This is from a Canadian Jewish friend living in Israel.
His experience is founded on the horrid emotions of being so close to the attacks. Still this is the conclusion he came to. He is speaking of the entire Middle East not just Israel. He is speaking of every religion in the Middle East, all. Not just Jews.
The March through Ukraine, to the Middle East through to Taiwan and North Korea looks like a Communist war. Communism and the Globalists will have no religion. No Abrahamic religion is compatible with either a technocratic or globalist or communist vision of our world.
I don’t know what your reaction to his theory will be but I thought I would share it. Maybe because it has the promise of de-escalation within his perspective. I cut him off although the rest of his thoughts were relevant he was very sad. So sad. Like an anvil on him. I am not saying he is right. But the perspectives in social media are stark black and white. This is ENTIRELY different.
God bless you all. May God find the right hearts to avert further horror on either side. Imagine Satan is our enemy the whole time.
Let me know if you want more of his perspectives. You can see he thinks our chains are being yanked for an outcome.
I'm not sure it's all related specifically to the pedophilia as people are against much of the globalaist agenda, but think he's spot on about the intention of civil wars breaking out, allowing the declaration of martial law.
They've gone to great lengths to prepare for this next phase they have planned for us, are we prepared for it?
Yes, more please. Perhaps if enough people finally understand this is Holy War, they will at least feebly engage?
People don’t comprehend God’s love. Grandparents may have a very slight inkling of its magnanimity? When they look at their 4-year old grandchild crying because the baby pinched their finger in the gate they have been instructed time and again not to touch - because “it will pinch your little fingers, Tad Pole! No-no, mustn’t touch!”, they are not angry at the baby for not listening, nor do they let the child cry, learning their lesson. Grandmommy or Granddaddy races to scoop the baby up in their arms and comfort them. They kiss the baby’s fingers and race to get ice to help dull the pain. They then scold the “naughty gate” for harming their baby.
Here is where it resembles the love of God: the next week, when the baby does the exact same thing, they respond in the exact same manner! Then, they set about finding a less harmful gate! They never blame the child for being a child! What’s more, when Grandmommy looks at that baby, the time the child got into her makeup and poured out all of her foundation and dusted the room with her face powder does not cross her mind - after all, it was her fault the baby got ahold of the cosmetics. At the department store counter she doesn’t think of the baby at all when she shells out the money for the replacements, she merely reminds herself to be more careful. When her mind flashes to the child standing in the room in their diapers, covered in crème base and dusted from head to toe, she smiles at how adorable the baby was and is flattered the child was emulating her. Now multiply such love by infinity. Of course we are deserving of His love, we are His!