THE PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO CLIMATE; Climate scientists should understand the new pimp on the block is One Health.
As Public Health demands to get closer and closer to a totalitarian One Health Approach it also claims ownership of the ‘health consequences’ of climate.
This recent conference held by Public Health Agency of Canada offered a One Health program, and the Health Impacts of Extreme Heat.
The One health approach allows for Public Health to govern all aspects of government, the economy, communications, workers, and social interactions. Since Public Health Agency of Canada is part of the WHO apparatus through the process of the National Focal Point designation in 2005, then we de facto hand over governance via One Health to the WHO.
So One Health is a totalitarian and thus societal view of the world, but it is also the excuse to impose the WHO as the governing body through the NFP (National Focal Points- Satellite offices of the WHO) hold of public health. It is very problematic to have a One Health approach.
“Environment and Health (“One Health”)
3:00 - 3:30
Keynote: Getting Ahead of the Climate Change Curve: Science to Support Health Adaptation
Speaker: Dr. Peter Berry (Senior Policy Analyst and Science Advisor, Climate Change and Health Office, Health Canada)
Description: Dr. Berry will discuss the current science around climate change risks to health, vulnerabilities, and adaptation needs, with the hope of fostering future collaborations and innovative solutions.
Introduced by: Josée Bégin (Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada)
3:30 - 3:45
Session 1: Examining the Health Impacts of Extreme Heat: Future Temperature-related Excess Mortality and Morbidity in Canada
Speaker: Dr. Éric Lavigne (Epidemiologist, Health Canada; Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa)
Description: Dr. Lavigne will present his work using time series analysis to estimate associations between daily temperatures and mortality/hospitalizations across Canada until 2099, providing insights into expected health outcomes across varying climate change and population growth scenarios.
‘Extreme Heat’ is positioned as the reason to impose control mechanisms for climate. We ignore the new pursuit of Public Health and Climate at our peril.
Public health seems to have a one size fits all approach to all that it believes ails us.
lock us down;
censor us;
refuse to examine the science of those in dissent (much like the climate game);
impose draconian measures for ‘the greater good’;
Climate Realists must not ignore the new threat on the horizon via ONE HEALTH. The people that want to vaccinate society into oblivion, lock down our businesses have in their squares Climate as their new excuse for those same powers.
In Canada there is the domestication of totalitarianism through bill C-293.
We have teams crossing the country with door knocker flyers getting the word out. please give $7.00 to help the effort. each flyer is .08 and we have assembled private donations (mostly myself and personal friends) to get this started and have distributed 100k flyers to cities and towns across Canada. We need a new batch.
I salute your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice, both verbally and with a donation to "KillBill293".
If Canada and the US are to survive our Battle of Britain moment against the Great Reset underway then let it be said that never will so many have owed so much to so few as
Attorney Lisa Miron!
Those mfr's own the science.