I'm not sure it's all related specifically to the pedophilia as people are against much of the globalaist agenda, but think he's spot on about the intention of civil wars breaking out, allowing the declaration of martial law.

They've gone to great lengths to prepare for this next phase they have planned for us, are we prepared for it?

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Here is Cardinal Vigano. He's calling the war on Globalists a holy war.


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Thank you, I really like Cardinal Vigano.

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Yes, more please. Perhaps if enough people finally understand this is Holy War, they will at least feebly engage?

People don’t comprehend God’s love. Grandparents may have a very slight inkling of its magnanimity? When they look at their 4-year old grandchild crying because the baby pinched their finger in the gate they have been instructed time and again not to touch - because “it will pinch your little fingers, Tad Pole! No-no, mustn’t touch!”, they are not angry at the baby for not listening, nor do they let the child cry, learning their lesson. Grandmommy or Granddaddy races to scoop the baby up in their arms and comfort them. They kiss the baby’s fingers and race to get ice to help dull the pain. They then scold the “naughty gate” for harming their baby.

Here is where it resembles the love of God: the next week, when the baby does the exact same thing, they respond in the exact same manner! Then, they set about finding a less harmful gate! They never blame the child for being a child! What’s more, when Grandmommy looks at that baby, the time the child got into her makeup and poured out all of her foundation and dusted the room with her face powder does not cross her mind - after all, it was her fault the baby got ahold of the cosmetics. At the department store counter she doesn’t think of the baby at all when she shells out the money for the replacements, she merely reminds herself to be more careful. When her mind flashes to the child standing in the room in their diapers, covered in crème base and dusted from head to toe, she smiles at how adorable the baby was and is flattered the child was emulating her. Now multiply such love by infinity. Of course we are deserving of His love, we are His!

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He provided an interesting perspective that I had not considered. Thank you for putting his thoughts up.

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I definitely would like to hear more of this gentleman's perspectives.

Tragically, from the 1 min 17 seconds brief statement you shared from him.....l do believe he is correct. Divine intervention is mankind's only hope at this point. Does mankind even deserve salvation? Do we even deserve to be rescued from the errors of our ways?

The Bible states it will come....but only after terrible destruction & loss of life. It is said that only 1/3 of humanity will survive. We must go to Confession & pray with every fiber of our being.

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That the UN has an agenda aligned to the perverted and anti-human desires of the parasitic globalist elite is undeniable. However, I gather heads of the world's dominant religions, led by Pope and leaders of the Islamic ideology, are even now seeking to sink their theological differences in order to create an all-embracing One World Religion.

Bearing in mind the current carnage involving Jews and Muslims in the Middle East, an old pagan like myself could be forgiven for thinking this proposal has merit - though how the new doctrine will be spread among a flock which (assuming the UN and its technocratic conspirators are successful) has morphed from flesh and blood humans into heartless and mindless cyborgs and avatars is beyond my ken.

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This is a Holy war. But planned for a very long time. The Georgia Guidestones told us they would kill off most, and get rid of God back in the 70's. Prophecy is being fulfilled in many ways. Jesus said to be bold. Fight, reisist and DO NOT COMPLY. Most importantly, stay in prayer. Pray without ceasing.

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