then are some being led to sterilize themselves before the import can be understood. Social Darwinism. Are we being herded into starvation cities. Social Darwinism.

it is a separate phenomena then the birds on island having different spots.

I studied molecular genetics eons ago. The intelligence expression is on the X gene. Thus I have an X from mom and an X from dad. I am a chip off the old block dad? but if he had a son he would have donated a Y. thank you for the link. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/children-intelligence-iq-mother-inherit-inheritance-genetics-genes-a7345596.html

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You don't think intelligence can be defined and you don't think it's genetic, and you don't think it can be a trait passed on? Maybe in the post modern world we are not smart we are not even observed to be smart . Do you believe intelligence is all environment.

But social darwinism is the idea that you don't get to reproduce your traits so your spots as a bird don't get observed in the next generation. So can we socially engineer some not to reproduce. is that the Attali line of thought? Social darwinism. Can we convince some that the climate requires them to forgo children. Can we convince some that 40 is the new 30 but it isn't. Social Darwinism. Can we convince some that 2 plus dogs is better. Social darwinism. All those so convinced have their genes eliminated from the gene pool. I don't know how that observation and linking it to the ability to pass on genes (Darwinism) is condescending. whether children provide meaning to your life or not is a separate question. or whether your value as a human should be centered on parenting is another question. But on the topic of whether we can cajole humans into not reproducing? that is social darwinism. we have eliminated their genes from expression. And I believe those forces are active now.

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"Do you believe intelligence is all environment.?"

Certainly not. But, perhaps, that partly depends on definitions of both 'Intelligence" and "Environment"......

There really are few easy definitions about humans. Because I have a speech difficulty and perhaps a few 'Head injuries'?, you probably would not view me as intelligent. I have met quite a few individuals whom I considered inferior, only to discover that they far surpassed my abilities in some areas?

Perhaps, "Intelligence" s subjective, and depends heavily on Environment???

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"There are many people who are too dependent on the government"

You just described the entire city of Ottawa. I had to laugh when I heard the poor long suffering citizens of that city complaining about the noise and inconvenience of the trucker's protest. How dare they! I worked for the federal government one summer until I couldn't take it anymore. I actually had fellow workers threaten me for making them look bad because I tried to keep busy! Not easy to do when there's four people doing a job the private sector can handle with one or two. They were all shocked when I quit, which was reward in itself. How could I give up a guaranteed job for life with a fat pension when I'm put out to pasture? Feh. What a bunch of useless sheep. Getting out of Ottawa was the best move I ever made. They don't call it 'the land that fun forgot' for no reason.

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Certainly not just Ottawa! I extend that opinion to all of government, whether those people intend it or not, and to most of Canadians and Europeans. The death of, "The Myth of Scarcity", turned us all into parasitic drones who have to maintain some sort of employment in order to keep our place and status in "Civilization"? The linking of time served to Income "Earned?" makes it like a prison sentence.... Most employment in the West is nolonger so obviously productive that we can assign a "Value" to it.

However, on the North vs South comparison, I really beg to differ: The Welfare State has put paid to that!

This long and probably garbled. It needs a book and I'm busy this morning....lol

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"However, on the North vs South comparison, I really beg to differ: The Welfare State has put paid to that!"

True enough. Abundance tends to breed indolence. I meant it in more of an anthropological/historical sense. One's welfare in northern climes meant being part of a community of cooperators which is another mark of intelligence - the ability to collaborate on goals of mutual benefit.

The exception to that would be the civilizations that arose along the great river valleys, such as the Nile, Indus and Euphrates. There the cooperative driver was irrigation, but that is limited by the amount of available water and can't expand much beyond those boundaries. Another determining factor, probably the most important historically, was domestication of horses and cattle. You get draft animals, a war and transportation platform and a ready source of protein. In fairness to North and South America, there were no cattle or horses until the Spaniards arrived, but the advantage is clear when you see how quickly horse culture emerged among the Lakota and other plains peoples.

These ideas come from a branch of anthropology called Cultural Materialism, pioneered by Marvin Harris. Basically it says that human attributes are a result of environmental pressures. Where the pressure is great, but not intolerable, you get innovation and material advancement, notable by tool making, agriculture and animal domestication. Where the pressures aren't so great and food is abundant you get stasis since there's no outside driving force for cooperation and innovation. That's a superficial characterization of course, but it captures the basic elements.

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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

May Almighty God shake the crumbling foundations of the wicked and expose and bring them to shame for ALL of their endless smooth talking lies and mockery. As it is written, “…be sure their sins will find them out.” (Numbers 32:23 - The Bible) I am earnestly praying that WHATEVER it takes, this head-in-the sand MP is amongst the first in line in Canada’s compromised government system to receive God’s supernatural wake-up call, (maybe via a firsthand experience that forces him to acknowledge TRUTH and to retract all of his carefully crafted bureaucratese lies, misinformation, and smokescreen excuses of “conspiracy theories” about cv19 and the death shots). Just maybe —- he needs to watch or experience someone close to him die of the effects of the poison fake vaxxes—-like I have — and like so many others have. Whatever the case, I believe God is greater than every evil tyranny and His recompense upon “toe the line” mouthpieces like this smug smiling MP is much closer at hand than expected. God’s divine laws are above all others. If you keep sowing to the wind, you ultimately will reap the whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7) Be sure of it — the cv19 perpetrators and promoters day IS coming. Their house of cards WILL fall. (See Revelation 18 about the collapse of the corrupt world system: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version=TLB)

“The Lord watches over all who love him,

but all the wicked he will destroy.” (Psalm 145:20)

“The face of the Lord is against the wicked to wipe out the remembrance of them from the earth.” (Psalm 34:16)

“For My eye will have no pity on you, nor will I spare you, but I will bring your ways upon you, and your abominations will be among you; then you will know that I am the Lord!” (Ezekiel 7:4)

“For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you.” (2 Thessalonians 1:6)

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Respectfully, Earth is a freewill zone where the Creator of All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, called many names including God, gave man dominion to choose, allowing Creator to know all possibilities of Itself through man's freewill choices. In other words, God the only power to create, responds to our choices unconditionally so it's up to a critical mass of this tract of man to expand our awareness and rebut tyranny, otherwise we consent to which the Creator responds in kind.

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the pandemic treaty is not dead in the water as so many wrongly assume in fact its gonna be back much sooner than you think

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You may be right, but I don't think everyone is signing on to it. It's worth paying attention to those nations that don't, since we may need a place to retreat to if push comes to shove.

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Jun 22Liked by LawyerLisa

Nov 2020 Here's the list of all Canadian's in a position of influence who are on the forum for young global leaders created by #WorldEconomicForum founder #KlausSchwab ...

6. Michelle Rempel Garner (conservatives) @MichelleRempel https://x.com/DivergeMedia_/status/1330555045956509697?s=20

Great Re-set | exposing Canadians of influence tied to the agenda

16:20 mins WEF Young Global Leaders initiative.

16:44 -17:40 mins WEF Young Global Leaders Forum list of names and their positions. #1 Michelle Rempel who is actively involved with the WEF.


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It doesn't appear that the treaty will go through, but even if it does the reaction will be much different if they pull the same bullshit as last time, and chances are it will be a Conservative government that has to deal with it, so we'll see how that plays out.

I don't recall where I read this, so I don't have a citation, but a study was done on the roots of civil disobedience and they determined that the threshold for overturning unpopular legislation or even an unpopular government was around 16% of the population. I'd say were close to that number already given the extremely negative effects of the government's response to the so-called pandemic, not to mention all the harm caused by the fake vaccines which are still ongoing.

In the interim, I strongly suggest people prepare for supply chain disruptions and stockpile food and necessary items. I can't speak for all truckers, but if they pull the same BS as last time I won't be driving to Ottawa, I'll just park the truck and stay home. I haul groceries BTW. I kept working through the "pandemic" out of a sense of obligation to my community. I still feel that same sense of obligation, but only towards those willing to stand up. If you aren't prepared and aren't willing to raise your voice, next time you're on your own.

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We might not have the same depth of knowledge. But boy, immigrants that I speak to are ALL ANTIVAX. Its just unions and political hacks for the left. Although they must see their numbers dwindle. I only have ONE NONAWAKE FRIEND OF THE GROUP OF PRO VACERS LEFT. maybe 2 others o haven't spoke with in a while, and every day new conversations with former vax nuts opening the topic. I have one family member and I'm not even sure anymore..

1. There were the awake.

2. Then came the truckers. I'm one of those who woke up then and through inate ability to assess circumstances and peoples motivations.

3.then leslyn Lewis through her communications in the leadership race woke up a ton

4. Then Trudeau told muslim parents their concerns were hate. I witnessed Muslims aghast at this. The unintended consequences to that was mistrust of media coverage that just gaslight all they knew. That woke up a bunch.

5. Then let's talk immigrants. Many are not the government trusting zealot we have in the left. Many came from horrific governments. They know and knew not to trust the government

6. Then let's talk vaccine injured or mandate exhausted.

7. Then let's just say there's people who are slower than most ensconced in msm, who are starting to have their spidey senses (yes very slow) take off.

8. Then there's the climate realists who finally see the pharma deep state play as the same.

9. Then there's the unintended consequences of fox firing tucker, or the Peterson effect or Joe Rogan.

10. Then there's the gross Hollywood explicit satanic worship circa hell.

11. Then there's black America waking up to how badly they are used in sanctuary cities under open border policies.

12. Then there's stranger effect, work this. That will keep ticking it up. Let the cashier know how you feel about cash, cvdc, vaccines masking lickdown.

13. Finally circle back to the hard liners....they are watching the genocide of doctors, nurses, Frontline workers, first responders, teachers, school administrators, union members. Sic. The most compliant boostered up are dying. At some point they can't deny it.

45 percent might be low. But it's not 18 percent thats for sure.

Guess what

You wake up to this sick agenda once. If we all put one sticker in our communities a day and have one stranger conversation a day... and one friend family conversation a week, where's that 45 going to go.

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I was going to change lickdown and edit but might leave it. We all hate lickdowns

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That 16% number I mentioned was people willing to actually do something - to put themselves at risk to effect change. No doubt there's more than 16% who are aware of the problems and angry about it, but will they do anything? Will they risk their personal comfort, livelihood, perhaps even their freedom, as with Jan 6 for example.

Those are all valid points you mentioned, and I could add a few more, like our government sending arms to Ukraine, or the endless anti-Russian hysteria in the MSM. Then there's the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Not me saying it, that was the UN. Unfortunately a lot of people buy into the propaganda because unlike the "pandemic" it's remote from their experience. Like the truck I saw flying a Ukrainian flag in the US trucker's convoy. Probably not the only one since everyone was all stirred up and "standing with Ukraine" at the time.

Speaking of truckers, there is far from a unified front in that industry I can assure you. Where I work (BC) maybe a half dozen out of 40 employees actually supported the convoy. Nobody drove to Ottawa. Some were strongly opposed and very pro-vaccine. Impossible to reason with. There's nothing exceptional about truckers, they're just as badly informed as anyone else, perhaps more so since the job is kind of solitary with not much social engagement.

What I see happening is an attempt by the 'cabal' (or whatever you want to call them) to run out the clock. Time works in their favour because people tend to forget and move on. Not surprising with all the pressures people are facing these days. Not trying to discourage anyone, just injecting a note of realism. This is a long battle and the outcome is still uncertain. From my own experience, not one person I know is paying any attention except my wife. She figured it out on her own without my help. Apparently I chose wisely when I married her.

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Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm off to work right now and will be back in about 12 hrs to give your post the attention it merits. Thanks.

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They infiltrated institutions on that basis. 2 or 3 loud obnoxious types with the rest being appeasers, agreeing to absurd things hoping that would make the loud jerks silent. They just reapplied this again and again. This formula has to be the same but in reverse. Our turn. We are at least 45 percent awake.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

The don't worry about the treaty shit is too planted. worry. Ihr amendments did go through and as my post said they are domestication through bills the same twat stuff

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Despite several attempts, I can’t open the link 🔗 provided for the aforementioned “podcast”.

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I think he since downed that specific podcast, because it must create an exposure to him. I would be grateful if someone found it.

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Well, hell. Now I have to find it! I have a previous connection with Michelle REMPLE before she married a US Armed Forces higher up! I have to look 👀

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I could not open the link either. It is curious.

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Curious is NOT the descriptor I assigned. It is actually quite typical. And WHOLLY suspect. And likely redundant anyway, because it doesn’t address the assertions in the initial letter.

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I am truly aware that government does not work for the people. It work for the rich, central bankers, big business, and ngos,

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Not much point engaging this guy, he's gone come the next election after a failed leadership run. I'm guessing he sees the writing on the wall and doesn't want to be part of a losing team.

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But his bill needs us writing the senate.

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check out a video by neil oliver at banned.video we must expose the last pandemic to stop the next

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Oh goody! More stuff to read, and digest. Thank you, Lisa.

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Wouldn’t be at all surprising to learn this Liberal mp’s name is on the list of FOREIGN INTERFERENCE !!!!! The list of names the Liberals are desperately hiding of who in parliament knowingly and willingly committed treason in my books.

I will add this guy to Hon Dong as two conspirators to aid a foreign power against your own country!!!!!

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