Globalist Trudeau Handing out Tampons to CAF
Satire warning. While this may be true I wasn't there.
All tensions can be connected to globalists v nationalists
Make Canada Great Again’ hats labeled EXTREMIST material in leaked CAF survey.
All tensions right now can be distilled to globalists vs nationalists.
#Dei assistance to this is the equivalent of the Mao identity politics which resulted in 60 million dead during that struggle. and then communism stayed.
Ask a Uygher or falon dong how live organ harvesting is going.
FYI this is racism.
Those who attack nationalists are showing their feathers.
Globalists are for perpetual digital feudalism. Convince me it's unrelated to digitalid and #cbdc.
The dei army just marches it out. The captured agencies show their allegiance.
The WHO, the UN. And those who back their stance, those are the globalists coming for our countries.
Did paid media attack MAGA yep. Globalists. Does climate and never ending pandemics qualify for global psyop in the form of oh no a global problem quick we have these ready made global solutions for world control and poverty? Yep.
Dei focuses on skin color and genitals while ignoring they are owned social justice (😄) and thus TOOLS of the oppressor. you guys are the OPPRESSORS. There's no morality in that. Empty communist souls.
Likely even cover for pedophiles if they can figure out repeating shapes with those bloated salaries.
Deny it and we will really need a return to merit hires even for dei bullies. Here's the test for the next part of the substack. Let's check your iq dei. Either you pass the shape test and see the shapes, and go against the pedo flag. Pass it stay silent and out yourself as pro pedo.
Or fail it, and then oh no !! You're a stupid possibly racist possibly pedo bully.
If you believe only racialized people suffer racial discrimination you are as BIGOT AS THEY COME. Dont like nonstandard dei crap? Oops. That is a full bigot ideology I don't care how many antiwhite seminars you go to. Notes you take, or racist policies you set up. You are a biggot helping the cco globalists take over.
If you passed that block test, Nice job.
Check out the corners on the flag looks like a heart. Yes I am a pedophobic. And great at shapes. How about you.
Banks need to stop posting pedo symbols across their windows. LGBT need to redo their image. And don't fucking snopes shapes. Otherwise we will all know snopes is also pimping kids for pedos.
Epstein and his list are laughing at us. We put pedo symbols in schools ffs.
You think the sexual preference or born that way symbol has a COINCIDENTAL symbol for the sexual preference of raping little girls and boys, AND ITS A COINCIDENCE?
Go back to the shape test and time yourself.
This isn't the flag for geographical borders
iTS ALL all about sexuality and getting kids to think about, whats in their pants non stop.
Why are you silent. Pro pedo? teeth grinding right now is a sign.
Because you are a dei consultant? Trapped by dei at work. In your bullying policies in human rights codes in your union, workplace harassment policies? You have to be propedo because all that?
So all that gamenship by pedophiles is HUMILIATION RITUAL to stand you down. You are sacrificing kids in our society writ large. And DEI codes are humiliation rituals. So you create a disassociation in which you are publicly deferential to child sacrifice and you privately deny that this is occurring, you are becoming beaten and trodden down because of these lies.
PLAIN subversion. By pedos.
Wtfu. Mass rejection of DEI is required to win. And to safeguard our children. Understand that. Figure how to do it.
Those getting paid for dei must be whistleblowers or transform their racist and pedo messages. Come to Jesus moment.
We need a massive rejection to pedophilia and their symbols.
Oh hey!!! Yo!! Military grade trans activivists engaged to roll out transhumanism.! Ya that's the angry intimidating bunch. We see you too in your woman face and calves of steel in your stillettos. Your arched muscles with hairy cleavage. We see your stone hard bodies set with pearls and earrings. Eyeliner and stubble.
We see you poor sad mk ultra abused assets. You are treadstone in lipstick yelling telling us you need to piss standing up in our toilets. We see you with your mission orders. Damn that's all it is. If you threaten women and children- military or alphabet. That's it. Paid gig. Pathetic gig. Must come with great perks.
Pedos can dress up and access all sex changerooms. Rapists can. And military mk ultra treasonous assets, or men with orders can be front men bullies.
And they do so because we don't protect women and children.
Someone argued that morality is relative. It’s not.
You are telling me nationalists and nationalism is a threat?
Bull shit. Subverts are running our systems to install globalism is.
and we need to get them out.
People are losing their jobs because of dei violations. We have to outsmart this.
Turns my stomach to read this but we have to face this heinous reality.
Yup. Even selection of an acronym DEI is perfidious; Dei" is the dative and ablative singular of the word for “God.”