There is very little Main Stream news on the the Criminal Complaint against Tedros Adhanom head of the WHO. The complaint laid before the International Criminal Court alleges GENOCIDE AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. But to my knowledge despite being laid has not been formerly taken up or addressed at the ICC.
Since we have been under the minute by minute instructions of a possible WAR CRIMINAL, ACCUSED OF GENOCIDE AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, then should we know more?
Shouldn’t we look into why or what the accusations were? Did his role in the WHO provide him ‘diplomatic immunity’?
Image from Business Standard
I found the following references:
The Times in the UK behind a pay wall.
The Business Standard
Since there is so little information regarding this period of time in Ethiopia, I had to search further. Human Rights Watch made a statement to the European government about the time period in 2016 when Tedros was in government.
It will chill you to the bone. It is like Ethopia was for Tedros the study of what repressions could amount to. The stepwise repressions led to a genocide. SHOULD THIS MAN BE AT THE HELM OF THE WHO, WITH THE POWERS THEY ARE GRANTING THEMSELVES AT THIS MINUTE?
October 13, 2016 4:51AM EDT
Human Rights Watch Statement to the European Parliament
"Human Rights Situation in Ethiopia: Need for Stronger EU Action October 12, 2016
Committee on Development Subcommittee on Human Rights Joint Debate
“The recent events were a long time in the making. They are the outcome of the government’s systematic and calculated suppression of fundamental rights and freedoms that have closed political space and left few opportunities for the peaceful expression of dissent.
Ethiopia is among Africa’s leading jailors of journalists, and there is little space for independent journalists to operate.
Ethiopian journalists and bloggers must choose between self-censorship, arrest, or living in exile.
Websites critical of the government are blocked, radio stations are regularly jammed during sensitive times, and those providing information to journalists are often targeted for arrest. At various times in the last three months, the government has blocked the internet completely in some locations, restricted access to social media, and jammed radio transmissions including German broadcaster Deustche Welle.
Bloggers have been arrested, and international journalists continue to report restrictions on access to the country. As we speak, the government is blocking access to the internet in many parts of Oromia.
Independent civil society groups face similar overwhelming obstruction. In 2009 the government passed the Charities and Societies Proclamation, which severely curtails the ability of nongovernmental organizations to work in areas of human rights and good governance.
The anti-terrorism law, passed in 2009, has been used to crack down on peaceful expressions of dissent. Many opposition politicians, journalists, and activists have been convicted under that journalists, and activists have been convicted under that law and sentenced to prison terms.
Courts have shown little independence in politically charged trials. There have also been serious restrictions on opposition political parties, which led to the ruling coalition in the May 2015 election to win 100 percent of the seats in the federal and regional parliaments, despite evident anti-government feelings in much of the country, as the protests indicate.
The authorities restrict public protests with routine denial of permits and arrests of real or perceived protest organizers. Fear of opposing the government has historically kept people from protesting, but that fear is rapidly dissipating.
For those who do take to the streets, as thousands have done in hundreds of locations over the last year, brutal force from security forces is often the response. What avenues does this leave to express dissent, to question government policies or to voice concern over abusive practices?
The ruling party has dealt swiftly and aggressively with anyone who challenges the government narrative. For example, in March 2015, Pastor Omot Agwa was arrested in Addis Ababa with six other colleagues after trying to attend a food security workshop in Nairobi. Four of them were released, but Pastor Omot and two other colleagues have now been charged with terrorism, accused of belonging to a long inactive armed opposition group.
On October 2, in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, an unknown number of people, possibly hundreds, died during a stampede after security forces used teargas and gunfire to control a tense crowd at the annual Irreecha festival. Irreecha is an important cultural event for the Oromo ethnic group and draws millions of people each year to Bishoftu. The deaths have exacerbated pre-existing anger and frustrations throughout Oromia. Since that terrible day, there have been more anti-government protests and destruction of government buildings and properties. On Sunday, October 9, Ethiopia’s prime minister declared a six-month state of emergency.
In July, large protests also occurred in the Amhara region over complex questions of ethnic identity and the dominance in economic and political affairs of those with ties to the ruling party. The government’s brutality continued. In August in Amhara and Oromia regions, security forces killed over 100 people in one bloody weekend.”
controlling the Narrative;
Tucker Carlson: 'Thank God for Rebel News' via @YouTube All RACES from across CANADA have converged in Ottawa at the Trucker Freedom Convoy to end vax mandates.controlling Journalists;
imprisoning Pastors;
Imprisonment of political dissent: arrest of Member of Provincial Parliament Randy Hiller for role in protest against Trudeau

Arresting Political Prisoners;
The arrest of Tamara for organizing the protest:
“Its not an illegal protest its in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms”

-control of the internet:

Ethopia had a Tedros world completely unfettered. We are experiencing a Tedros world with his allies in Trudeau’s Canada. How will a world completely under Tedros thumb work with the advent of the WHO Pandemic Treaty?

“WHO diplomatic immunity no shield for international crimes as Ethiopian foreign minister.
THE HAGUE, DEC. 1, 2020, 5 PM GMT+1 – A criminal complaint filed today with the International Criminal Court prosecutor charges the director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, with responsibility for genocide and crimes against humanity as a top Ethiopian official before leading the WHO.”
“The ICC complaint was submitted by David Steinman, an Ethiopia expert and author of a historical novel about Ethiopia’s human rights crisis, Money, Blood and Conscience, that accused Dr. Tedros of wrongdoing in a nonfiction afterword last year.
From 2012 to 2016, Dr. Tedros was Ethiopian foreign minister and a member of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Executive Committee that controlled Ethiopia’s government until a 2018 democracy revolution. Human rights groups report that the Ethiopian”government systematically engaged in widespread ethnic or politically based human rights violations during that period including murder, torture, kidnapping, enforced disappearances, unlawful imprisonment, and other inhumane acts.
The ICC complaint, which refers to firsthand witnesses and evidence, asserts that:
1. Dr. Tedros is individually responsible under the Rome Statute’s Article 25 for intentional acts that contributed to the death and injury of thousands of Ethiopians.
2. Dr. Tedros also is liable under the Rome Statute’s Article 28 (“Superior Liability”) for failing to take reasonable steps to prevent or punish an Ethiopian government policy of genocide and crimes against humanity by security forces, paramilitaries, and civil servants partially under his effective control.
3. Under the “Effects Doctrine,” the ICC has jurisdiction over nationals of non-member states like Ethiopia whose violations injure ICC state parties.
4. Dr. Tedros’ violations injured state parties to the Statute by increasing refugee flows, causing the waste or abuse of their foreign aid, injuring or traumatizing Ethiopian residents of state parties, causing the kidnapping of a British citizen, and subjecting member states to Covid-related harm that could have been avoided if he had not concealed his criminal past before his WHO election.
The diplomatic immunity normally accorded to senior officials of UN agencies does not shield them from ICC prosecution.”
Diplomatic immunity is very convenient for the head of the WHO. No?
“Diplomatic immunity is a principle of international law by which certain foreign government officials are not subject to the jurisdiction of local courts and other authorities for both their official and, to a large extent, their personal activities.”
"Mr. Steinman called for Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to ask the ICC to accept ad hoc jurisdiction over Tedros’ alleged crimes as an additional jurisdictional basis.
“An international criminal runs the world’s most important global health agency,” Mr. Steinman said.”
What is astounding, is that he would with this history be chosen at all. Unless it isn’t an accident, because he had a relationship through Ethopia with a very important man.
Ethiopia, China pledge to further strengthen bilateral relations
2016-11-18 00:33 During the period preceding 2017 Tedro’s ascent to power at the WHO, Ethopia and China significantly strengthened their relationship.
“ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and visiting Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao pledged here on Thursday to further strengthen relations between the two countries.
In his talks with the Chinese vice president, Hailemariam said that China's long-term and selfless assistance has played an important part in Ethiopia's pursuit for development and prosperity, as evidenced by the many joint projects all around Ethiopia that are mutually beneficial to both sides.
Ethiopia is grateful that Chinese President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to Ethiopia-China relations, Hailemariam said, adding that his country is committed to working with China to elevate bilateral relations to a new height.
Hailemariam, who is also Chairman of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), said the EPRDF hopes to learn more from the experience of the Communist Party of China in state governance.”
According to this article:
“China was also an important ally of Tedros in the WHO’s DG election in 2017. Months before the election, Tedros was invited to speak at Peking University where he called for stronger cooperation between China and the Global South on health issues. China’s support for Tedros paid off immediately. The day after his electoral victory, Tedros confirmed to Chinese state-media that he and the WHO will continue to support the “One China” principle, which recognizes the government in Beijing as the legitimate Chinese government.
Three years later, Tedros’ enduring support of China’s response to COVID-19 shows that their early support for him is still paying dividends.”
Even the WHO touts a strong partnership between the WHO and China.
New vision and strengthened partnership for WHO and China
21 August 2017 News release GENEVA Reading time: 1 min (367 words)
“WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus concluded a 3-day official visit to the People’s Republic of China paving the way for stronger and more strategic WHO-China collaborations. Outcomes of Dr Tedros’ meetings with high-level leadership in the Government of China included a new financial contribution to WHO from China and strengthened commitments to improve the health of billions of people represented in the 60 countries engaged in the Belt and Road Initiative.”
“China’s health reforms show it's possible to implement far-reaching, quality transformations in a short time. Its success in providing 95% of its population with access to health insurance is a model for other countries in how to make our world fairer, healthier and safer. We can all learn something from China,” said Dr Tedros.”
”While in Beijing Dr Tedros met privately with Premier Li Keqiang for a high-level discussion on a more strategic partnership between WHO and China, as well as how China can expand its international health security cooperation in Belt and Road countries. He also met with Vice Premier Liu Yandong, Vice Chairman Han Qide of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and National Health and Family Planning Commission Minister Li Bin.”
LOCK DOWN FROM THE WHO hurt economies everywhere. It hurt children and parents. It hurt workers and small businesses. If you accept that China may be at ‘war’ with the United States in terms of vying for super power status, the release of the virus and the lock down controls were a tremendous coup against Western Democracies.
WHO was keen to broadcast Beijing’s message.
“In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history,” WHO experts said in their February report on the mission to China. The country had gained “invaluable time for the response” in an “all-of-government and all-of society approach” that has averted or delayed hundreds of thousands of cases, protecting the global community and “creating a stronger first line of defense against international spread.”
If you accept that Tedros had a problematic human rights history that would have amounted to Crimes against Humanity but for his diplomatic immunity at the WHO; and you accept that China backed his ascendancy to power, then do you get anywhere uncomfortable?
If you accept that the CCP has its aim on the US dominance, then how do you feel about the CCP manufacturing Pfizer vaccine along with 13 other US drugs. It is imperative to watch the whole Bannon and Wolfe video. “The FDA is compromised and provided THESE APPROVALS”. “China is manufacturing the tests, the pill and the injections”.
Although Red Voice Media doesn’t show the video link visual it is a stunner to watch and one of the least valued piece of information in my view. Do you drink the soup of your enemy? If Dr Wolfe discovered it, then who else has it and why hasn’t hit the biggest media.
The CCP is manufacturing these injections in the United States AND 10 OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES.
Watch the Video
Dr. Naomi Wolfe: "This is China! This is the CCP! This is the CCP-run Sinopharm, which essentially owns Fosun pharmaceuticals."


In Canada allegations have just been swirling from CSIS (our spy agency) that the CCP sponsored the Trudeau Liberal Party in the last election. We have yet to see the government fall on this sword.
Justice Rouleau, a liberal party supporter and donator to the liberal party was chosen to write the Emergencies Act Report. Now we have the former head of the Trudeau Foundation writing the report on whether there was election interference by the CCP.
It reminds me somehow of a dog licking its own balls and complementing the chef.

USA Election interference and the CCP
The Hunter Biden lap top story and the twitter files shows the depth of media collusion to support Biden’s bid for presidency, all the while covering up the Hunter Biden lap top and the evidence distilling whether the Biden family had a relationship with the CCP prior to the election. To date the sufficiency of this investigation by the the DOJ, or FBI, speaks volumes about the DOJ and FBI.

These serious accusations have also not faced serious enough scrutiny, investigation, or consequences for the Biden administration. What remains outstanding is a decision in either the courts or the courts of public opinion on whether or not the President is compromised by dealings through himself and or his son with the CCP.
Since no determination has been made it remains another hanging chad on the influence of the CCP.
According to the Washington Free Beacon “An Israeli think tank executive who served alongside Hunter Biden as an adviser to a Chinese energy conglomerate widely suspected of serving as a front for the Chinese Communist Party now says he provided the FBI with damning information about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.
Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, says he provided information about Hunter Biden, his father, and his uncle, Jim Biden, to the Justice Department in March 2019. Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that "aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two," according to CNN. The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 to procure energy investment deals in the United States.”
How persuasive is CCP influence? Should the CCP’s cozy relationship with Tedros affect how we see the WHO?
Should the CCP angle in election interference in 2 nations that have been instrumental in furthering WHO pandemic treaty and WHO power grab, ring any alarm bells?
Transferring citizens’ rights of auto-determination over to a unelected, unaccountable, third-party entity is ALARMING ENOUGH. But if that is also being engineered by the CCP, then we are at another crossroads.
IS IT JUST POSSIBLE THE WHO HAS been a puppet of Gates and CCP to benefit their interests?
Should the Biden laptop and China collusion allegations affect how we see the WHO PANDEMIC TREATY (OR WHATEVER THEY ARE NOW CALLING IT)? Given the Biden administration advanced these, some might say treasonous, amendments for consideration?
If the CCP, according the CSIS has affected the Liberal rise to power, then I would add to that we must consider to the possibility that the CCP has affected the legal and legislative agenda in Canada.
This would include the Bills that have passed which entitle our governments to watch Canadians, govern their privacy rights on the internet, change drastically their rights in healthcare.
All these tyrannical laws that have recently passed, are draconian and fly in the face of what we thought Canada stood for.
Follow through with that same line of reasoning and ask questions about the use of Medical professional boards and their use to silence opposition of the covid narrative and silence information leaking about the dangers of the vaccine.
How does the lack of true oversight by governing bodies such as CDC and FDA interact with the CCP theory?
Why wouldn’t traditional laws regarding product liability and recalls apply? Even notionally? Why wouldn’t democratic government representatives halt mandates at the first whiff of danger to their people? Why would they instead double down?
Why would we push our pregnant women take these shots? Why would we depart from our common sense on so many issues? It’s like we’ve been infiltrated at almost all levels.
If the CCP manufacturers the shots that are maiming and killing loved ones. If the CCP has an outsized influence on Biden and/or Tedros? Shouldn’t that be enough to halt all mandates, shots and participation in the WHO. I would think so logically. Failure to cut those ties by representatives in government including those in minority, reeks of collusion and corruption.
Should that be enough to lay bare the WHO and turf it altogether? If it’s not, then you are still left with a war criminal with horrible abusive tendencies to his own people as outlined in Ethiopia.
Tedros was in power during this regime. Now some of this horrific, repressive playbook is being emulated the world over.
If those ‘in power’ have links to the CCP, then their support of the WHO pandemic treaty is problematic ab initio. It simply cannot be trusted. The devolution of power to this foreign entity cannot be trusted.
This foreign entity cannot and should not have control over the citizens of any country. There is a reason democracy allows you to vote out a tyrant. And there’s a reason tyrants prefer dictatorships where opposition to tyranny is irrelevant.
Take your gloves off. There is no reason to be playing nice. There is no reason to be afraid of what ‘people will think’, because you are standing. The stance you take is that important.
There is good and evil afoot. The people in charge believe those who dissent are expendable. If you are in the media and colluding, it is time to publish publish publish. If you are a whistleblower? BLOW. If you are a friend, a sister, a brother: help your family understand. If you are in government….
The hour is now. And if you are in an alphabet and you understand this game. Well I have no ideas you don’t already have. But did you get into this to hand it all over to a communist ruler and or and Ethiopian ‘accused’ war criminal? Did you do it for fentanyl to come poring in ruining communities?
I believe some are jaded. But I’m telling your there’s good in the world and a reason to believe and a reason to try. Hollywood? where are you at? Take your soul BACK. Earn your adoration.
Time to turn your assets.
Our nations require us to act. Our citizens, our vulnerable. Our ideals. Our democracies. Our Charters. Democracy and freedom CAN Be eliminated in a systematic fashion that starts with speech and follows the formulae we have been observing.
Every aspect of your influence needs to be expended. LOSING IS NOT AN OPTION. LOSING HAS ONE WAY. BUT THERE’S LITERALLY A MILLION WAYS TO WIN. 17 seconds on SNL. Front Page Globe and Mail. Tucker like a trouper every night. All you citizen journalists. All those ways involve YOU. Doing something. Try.
Those with access and influence. USE it. Fence sitting is over. There are literally maniacs at the helm.
It is time to walk around the walls of Jericho and blow those trumpets.
Thank-you for reading. Thank you for supporting my work. I BELIEVE IN YOU.
what is the best argument with someone who says: 'These international treaties have no teeth- look they tore up Kyoto when they wanted to. We'll just tear this up too"
Great article! Nevertheless, I would be much happier to share it if you used a spell-checker. It doesn’t look good for a lawyer to spell ‘interfere’ wrong in headings. There are other errors too. Please edit.