Is it moral for the organization that calls itself your ‘national army’ to treat you a citizen like an enemy combatant? FOR PROTESTING an ‘unaccountable’ government. When governments are elected by a majority of the people, accountable to their objectives, then PROTESTS ON THIS SCALE DON’T OCCUR.
Is it moral for the organization that calls itself your ‘municipal government’ to coral their ‘citizens’ like cattle and restrict their mobility.
Is it moral to expropriate farmers from their legal land holdings by the organization that calls itself their federal ‘government’.
For Carbon?
Is it moral for the organization that calls itself your “municipal government’ to violate your privacy in order to ‘restrict’ your movements?
For Carbon?
Is it moral for the organization that calls itself your ‘government’ to outlaw questioning their Green Boots (Climate) policies?
For Carbon.
What I know is true: Governments that are democratically elected ACT LIKE THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE. THERE ISN’T CENSORSHIP. there isn’t ‘safe narrative’. There isn’t ‘control of the media. “There isn’t laws against protest’. Protest is protected.
They don’t pen us; watch us; punish our speech. They don’t have FUNNY ELECTIONS WITH FOREIGN CCP INTERFERENCE AND SHOW TIME ‘ELECTION INVESTIGATIONS’ that look like CIA ops.
We all grew up knowing CIA toppled governments and put in puppet governments. How often did that work out? NOTSOMUCH EH. you can design the op. But you can’t design trust. You think that penning people is going to go easy?
What I know is true as a mom; FREEDOM IS INSTINCT. Say no to a toddler. just try. I’m not saying you can’t get that sugar of their mouth. Raise a child. They want to EXPLORE, LOVE, MOVE, LEARN.
So why are governments training armies to act against protestors? Because they intend to infringe our basic instincts for freedom. So when do we show up? NOW. We show up at all municipal meetings NOW. Schools. NOW. We call and haunt our MPS MPPS congress NOW.
What I know is true? they are trying to pen humans without moral legal authority. For carbon. Silence us. For Carbon. When you watch these baby escape videos I posted: YOU REMEMBER THAT’S HOW YOU ARE BORN. wanting freedom. AND THE INSTINCT TO TAKE IT BACK THE MINUTE YOU CAN. years of training us not to think like our child self? disappears when we watch the baby videos.
SO NOW EACH OF YOU. GO TAKE IT BACK. LOOK AT THE COURAGE YOU’RE BORN WITH. LOOK AT THE BARRIERS THAT MEANT NOTHING TO THESE wonderful humans with only months from the womb. WHAT KIND OF HOUDINI BABY ARE YOU? all of you move into your world . go to meetings; take everything back use your voice, your words participate in your government your freedoms.
your schools. THEY’RE YOURS.
your libraries. THEY’RE YOURS.
your churches/ synagogues/temples/ places of worship. THEY’RE YOURS.
your municipal governments. THEY’RE YOURS.
your state/provincial governments. THEYRE YOURS.
your media. THEY’RE YOURS.
If you think non-compliance IS NOT POWERFUL. Remember this. You needed a QR code to get anywhere proving you injected yourself with the junk that might kill you AND deprived your ‘government’ of zillions of dollars (how do you quantify cost in inflationary environment) NOW THEY ARE BURNING THAT SHIT.
Want to do something? Have a mask burning party. Start celebrating acts of non-compliance. HOST it. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU SMILE AND LAUGH AT BABIES GETTING OUT OF CRIBS AND BARRIERS? because it represents the best of us. our instincts against repression. ANY TIME YOU NEED COURAGE. WATCH THOSE VIDEOS.
that’s the human race. THAT IS US. that’s who we are. We will not be silenced, or ‘governed by immoral repressions masquerading as ‘laws’. PERMISSIVE QR CODE STRUCTURES. JUST STOP ALREADY. stop thinking they 'aren’t pens. see them for what they ARE. and then: be the baby who climbs out of the crib.
So they want to win. And this is HOW WE ARE BORN. Just laugh. laugh. smile. cry. realize who you are surrounded by; grown up little babies that all were born with a desire for freedom. Right now all across the globe the most amazing BABY ESCAPERS are understanding what is being taken from us. BE ONE OF THEM ON A SCALE THEY’VE NEVER IMAGINED.
This is not a race, gender, or creed thing. This is how we are universally born. There is evil. and we are forced now to contemplate more than we would like. BUT THIS TOO:
I think we all need hugs, comfort, joy, love, and HOPE. BLOODY HOPE. COURAGE. STRENGTH. AND That stare. that unblinking sure of yourself confidence. YOU SHALL NOT COWER.
When the toddler gets out? he goes or she goes and get her brother or sister. Be that toddler. I love my readers. I love freedom. Lawyers are trained to see the loop holes, the get arounds. Go on. Get around. over top, underneath and straight on through. Just because you don’t see the ‘answer’ now, don’t worry, don’t despair, have HOPE BABIES EVERYWHERE ARE ALREADY WORKING ON IT. Believe it.
Inspiring! Thanks Lisa.