TRUISTIC-FACT: Professional bodies are being weaponized for silence and conformity
speech under attack through professional bodies: SPEECH IN NUMBERS
I’m constantly appalled by the war on WORDS. Words will free us, when we free them. Talking is what you must do everywhere and with whomever will listen.
As public spaces and public media mafia, SOCIAL MEDIA MAFIA are coopted for silence, words become more precious.
I’ve thought about the binary version of silence. So under this version there is the official VERSION on any topic say for instance ‘Safe and effective’ and ‘believe in science’. The binary version of this is that the official space and communications supports and spews a version of a narrative. by owning the space that allows speech to occur it leaves only a binary version of disagreement. That is namely the NOT. Or the accusations that follow you ‘don’t believe in science. or you don’t ‘want to prevent climate change’. you ‘don’t’ ‘want to protect democracy’.
In fact when dissent is stifled to the extend we have and are witnessing: only the binary version exists. So frame the positive official narrative space such that the opposite is ridiculous, and full of shame. Then the argument is won, because the not doesn’t address the dissent you would bring.
Somehow further shame can be added such that denying climate science is racist or transphobic. It creates a hostility around dialogue and cements the binary version of dialogue.
Dissent to a position comprises: emotional responses, individual narratives and realities, community observations, scientific published studies, personal tragedies, history with a medical community, scientific studies with different sets of parameters, not changing the definitions of words in order fit a truth, judgements that come from lived experiences, alternatives to the narrative, best practices not involved or engaged with the discussion, paradigms completely ignored, data points being ignored, regulations mis-directing, legal notions not engaged, philosophical view points omitted from the realty, human rights not tolerated and engaged, historical contexts avoided for comparisons, debate that involves discontinuity and silence, losses due to rigid policies, business losses, economic losses, models built for proof of concept, ridiculousness on the position, ability to test the fundamentals and provide alternatives.
All these are words that are not heard. When words are heard they can shape thought and shape future ideas, and developments and solutions.
Silence this rigid develops prisons within the mind. The true Chinese wall within your mind rather than the organization: on the one the “truistic””fact” you are forced to embody and accept completely and on the other side of the wall of your brain: computes data, with logic, intuition, emotion, creativity, analysis. All this must suppressed for a the acceptance of a premise: truistic-fact which is not permitted to be tested with dialogue.
If the truistic-fact or premise was irrefutable then testing it shouldn’t be outlawed. It is precisely because of how fragile it is that it must be owned, the dialogue must be owned and the the dissent must be reduced to binary. Only the not-version of dissent is allowed. and the not-version is turned into tin-foil. Such glee, such glee. own the debate by humiliating the dissent. They become the not-version of the binary discussion. and you must dismiss the not-version of the truistic-fact.
Do you believe in science. answer the question. yes or no.
and that is the debate. Is the great reset a conspiracy theory yes or no.
what about sChwaabie’s book. It’s a yes or no question. Is it?
Because the many ways you can analyze a problem and provide solutions to it silencing dissent from the official narrative it putrid in every sense of the ‘word’. I still believe firmly and with every ounce of my body that WORDS WILL SAVE US. so articulate them, bring them. Debate that is primed for narrative binary responses is just part of the McKinzie et al. Pr version of ‘truth’. Or TM version of Science. Or Disinformation version of dialogue.