The gentleman who developed the PCR test (Carey) and won a Nobel Prize for it was very clear in an interview some years ago that the PCR test was not useful for this kind of testing and the higher the cycles the less reliable it became (my memory may be sketchy on the finer points of this issue), and he was also NO FAN of Anthony Fauci…amazingly, he up and died the fall of 2019, just before the pandemic struck! How convenient for the Event 201 coordinators…
Yes, he clearly stated that the PCR was a technique to amplify genetic material so that you could see what was there and talk about it. It never was to be a test.
Thought the name looked familiar. Sadly, no, not doing well at all. Details are on my substack, I won’t pollute this stack with my tales of misery and woe.
Ouch. I’m so sorry. I would’ve lost my job over the jab too, but I was self employed, so that was good, BUT the Biden administration was partially responsible for my forced early retirement with their open border and the increased fentanyl fiasco. My adult daughter who was disabled by a car crash at 17 over a decade ago is now lost to drugs (she was summarily taken off prescriptions after 8 years of them with not so much as a “sorry for your luck” much less any step down or other accommodation to help transition her to something else, so like countless others she turned to street drugs). The increase in availability and inexpensiveness of fentanyl because it is so abundant doesn’t help this struggle AT ALL. Anyway, the sad struggle nearly cost me my life and sanity, and in the end the drugs have won anyway. Now each day I just wait for “that call” or “that visit” from the law to let me know they “found her”…so the ongoing strain forced me to retire before I was really ready. This administration has been an unmitigated disaster on every level for all Americans but perhaps the permanent political class…
After six major surgeries in five years. Being on pain management which included fentanyl patches and two different types of morphine pills for ten years it was difficult.
I finally decided the medication was killing me so I went on a detox program. The hardest thing I have ever done in my life.
Praying that your daughter can find a way out of her addiction.
Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sure more people can relate than you might think.
Thank you John. I inadvertently discovered the eighth circle of hell and I wasn’t even looking for it…very glad to hear your success story. Intractable pain is exhausting and saps one’s soul if you don’t find very creative and effective ways to deal with it…don’t give up, don’t give in…
Thank you for clarifying that for me! I watched his interview, but it was so long ago, and although I’m no stranger to science, I’m NOT a professional scientist so remembering and articulating these things sometimes escapes me…again, thank you…
At best, the PCR could only detect if one had been exposed to the virus but exposure does not mean infection and infection does not mean sick. Apart from covid, a single positive test result is never enough to diagnose anything. Not in the human body or plant operations.
…and ‘testing’ had never been used before. They used it to PUSH this idiotic idea of a killing virus so we were so afraid and so pushed or we could not fly, work, go to a hospital or keep our kids in school. Only really, really MENTALLY SICK people would make the Covid nightmare happen. They must go to prison.
Follow the breadcrumbs and you will always find a LIE that EVIL people always use.. You have to remember that EVIL peoples native language is LIES.. Its real easy to catch them if the fix is not in, if the people who are suppose to protect us are not bought off, if the MSM is not them.. If all the governments entities who are suppose to police this are part of the EVIL empire, are bought off, scared off, blackmailed.. So they know going in that they are LIARS telling LIES, so the only way they can do what they have done is censor the TRUTH, turn TRUTH into misinformation=LIES.. They have to secure and compartmentalize everything , so the TRUTH cannot get in and only LIES can get out.. The whole system has to be burned down it cannot be saved.. To many peoples pay checks depend on not seeing or saying the TRUTH.. Government are the criminals now and have been..
The entire pandemic hoax BS began with this totally ineffectual test. As posters have noted above, Kary Mullis (inconveniently deceased in August 2019) said on a number of occasions that the PCR test was never designed to detect viruses, but to amplify existing molecules, depending upon what needs to be identified. I believe the $1 piece of dinky plastic never ever worked as they said it would, but was rigged to run positive 80% of the time. Simple math when you look at the stats. Remember you could test positive, but show no symptoms. Or you could test negative and be as sick as a dog, with something that couldn't be covid but was likely influenza.
The entire PCR nonsense was complete and utter farce from start to finish. I also recall looking at photos/videos of many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of these tests piled up in so-called untidy and dirty testing centres, some local and others in foreign countries. There was never any "scientific" evaluation of these tests. There couldn't have been with the millions, if not billions of these things floating around, with their complicated instructions. It was even worse when they shoved swabs up nasal passages and then sent the specimen off to where exactly? Logistically impossible. But you see, the PCR was integral to establishing the fear and bolstering the existence of the pandemic. The PCR played an enormous part in the covid hoax and governments and health authorities the world over were falling over themselves to purchase these things and do their bit for 20 pieces of silver. Shame on them and may they cursed throughout history.
"BREAKING NEWS: THE SUMMARY AEUA FOR THIS PCR TEST, SAYS THE TEST IS "USELESS." That the PCR Test is "useless" (for detecting the virus in humans) is hardly breaking news: that has been well establish for a long time, even before the Covid "vaccines" came out, if I recall correctly. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test, even said so himself. He "conveniently" died, sadly, shortly thereafter—whether the coincidence is indicative of causation remains an open question, but more than a few have speculated that it is.
If I remember correctly, it was the German so-called “Dr. Christan Drosten, of the Charité Hospital Berlin, who a few months before the man-haters declared their so-called “pandemic,” who managed to modify the PCR Test Method in order to generate the highest possible “positive” result. After that this medical criminal traveled to Wuhan , still even before the so-called pandemic began and then this testing method was forced upon all medics everywhere as the testing standard. Correct me if I'm wrong.
At one point, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich had discovered - as a result of one of his many interviews when he was still working at the Corona Ausschuss - that this so-called “Dr.” Christan Drosten had never really received his doctorate and was therefore not a doctor at all ! Unfortunately, this Drosten is still walking free and can do even more damage.
@Stephan Reisig Drosten has become a legend. What he did has made him immune to any number of murders he commits in future. The real game players, owners of Drosten, Dazack, Fauci etc.etc. are tooo powerful bloodlines. and no body can do anything to them. Nobody even talks about going after them. They own the world and are remaking it in their own image.
When I was admitted into the University Hospital having a hard time breathing one of the first things they did was use the PCR test to see if I had covid, that bitch shoved that thing so far up my nose I tried to crawl over the back of the gurney or what ever I was lying on. I could not believe she had to cause that much pain. I knew she was trying to scrape my mucus membrane witch can cause infection in the nasal passages and can lead to brain infection. Whether she knew this or not I don't know. I wrote about my experience being put on a ventilator in my blog if one wants to read it.
Not once did the test show I had covid in the almost five months or so I was there or at the Glen Rose Rehabilitation hospital after that where I had to learn to walk again as I rebuilt atrophied mussel. However they still put me on a ventilator saying it was for one day as they could not get a clear MRI with me coughing as I was. Even though it was pneumonia that I had they still put me on the ventilator when all I needed was meds and time. The ventilator caused fluid to build in my lungs to the point they told my wife I was going to die and to get things in order.
It took my wife a week to force them to take me off the ventilator by which time I was skin and bones having no nutrition or fluids the whole time. They used this test on many who did not have a loved one demanding answers and questioned what they were doing so they died at the hands of evil hospital etcetera caring only for wealth. We must never allow government controlled by foreign entities (WEF) to kill as they did using this test by the WEF and WHO with the help of criminal governments to see what the response would be to their depopulation agenda when mandated by government. They must have thought it a success as they are doing it again (bird flu) and soon climate scams.
All who took the experemental gene therapy and survived will more than likely take the next shots the most evil of humans will put forth. As many of us saw our loved ones die or be crippled so true demented evil can be filthy rich and control all who are left we know there must be accountability for all harmed and for the families left behind because of these crimes being the worst in human history so true evil can continue to force their demented wants and whims on humanity. The truth will not stay hidden forever and I pray that after they destroyed my lungs I live long enough to see them imprisoned and sentenced for crimes against humanity with a sentence receiving capital punishments. They owe so many compensation. The human race has been held in stagnation for thousands of years by demented evil. It now in the modern age is time humans developed as was intended from the begining.
I share your anger over what you were forced to experience, and the gratitude that your heroic wife managed to safe you, Dennis. Yes, they succeeded in killing millions. Outright with hospital protocols; with draconian mandates breaking spirits, and also with injections they lied about, that are not safe but toxic. So, the killing has not stopped and the Agenda is still rolling, exactly as planned many years ago. You can find the same outline in many places, such as the Day Tapes dating back to 1969 and the Rockefellers Agenda 2030, brought into public conscience in 2010 The net is cast wide and the plot extends much beyond the pandemics, forcing the world population into their knees to accept a ‘Great Reset’ (WEF) of the world’s power structure into a capitalist communist tyranny and theft of all private and public resources, as outlined by Rosa Koire two decades ago Best wishes for your full recovery !
Pierre Poilievre's wife has something to do with one of the PCR testing companies. I can't remember now if she was on some board of directors or if she actually owned one, or part of one, but if you search the info it may still be out there.
Edit: Of course it's been scrubbed elsewhere and AI answers have been updated to make claims of disinformation.
All of this is now so incredibly tedious....article after article of telling many of us what we already know...and nothing changes ....the asleep are still asleep and the corrupt criminals who doled this out continue as though nothing happened. So what is the point of these articles that tediously tell us what we already know......
Please note the percentages and then ask why antibiotics were withheld and HBOT was denied EUA in 2020 unless it was playing the odds on who would succumb to disease.
"Nearly a century after the cholera epidemic that Fritz Hoffmann witnessed in Hamburg, an unknown and deadly virus began to take hold across the world. By the end of 1981, the first case of AIDS – the full blown disease state of HIV – was documented.1 The first medicine for AIDS did not come until 1987. But there was another issue – understanding a patient’s viral load was going to be an essential part of providing the right therapeutic care for people with the virus.
“The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology was really triggered very much by HIV and AIDS, and by the pharma division’s need to find a quantitative test to assess the viral load in the patient’s bloodstream,” Bieri says.
“The therapeutic concept was that you would develop chemical scissors for each step in the development cycle of the virus in the patient’s body. But, of course, you couldn’t combine these therapies in a sensible way if you were not able to monitor the viral load in the patient’s blood. Roche realized in 1989 that the PCR technology might be a way of doing so,” Bieri says.
Roche set about automating the PCR technology, which until this point had mainly been used in the area of research. Amplicor became the first automatic PCR system to enter the market when it was launched in 1994, making it possible for clinicians to effectively and safely combine the different medicines that were needed to manage people’s viral loads.
PCR testing has revolutionized medicine and played a crucial role in biology and biomedical research thanks to its ability to swiftly produce millions to billions of copies of a DNA segment that can be studied and analyzed in more detail.2
Most recently, PCR testing was instrumental in identifying COVID-19 and mutated strains amongst the world’s population, providing authorities with the vital information they needed to make potentially life-saving public health decisions."
The gentleman who developed the PCR test (Carey) and won a Nobel Prize for it was very clear in an interview some years ago that the PCR test was not useful for this kind of testing and the higher the cycles the less reliable it became (my memory may be sketchy on the finer points of this issue), and he was also NO FAN of Anthony Fauci…amazingly, he up and died the fall of 2019, just before the pandemic struck! How convenient for the Event 201 coordinators…
Yes, he clearly stated that the PCR was a technique to amplify genetic material so that you could see what was there and talk about it. It never was to be a test.
Yep! I lost my career of 23 years because I refused this bullshit. That was March 1, 2021.
What a cluster fuck load of crap. I can’t believe people fell for this tyranny…still to this day!
And, they are STILL falling for it.
I know!
I hope you’re doing alright! I remember speaking to you a few years ago!
Thought the name looked familiar. Sadly, no, not doing well at all. Details are on my substack, I won’t pollute this stack with my tales of misery and woe.
May God/Creator and His love be with you Kitsune. I’m sorry for your pain. Sometimes just getting through one day is a feat. I understand. 💜
Ouch. I’m so sorry. I would’ve lost my job over the jab too, but I was self employed, so that was good, BUT the Biden administration was partially responsible for my forced early retirement with their open border and the increased fentanyl fiasco. My adult daughter who was disabled by a car crash at 17 over a decade ago is now lost to drugs (she was summarily taken off prescriptions after 8 years of them with not so much as a “sorry for your luck” much less any step down or other accommodation to help transition her to something else, so like countless others she turned to street drugs). The increase in availability and inexpensiveness of fentanyl because it is so abundant doesn’t help this struggle AT ALL. Anyway, the sad struggle nearly cost me my life and sanity, and in the end the drugs have won anyway. Now each day I just wait for “that call” or “that visit” from the law to let me know they “found her”…so the ongoing strain forced me to retire before I was really ready. This administration has been an unmitigated disaster on every level for all Americans but perhaps the permanent political class…
Sorry to hear about your daughter.
I can truly relate.
After six major surgeries in five years. Being on pain management which included fentanyl patches and two different types of morphine pills for ten years it was difficult.
I finally decided the medication was killing me so I went on a detox program. The hardest thing I have ever done in my life.
Praying that your daughter can find a way out of her addiction.
Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sure more people can relate than you might think.
Thank you John. I inadvertently discovered the eighth circle of hell and I wasn’t even looking for it…very glad to hear your success story. Intractable pain is exhausting and saps one’s soul if you don’t find very creative and effective ways to deal with it…don’t give up, don’t give in…
Keep battling on.
Giving up is not an option.
Others are counting on us to lead the way.
I appreciate your reply.
Thank you for clarifying that for me! I watched his interview, but it was so long ago, and although I’m no stranger to science, I’m NOT a professional scientist so remembering and articulating these things sometimes escapes me…again, thank you…
At best, the PCR could only detect if one had been exposed to the virus but exposure does not mean infection and infection does not mean sick. Apart from covid, a single positive test result is never enough to diagnose anything. Not in the human body or plant operations.
…and ‘testing’ had never been used before. They used it to PUSH this idiotic idea of a killing virus so we were so afraid and so pushed or we could not fly, work, go to a hospital or keep our kids in school. Only really, really MENTALLY SICK people would make the Covid nightmare happen. They must go to prison.
Testing is used but not in the way they did. Nowhere near it. Testing in the first SARS pandemic is an excellent example how it is to be done.
Follow the breadcrumbs and you will always find a LIE that EVIL people always use.. You have to remember that EVIL peoples native language is LIES.. Its real easy to catch them if the fix is not in, if the people who are suppose to protect us are not bought off, if the MSM is not them.. If all the governments entities who are suppose to police this are part of the EVIL empire, are bought off, scared off, blackmailed.. So they know going in that they are LIARS telling LIES, so the only way they can do what they have done is censor the TRUTH, turn TRUTH into misinformation=LIES.. They have to secure and compartmentalize everything , so the TRUTH cannot get in and only LIES can get out.. The whole system has to be burned down it cannot be saved.. To many peoples pay checks depend on not seeing or saying the TRUTH.. Government are the criminals now and have been..
The entire pandemic hoax BS began with this totally ineffectual test. As posters have noted above, Kary Mullis (inconveniently deceased in August 2019) said on a number of occasions that the PCR test was never designed to detect viruses, but to amplify existing molecules, depending upon what needs to be identified. I believe the $1 piece of dinky plastic never ever worked as they said it would, but was rigged to run positive 80% of the time. Simple math when you look at the stats. Remember you could test positive, but show no symptoms. Or you could test negative and be as sick as a dog, with something that couldn't be covid but was likely influenza.
The entire PCR nonsense was complete and utter farce from start to finish. I also recall looking at photos/videos of many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of these tests piled up in so-called untidy and dirty testing centres, some local and others in foreign countries. There was never any "scientific" evaluation of these tests. There couldn't have been with the millions, if not billions of these things floating around, with their complicated instructions. It was even worse when they shoved swabs up nasal passages and then sent the specimen off to where exactly? Logistically impossible. But you see, the PCR was integral to establishing the fear and bolstering the existence of the pandemic. The PCR played an enormous part in the covid hoax and governments and health authorities the world over were falling over themselves to purchase these things and do their bit for 20 pieces of silver. Shame on them and may they cursed throughout history.
"BREAKING NEWS: THE SUMMARY AEUA FOR THIS PCR TEST, SAYS THE TEST IS "USELESS." That the PCR Test is "useless" (for detecting the virus in humans) is hardly breaking news: that has been well establish for a long time, even before the Covid "vaccines" came out, if I recall correctly. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test, even said so himself. He "conveniently" died, sadly, shortly thereafter—whether the coincidence is indicative of causation remains an open question, but more than a few have speculated that it is.
If I remember correctly, it was the German so-called “Dr. Christan Drosten, of the Charité Hospital Berlin, who a few months before the man-haters declared their so-called “pandemic,” who managed to modify the PCR Test Method in order to generate the highest possible “positive” result. After that this medical criminal traveled to Wuhan , still even before the so-called pandemic began and then this testing method was forced upon all medics everywhere as the testing standard. Correct me if I'm wrong.
At one point, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich had discovered - as a result of one of his many interviews when he was still working at the Corona Ausschuss - that this so-called “Dr.” Christan Drosten had never really received his doctorate and was therefore not a doctor at all ! Unfortunately, this Drosten is still walking free and can do even more damage.
@Stephan Reisig Drosten has become a legend. What he did has made him immune to any number of murders he commits in future. The real game players, owners of Drosten, Dazack, Fauci etc.etc. are tooo powerful bloodlines. and no body can do anything to them. Nobody even talks about going after them. They own the world and are remaking it in their own image.
When I was admitted into the University Hospital having a hard time breathing one of the first things they did was use the PCR test to see if I had covid, that bitch shoved that thing so far up my nose I tried to crawl over the back of the gurney or what ever I was lying on. I could not believe she had to cause that much pain. I knew she was trying to scrape my mucus membrane witch can cause infection in the nasal passages and can lead to brain infection. Whether she knew this or not I don't know. I wrote about my experience being put on a ventilator in my blog if one wants to read it.
Not once did the test show I had covid in the almost five months or so I was there or at the Glen Rose Rehabilitation hospital after that where I had to learn to walk again as I rebuilt atrophied mussel. However they still put me on a ventilator saying it was for one day as they could not get a clear MRI with me coughing as I was. Even though it was pneumonia that I had they still put me on the ventilator when all I needed was meds and time. The ventilator caused fluid to build in my lungs to the point they told my wife I was going to die and to get things in order.
It took my wife a week to force them to take me off the ventilator by which time I was skin and bones having no nutrition or fluids the whole time. They used this test on many who did not have a loved one demanding answers and questioned what they were doing so they died at the hands of evil hospital etcetera caring only for wealth. We must never allow government controlled by foreign entities (WEF) to kill as they did using this test by the WEF and WHO with the help of criminal governments to see what the response would be to their depopulation agenda when mandated by government. They must have thought it a success as they are doing it again (bird flu) and soon climate scams.
All who took the experemental gene therapy and survived will more than likely take the next shots the most evil of humans will put forth. As many of us saw our loved ones die or be crippled so true demented evil can be filthy rich and control all who are left we know there must be accountability for all harmed and for the families left behind because of these crimes being the worst in human history so true evil can continue to force their demented wants and whims on humanity. The truth will not stay hidden forever and I pray that after they destroyed my lungs I live long enough to see them imprisoned and sentenced for crimes against humanity with a sentence receiving capital punishments. They owe so many compensation. The human race has been held in stagnation for thousands of years by demented evil. It now in the modern age is time humans developed as was intended from the begining.
I share your anger over what you were forced to experience, and the gratitude that your heroic wife managed to safe you, Dennis. Yes, they succeeded in killing millions. Outright with hospital protocols; with draconian mandates breaking spirits, and also with injections they lied about, that are not safe but toxic. So, the killing has not stopped and the Agenda is still rolling, exactly as planned many years ago. You can find the same outline in many places, such as the Day Tapes dating back to 1969 and the Rockefellers Agenda 2030, brought into public conscience in 2010 The net is cast wide and the plot extends much beyond the pandemics, forcing the world population into their knees to accept a ‘Great Reset’ (WEF) of the world’s power structure into a capitalist communist tyranny and theft of all private and public resources, as outlined by Rosa Koire two decades ago Best wishes for your full recovery !
Thank you for sharing your story. You have been through too much. I pray that things are going better for you and you have much improved 2025.
My favorite parts of Covid:
People used to wait until they were dead before their bodies would be donated to science.
Pierre Poilievre's wife has something to do with one of the PCR testing companies. I can't remember now if she was on some board of directors or if she actually owned one, or part of one, but if you search the info it may still be out there.
Edit: Of course it's been scrubbed elsewhere and AI answers have been updated to make claims of disinformation.
I did find this just now:
All of this is now so incredibly tedious....article after article of telling many of us what we already know...and nothing changes ....the asleep are still asleep and the corrupt criminals who doled this out continue as though nothing happened. So what is the point of these articles that tediously tell us what we already know......
Millions of us world wide knew this when the person responsible for creating this FAKE test said that it could discern many, many ailments.
@Lawyer Lisa. I couldn't find Serial# 6 in your post. Typo error or some point was missed out?
I decided to look a bit further.
This is more than disconcerting. Its what they left out.
Please note the percentages and then ask why antibiotics were withheld and HBOT was denied EUA in 2020 unless it was playing the odds on who would succumb to disease.
How many hundreds of millions did governments around the world pay for the PCR?
And doesn't show the licensing fees for use of the patents for PCR. When I was first looking at it in 2020 or 2021 it seems a major player was Hoffmann LaRoche.
From Roche Diagnostics..
"Nearly a century after the cholera epidemic that Fritz Hoffmann witnessed in Hamburg, an unknown and deadly virus began to take hold across the world. By the end of 1981, the first case of AIDS – the full blown disease state of HIV – was documented.1 The first medicine for AIDS did not come until 1987. But there was another issue – understanding a patient’s viral load was going to be an essential part of providing the right therapeutic care for people with the virus.
“The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology was really triggered very much by HIV and AIDS, and by the pharma division’s need to find a quantitative test to assess the viral load in the patient’s bloodstream,” Bieri says.
“The therapeutic concept was that you would develop chemical scissors for each step in the development cycle of the virus in the patient’s body. But, of course, you couldn’t combine these therapies in a sensible way if you were not able to monitor the viral load in the patient’s blood. Roche realized in 1989 that the PCR technology might be a way of doing so,” Bieri says.
Roche set about automating the PCR technology, which until this point had mainly been used in the area of research. Amplicor became the first automatic PCR system to enter the market when it was launched in 1994, making it possible for clinicians to effectively and safely combine the different medicines that were needed to manage people’s viral loads.
PCR testing has revolutionized medicine and played a crucial role in biology and biomedical research thanks to its ability to swiftly produce millions to billions of copies of a DNA segment that can be studied and analyzed in more detail.2
Most recently, PCR testing was instrumental in identifying COVID-19 and mutated strains amongst the world’s population, providing authorities with the vital information they needed to make potentially life-saving public health decisions."
AEUA? Why not just BS?
Old information for those of us who’ve been following this from the onset of the PLANdemic.
That the test doesn't work is old. Having THEIR document that proves to the public it does not work is quite another thing.
The problem still exists, it’s use has not been deemed illegal.