TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE will happen when we start piggy backing our awakening to where we are in our lives.
Dr. Meryl Nass states: “I encourage readers to bring this issue to every organization, church group, club you belong to. Ask your group to support a letter to the President, governor, attorney general, or whoever is appropriate explaining why your country should vote NO for the pandemic treaty and amendments to the IHR. Send a copy to your local newspaper and send a copy to me, and we will post them at Door to Freedom.
This action will essentially require all your organizations to confront this issue and make a determination about it—a hugely important educational step. It will get newspapers to publish the letters, and will help drum up interest from others in your community. Finally, organizations carry a lot more weight with politicians than a single person.
Please consider being a messenger and getting this done!
Use your resources in step wise fashion.
you write your MPs, senators, governor, Attorney generals
ADD WRITING YOUR LOCAL TRIAL LAWYER ASSOCIATION TO NOTIFY THEIR MEMBERSHIP. on the one side is Big Firm lawyers. on the other side, the little plaintiff side trial lawyers. find their membership and write them all.
also write all the media whose addresses you can find. Do an open CC with left and right wing media so they see each other getting the same information.
you write the organizations you have influence in and those you do not;
and so on and so forth.
It’s time for a lot of mail.
Each initiative needs the next step follow up.
when we defeat the Who we custom these awakened relationships to do the same for Climate… etc.
Design your path of influence. think. execute.
Feedback from James Roguski | I STRONGLY SUGGEST you forget everything you think you know about the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and read the documents at as if reading about it for the very first time.
The WHO and its associates and supporters should be on trial for the ‘PHEIC’ pandemic that has robbed Australians of half a trillion dollars, and who knows how many trillions around the world. Biggest crime of all time.