The WHO treaty and IHR amendments
If they were at war. With a bear. Who has nuclear armaments.
They would try everything to avoid nuclear war.
Diplomatic solutions, avoiding adding countries to Nato. They sit down for a pandemic treaty but not for peace. What a load of crap.
The whole thing is absurd.
Either the west are top to bottom fools and blindly risk nuclear war. Or its a sham.
Pressing IT. They haven't collectively lost their brains. They want us to suspend our disbelief, and forget for the first time in decades that there are nuclear weapons. Just the big oubli. Forget that completely. Ladeeda.
Add to that, that this now fractured like a kaleidoscope world, sends their envoys to sit like school kids making a treaty like it is a rainbow collage?
that corrals the people. And defies sovereignty?
Would they really be so adverse in interest to the nation state with those laws. If they were at war? As sovereign states. Sovereign states would la-dee-da hand over care and control while at war.
Pfft. Stretches my credulity.
Would PUTIN in a proxy war with the US send an envoy to negotiate a treaty or international Health amendments drafted by Biden’s administration. Pfft.
would he do so and trust an ngo to act in his interest. No. The whole thing is a sham.
The war on all fronts is against the people. Yes.
The IHR amendments and WHO treaty are against the people. Yes. Against sovereignty. Yes.
They don't risk nuclear war. They are on the same side. No side like a round globe.
They aren't at war so they sit down and rid the world of borders.
Real deaths. Real heartbreak. Real loss.
But nothing adds up when you think they are nation states adverse in interest.
Adversaries would be careful to avoid a nuclear Holocaust.
Adversaries wouldn't give an inch of their sovereign nation to their adversary or out of their control. While at war an important treaty gets pitched and successfully negotiated? Right…..
One fact ties it up.
The world is sewn up already. they plan.
what we see. It is for show. All fronts are the war on our minds. France wants to send their men to die in Ukraine now. Sure. Macron. Draft the nationalists. All wars are wars on borders. It is the globalists that march.
How does it make you fell to know it.
Of mice and men.
Am I right.
The KGB agent with a plastic face that looks a little bit like Putin does seem to be very keen on the whole World Homicide Organizations' plans. Mmmmm I smell a rat...
Yes, you are right Lisa.