Alright things I’ve come up with and wondering. how about you. the cup itself is supposed to be 2 human figures welcoming the earth. I don’t see that.
why are all the countries in North America jointly hosting the 2026 world cup. no borders baby. no countries baby.
is it phallic;
is it a Wuhan bat sucking on the world;
is it an reptile or alien or demon hand clasping the world in its grip;
Life in the grip of evil;
Any thoughts. symbols. this fist and world is that of BLM. They seem layers of each other. Maybe like inside outies of each other. But maybe you see something else. Is that the goat symbol in the wrist area of the fist neatly layered. Or do you see something else.
LOGO from The WHO. or The Nobodies as I like to think of them. Again the symbol of life being Mother earth, and symbol of Satan surrounding the world. The laurel wreath is the Greek symbol for Apollo the God of War. This is not insignificant.
“Apollo delivered people from epidemics, yet he is also a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague with his arrows.” Arrows are forms of injections.
Is this also laurel.
Is there a templar cross on the King’s crown.
In this case the snake is a symbol of Satan and it surrounds the world as well.
The Orphic Egg by Jacob Bryant (1774)
“The egg is a germ of life with a lofty symbolical significance. It is not just a cosmogonic symbol — it is also a “philosophical one”. As the former it is the Orphic Egg, the world’s beginning; as the latter, the philosophical egg of the medieval natural philosophers, the vessel from which, at the end of the opus alchymicum, the homunculus emerges… the spiritual, inner, and complete man.”
Carl Jung Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of Jung Vol 9)
There are many symbols for us to see that hint at the affiliations of power structures and even what the connotation of worship: whether satanism; paganism or secret societies.
What is interesting is that the long oft quoted discussion of religion was to sow contempt for those who had a God centric belief system. And that atheism was preferable or because religion was silly.
If the egg is fertility and water is a symbol of life, then here we have the death of fertility and and inability to produce life, or the eggless womb-less, trans woman immersed and surrounded by water and life. I wonder if she would have agreed to display such a shocking symbolic image, if she understood the insult. Whoever chose the symbolism obviously did not clear it with her agent. It is a display of the end of the line and beauty over the ability to bring forth life.
Perhaps if the message is now we are to objectify that, we are supposed to be celebrating infertility or sterilization as a notional concept in society. We are meant to notice her beauty and sexuality, but are we also meant to understand the subtext. It is no different the the New York Times reporter requesting we forgo having children for the planet and the green boots.
We are raising as symbols of beauty the womb-less and egg-less trans woman. This is not meant as an insult, she has had bottom surgery per the public domain and she is a trans woman. Sex will never be for making a child in a union. Many people suffer infertility through no fault of their own and for some this is difficult and for other it is a happy choice.
No doubt she understood, or hopefully was part of the process of informed consent. Although she converted quite young so it cannot be assumed that she had the necessary advocates. That is not guaranteed in the rush the system of conversion has created.
To the extent that we as a society are promoting this trans woman on the cover of SI and so many other trans women as the pinnacles of womanhood in so many arenas, we are as a society placing value judgements on women (I hate the word cis and do not need to adopt it for others) and our worth and our roles.
I’m not commenting on her worth or beauty.
However she was chosen for SI cover, so the symbolism was meant to reach us all and thus we were meant to observe and bring the context of symbolism to the image they chose.
So are women meant to feel erased, or is it fertility itself that is on the chopping block. neither or both.
I recently met a trans man who was a biological woman in the process of transitioning. He was standing outside the mens bathroom in a rough truck stop. He was short like I was, going through male pattern baldness (unlike me) had still a bit of the form of a woman.
He seemed to hesitate. We locked eyes and I almost cried. He looked frightened, beaten down by life and in need of love. Despite his outward appearance his vulnerability was that of a woman.
He saw that I was compassionate and immediately attached himself to me, chatting with me and followed me into the girls bathroom Anyways. I was his safe space and comfort into the girls washroom instead of among the big truckers in the mens washroom.
Would I want gender ideology taught to my children by those who are intent on spirited them into medicalization and with an agenda. NO. But did I have real compassion and wanted to help this trans man. 100.
Would the reverse be the same- would I want to be alone with a trans woman that I didn’t know. not based on my experiences with predators. Just like I wouldn’t want a man I didn’t know in the bathroom with me. That is a real concern being totally minimalized. But maybe we are supposed to be robbed of our safe spaces. Maybe that is the objective of those in charge of this. It is to make us find life untenable and dislike the identity politics so we rise up in defense of what we are losing. the result is the pro-left controlled media says look at the bigots. or the result is civil war. or the result is that we move to the new Marxist society more readily. they promise no more of x y z. we will keep you safe. or here’s your safe bathroom space.
But the biggest thing I noticed was he had no anger. It made me think the viciousness we see in protests are agitators bent on the divide.
We are clearly in unchartered waters in Our World. We will need our better sides to navigate it.