Lisa….where are you located? This essay is spot in and consistent with my research. Would love to share some of the research and intel I have that gives a solid example of what you are describing/interpreting based on the EO on biotechnology in real time in detail where I live. As the majority of the population in my state have no idea….asleep as their future is being constructed for them without knowledge or understanding of the implications.

Efforts to get the medical freedom movement players (Malone, Kirsch, Nass) to address the real elephant in the room, beyond the vaccine has been met with hostility (which is a red flag for me and has me concerned about the critical time being lost to the throes of the debate around the vaccine.

I’m passionate about the vaccine being withdrawn. It caused my mother’s horrible death. That being said, I recognize that the economy they have planned with biotech at the center equates to social impact markets with us as human capital to be managed through surveillance and compliance….resulting in our governance essentially being incorporated beyond what it already is….and the technologies being advanced enough to devastate any effort to resist. So in my mind, the urgency of the Trojan Horse you are pointing to that is at our gates is paramount.

Malone kicked me off his substack for aggressively challenging him about his failure to dig into this area, the role of technology in the coming digital prison. Nass has reacted as if I’m trying yo tell her what to do and has called me a fragger. Kirsch just ignores mine and others please for them all to broaden the scope of their examination of what we are truly up against. To be honest, at this point the vaccine debate sure feels like it is serving to distract as the fin/tech elite move the rest of the chess pieces into place on the board before they pull the rug out from under us with an economic collapse that will usher in the lynch pin or keystone of their entire plan…CBDC.

The medical freedom movement will touch on these issues but they stop short of really digging in and naming names and illuminating for the public how the system they have participated in for much of their careers has led to this place.

At this point, I don’t even care if they are controlled opposition, misguided, just feel limited in ability or time, none of that changes the reality that the clock is ticking and awareness is not what it needs to be to stop the train wreck on the horizon.

If and when the economic collapse occurs and fear rushes through the veins of average Americans once again—-they will beg for the CBDC just like they trusted the corporate sector working with our captured government public health agencies and begged for the vaccine.

Caveat Emptor.

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