PROROGUE IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS. Bill C-293 is not dead. Important info!!! And THAT COMMIE did NOT RESIGN. He like Comrade-Singh created a Condition precedent to give their agenda time.
It's an OP
A New Leader.
LET'S LOOK AT PROROGUE and private Members bills.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
discontinue a session of (a parliament or other legislative assembly) without dissolving it.
"James prorogued Parliament in 1685 and ruled without it"
(of a legislative assembly) be discontinued without being dissolved.
"the House was all set to prorogue"
IT is not axiomatic that we have done anything but push the Globalist agenda WITHOUT PARLIAMENTARIAN DEBATE IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS.
With a proroguing, since parliament is NOT technically dissolved, business can continue in the “exceptions. Wait until you see an exception. (A whistle blower told me further they are worried that votes on legislation may technically continue by Committee within the “exceptions.”)
Call your MPs tell them to cross the floor. Keep reading!!!
Call your Senators and tell them to defeat Bill C-293. Call each one. Bill C-293 IS A PRIVATE MEMBERS BILL FOR ONE REALLY IMPORTANT REASON. Escalate to calling!!!!! Read on..
I come with receipts.
I am not convinced or confused by their smoke and mirrors.
All that glitters is not gold.
Do not be deceived by “Operations.”
Comrade-Singh said he'd vote to topple the government when it's back and session, and a motion is next made. But he said so the minute parliament was out he couldn't do it. After years of being able to defeat government. See the plays not the discussionor celebration.
And now.
If the conservatives can make a motion by Committee to topple the government, they should still do it.
Don't you dance. Don't you celebrate. Forge on
Elizabeth May hasn't sung yet.
Sorry E. M. But the body positive lady supporting Net Zero fanaticism is a net zero fascist in communist garb, and the only person befitting the expression.
Here is the effects of DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT
Dissolution terminates a Parliament, ending all business in the Senate and in the House of Commons, and is followed by a general election.131 The date of the election is set in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Elections Act, which stipulates that a general election must be held on the third Monday in October in the fourth calendar year following polling day from the last general election.132 However, given that dissolution is a prerogative act of the Crown, the Governor General, on the advice of the Prime Minister, may dissolve Parliament any time before this date and issue a proclamation for a general election.133
Three proclamations are usually issued at the time of dissolution. The first is for the dissolution itself, stating that Parliament is dissolved and declaring that “the Senators and Members of Parliament are discharged from their meeting and attendance”. A second proclamation appears simultaneously; it calls the next Parliament and informs with regard to the issuance of writs of election, the date set for polling and the date set for the return of the writs. The third proclamation fixes the date on which Parliament is summoned to meet, sometime following the return of the writs.134 The date of this summons may be changed through the issuance of a further proclamation.135
A Parliament may be dissolved in accordance with the provisions set down in the Canada Elections Act or earlier, regardless of whether the House is scheduled to meet or not that day.136 If the House is sitting and there is not to be a prorogation ceremony in the Senate Chamber, the dissolution is usually announced to the House by the Prime Minister or another Minister.137 The Speaker then leaves the Chair.
The demise of the Crown does not have the effect of dissolving Parliament.138 In ancient British practice and until 1843 in Canada, the demise of the Crown did result in an automatic dissolution of Parliament. Because the summoning of Parliament is a royal prerogative and Parliament sits at the pleasure of the Crown, its demise meant a lapsing of the summons and thus dissolution.139 In 1843, an act was passed in the Province of Canada providing that a Parliament in existence at the time of any future demise of the Crown should continue as it would have otherwise, unless dissolved by the Crown.140 Similar legislation existed in other provinces prior to Confederation.141 The law was re-enacted in the First Session of the First Parliament of Canada.142
Effects of Dissolution
With dissolution, all business of the House is terminated. The Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and the members of the Board of Internal Economy continue in office for the acquittal of certain administrative duties until they are replaced in a new Parliament.143 For the purposes of certain allowances payable to them, Members of the House of Commons at the time of dissolution are deemed to remain so until the date of the general election.144 Members’ offices, both in Ottawa and in their constituencies, remain open in order to allow Members and their staff to provide services to constituents.145 As the office budget for Members is drawn from public funds, Members’ offices and staff may not be used for electoral purposes.
All items on the Order Paper including government and private Members’ bills die.146 The government’s obligation to provide answers to written questions, to respond to petitions or to produce papers requested by the House also ends with dissolution.147 The government must wait until the new Parliament is in session before tabling any document that is required pursuant to an act, resolution or Standing Order.
Committees cease to exist until the House reconstitutes them following the election. All orders of reference expire, and the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all committees cease to hold office. The government is no longer required to provide responses to committee reports.
The executive committees of interparliamentary associations carry over from one Parliament to another. However, as a general rule, the activities being organized by the associations are postponed during a dissolution. Since multilateral assemblies continue to meet, Canada’s representation is usually ensured by Senators.148 Once an election has been held and prior to the start of a new Parliament, both Senators and re-elected Members may participate. Official parliamentary exchange programs with other assemblies are also usually postponed.”
Note private Members Bills and Business DIE.
What are the private members bills in this minority hell hole government supported by WEF SELL OUT COMRADE FASCIST SINGH? All the fascist bills?
Now look at Proroguing.
“Since 2003, prorogation has had almost no practical effect on Private Members’ Business.120 As a result of this significant exception to the termination of business principle, the List for the Consideration of Private Members’ Business established at the beginning of a Parliament, all bills that originate in the House of Commons and all motions in the Order of Precedence, as well as those outside of it, continue from session to session.121 If consideration of an item at a certain stage had begun but had not been completed, the item is restored at the beginning of that stage, as if no debate had yet occurred. Private Members’ bills that were referred to a committee in the previous session are deemed referred back to the same committee. Private Members’ bills which have been read a third time and passed are sent again to the Senate.122
Committees, including special123 and legislative committees, cease to exist and all orders of reference lapse.124 Committee memberships, except the membership of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, are terminated125 and all Chairs and Vice-Chairs cease to hold office.126 The Panel of Chairs for legislative committees also ceases to exist.127”
support the campaign.
Double down your efforts.
Call the senate.
Give the $10 bucks to the givesend go.
And start up a campaign in your town or city. If you are in Ontario I have some extra door knockers.
In the comments for me, set out all the private members bills.
Notice anything?
They are the dystopia ones.
They are the censorship ones.
They are the globalists ones.
They are the ONE HEALTH ones.
They solidify horrific visions of Canada.
I read an op. do not trust the fascists in power or their deceit.
Yes, but what's the fuss? We're in for another roller-coaster ride, right? []
Its not getting rid of the wart, the wart has roots, and we want the wart gone!
More importantly have Canadians learned the lessons, for 10 years we have been subjected to no democracy, no human rights. Canada is under communism. Don't be fooled.
We are not immune to Roque governments and the American's knew this always, Canada is a little younger. It is in their constitution Lesser of the Magistrates.
If we don't have massive conversions, and let God be our leader again, Canada will suffer more under communism. We need to bring back the Ten Commandments and give the glory to Jesus! to God. We are under Him, but Canadians especially affluent Canadians don't really give a rats ass!