More and more 5g antenna keep going up on apartments. Imagine living somewhere in this rental market and 10 of these 5g antenna top your building.
Image of streetlights embedded with camera and wifi
I worry because our 5g is hackable we face issues with the beam forming technology being utilised against the people.
The cameras in our streetlights create a privacy challenge. Oddly no government has discussed this presumption that they can take and curate our lives through this roll out.
If you have social credit policed by cameras and biometrics and you are a dissident aka a free speecher
If the beaming 5g can act as a weapon will our cities become like literal minefields.
There's the emf pollution generally. But there appears to be risk associated with beaming technology that can be misutilized as a weapon. There is no current disclosure system of what is going up, what range it is and who owns it and if there's a remote deploy possibility.
The Commons are being abused.
The known online is supplemented with the known in the smart city. It intends to become a seamless constraint in which to govern the people through social credit and ai. Our freedoms are never more than two feet in front of us.
We go from a rights based world to a permissive based system. It is very dramatic and scholars thinkers lawyers and judges aren't hearing from the people dissecting these concepts.
they seem to nod at cameras and 5g as necessary symptoms of progress. Without understanding the implications
We need real dialog to be able to discuss it.
I will continue to research this area.
I have built an archive around the 5G topic since 2016. Some of the entries there may interest you!
These 5G towers remind me of sniper towers just waiting for the right time to fire and kill us off at a precise pace hoping no one will notice.
They seem to be going up at all the most strategic vantage points to do just that.
Just my simple take on it all.