Australia won’t be far behind - legislation in Western Australia voted down a bill that gave failed late abortion where the baby is born live not to have the same recognition of a regular child born pre- term. The infant will be allowed to die., despite the demand for adoption. This came about after an aborted child was left on a stainless steel bench took 8 hours to die.
Turn back to God if you want to save this country. The so called leaders are working for moloch.
You are not kidding.
When vulnerable people are discarded by government, we are all in trouble.
Systems can produce vulnerability. They are puppeteers.
In the depopulation plan, we are all vulnerable to their evil and twisted ideology.
Australia won’t be far behind - legislation in Western Australia voted down a bill that gave failed late abortion where the baby is born live not to have the same recognition of a regular child born pre- term. The infant will be allowed to die., despite the demand for adoption. This came about after an aborted child was left on a stainless steel bench took 8 hours to die.