Watching what it is I watch and deciding in true stalker fashion if i even get to watch it
In true stalker fashion deciding where my personal physical autonomy begins and ends and decides my personal medical choice
Like a total stalker my government is installing cameras all over my street and using technology to steal my movements. My stalker is obsessed only with control.
my government stalker has taken next my physical person by deciding to tape my mouth and deciding my words and the platforms i can speak them on
Mygovernment is an asshole stalker and wants all my freedom and wants to violate me with even my ability to feed my family because that is what social credit and CBDC in the hands of this stalker terrorist. My stalker is preparing and telling me the horrible things it wants to complete.
My Gouvernrment wants to give and share its stalker rights to foreign bad actors with an army even and these other stalkers are called the WHO and they want to hunt stalk me and other stalker victims to decide what goes in my/our arms and whether I or you need to shit only at home or like a stalker who takes its victims to shit in a Covid camp. that is a my government stalker’s prison where there is no right to leave
My horrific government stalker also wants to disarm all its other stalker victims while saying what it schemes.
My stalker is deciding that wrong think or speak requires punitive action up to and including jail. (Bill 6 bill 36.)
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I am old enough that I will gratefully end my life the day it becomes clear that the stalker army plans to throw me into a death camp — because I have refused a digital ID. I am already on the DHS list of “Domestic Terrorists” for shouting the truth — and banished from pig stys like Amazon and PayPal and Instagram. And I tell you, Lisa, it is a joy to be so old (79) that it doesn’t matter! I have had a beautiful life.
We the People out number the Elites by (pick a number) 50,000 to 1 ??? That adds up to a large number of Lone Wolves, ... a very large number. CONTROL WILL NEVER BE POSSIBLE.