They can keep their bird 🐦 (avian) flu, thank-you.

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They are doing this in Australia too. Half a million birds already culled and shops rationing eggs.

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Before Xmas in 2021 in the USA they destroyed 91 million chickens and turkeys. Same was happening in UK and France. Recently the n Europe they were euthanising thousands of pigs over an imaginary African swine flu infection. Back in the seventies club of Rome- later WEF stated the best way to depopulate the world was wars families be and pandemics. They are working hard on all three fronts.

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Oz has proved itself to be the weakest link of humanity. Y’all need to grow a pair of balls and start fighting back against those tyrants. Seriously. There are 8:10 of the most deadliest species in that country and during the lockdowns where cops were shooting people with rubber bullets. Not one of you thought to utilize those species to your advantage? I mean the country allowed physical weapons to be seized. Stop laying down. Ffs.

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The proverbial bird brain...

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Kudos to every single person who has taken up the sword to do battle. Humans are amazing!

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You can't catch a leprechaun, you can't ride a unicorn, and you can't engineer a virus.

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YOU probably can't engineer a virus, neither I can, but THEY can can create a "man"-made pathogen.

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If you read the recent Sacha Latypova blog they can fake anything. Using chemical combinations and produce symptoms in humans that appear to be a “disease”. Whichever way it goes we are being poisoned.

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They can? When have they done that?

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2011 A European scientist genetically altered H5N1 to effectively spread between mammals. Dr. Ron Fouchier from the Netherlands announced at a flu conference in Malta that he had discovered a way to make the avian flu virus more contagious. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/no-record-found-of-h5n1-avian-influenza

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Oh but I thought Trump or rather Drumpf was supposed to do that, ya know “drain the swamp” *snicker*. Another cryptojew like the rest of these worthless parasitic assholes.

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Their going to "Depopluat" anyway they can...and by whatever method they can think of...if you haven't noticed by now, you're not looking at it the correct way. 😵😵😠👿

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