First email to the dr. Bonnie Henry, Chief Medical officer of health for BC, on April 7 2021 from Dr. HOFFE
“I am a family physician in Lytton, BC…Sadly I have been seeing terrible side-effects from the covid vaccines in my medical practice.”
2nd email.
April 8 , 2021.
“I believe we should report this person to the College.”
From Bonnie Henry.
And while this info is in the public domain, here is CBC’s sniveling reporting with Dr Henry. Any hard hitting info on this evidence of conspiracy between the College of Physicians and Dr. Henry herself?
And that's it folks. There's the pandemic in 2 emails. Medical suppression of evidence using the coordination of the highest offices we were feigned to trust.
You know to share. Thanks.
I was just having a discussion on why we in BC keep having ER closures. Is it the compliant doctors and nurses are getting sick from the jabs or is it the lack of staff because Bon Bon fired so many for refusing the jab?
Either way she is the root cause.
Just to regurgitate one of Bon Bon’s propaganda lines, what ever happened to “be kind”
A good family doctor in a small town expresses valid concern for his patients regarding a brand new mandated medical procedure and she fraudulently reports him to the medical governance board……she is like an evil version of revenge of a nerd, a person that was most likely picked on for being a weird nerd finally has power and my God did she want to use and abuse it…..and she is only one example.
Imagine dr Hoffe took the initiative to test patients blood with their permission to check D-dimer level pre and post injection, brings it to Bonnie Henry’s attention and she knew immediately the information could derail the whole program so they went in the attack.