Catholic school board upholds Josh Alexander’s suspension for opposing gender ideology
I AM BLOWN AWAY. School Boards are little Communist Camps. But worse they impose forced indoctrination into belief of their Religion. From Covidiocy to BELIEVE WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WANTS or no education for you. No vaccine - no QR Code. It is all the same junk. Same with Climate. Believe in ESG. Same with Race. Believe in CRT. that your skin is bad and you carry the moral weight of the deeds of dead people you don’t even like.
Believe in Diversity Equity Inclusion. SWEAR ALLEGIENCE. KNEEL. Remember the God centered view has been ‘officially ridiculed’ in media for generations. war so far was slow. But now its in a CERN spin cycle.
Read HERE The Renfrew County Catholic District School Board reportedly ignored the fact that the suspension violated Josh Alexander's freedoms of religion and speech.
THIS IS GOVERNMENT IMPOSED RELIGION ON THE MASSES. THE VERY REASON FREEDOM OF RELIGION WAS INVENTED. There is a NEW D. I. E (freedom) Religion in town. AND IF YOU DON'T KNEEL you don't go to school. WE ALL HAVE TO THINK THE SAME. THE SAME THE SAME. OR LOSE OUR RIGHTS to participate in Society. we all have to bow. AND KNEEL genuflect and prove it. or we don't keep our jobs or we don't go to school. I never thought I'd see the day that we have to BELIEVE THE SAME THINGS.
WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE about gender ideology you do that. this GUY though is NOT ALLOWED to disagree. There is either multiple genders and you be good with that or NO EDUCATION IN CANADA FOR YOU.
Forced religion. Jewish brethren are opposing DIE when they found themselves in the Oppressor class of the paradigm.
(REMEMBER all wars are bankers wars. The actual people on any side have NOTHING to do with it. The globalists want what they push for - WHETHER FIGHTING FOR uKRAINE TO THE LAST uKRAINIAN. aLL wARS ARE BANKERS WARS AND NOT THE TELLER OR COMMERCIAL BANKER EITHER. THE 0.001% who succeed in tearing us apart on our differences.) Defeating them is in the architecture of the power. DIE, CRT AND ESG).
The real fight is to hand the gauntlet to our Muslim friends. DIE must DIE at their feet where the argument is that DIE (or ESG or CRT) is FORCED GOVERNMENT RELIGION. it is a legal challenge that must be mounted on a scale never seen.
If you lose the right to participate in society- through social and economic apartheid through Professional Bodies, or through creating the unclean class in Vaccine ridiculousness (effective was a DECREE).
OR NOW NOT adhering to gender ideology.
IT IS FORCED religion. You adhere or get cut out.
that even any on the left want this is weirder still. I was educated on many ideas of the left. it wasn’t control they wanted it was freedom.
CONTROL IS NOW THE POINT. how is the left missing this.
the ideas are now those you agree with.
that is a blip in time.
power to think freely must never reside in the government architecture. NEVER.
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - for the greater good"
-- H. Kissinger, WHO, February 2009.
I'd add, forcible religions, IGTBSUWQQQXQ identities, etc...
I wish every family could home school their kids so those indoctrination camps would finally close forever.