“Daniel Gruenberg 1st
Serial Entrepreneur, scientist, engineer, inventor
Hurricanes, hurricanes everywhere! Normally in science, one hallmark that you know what you are talking about is the ability to make proper predictions. Michael Mann and his team vociferously claimed 33 named storms for the 2024 season (would have been a new record, https://lnkd.in/ghTya3x9) In normal science when one fails at predicting something, like a 200% error, one normally throws the hypothesis out and starts anew. In fact the oft repeated claim of higher sea surface temperatures leads to more storms and stronger storms, is not even supported by data in the IPCC’s own report. Even the US government’s website makes similar claims: https://lnkd.in/gKnzycp9 I’m not a tropical cyclone expert. But I can read research reports and interpret data as a trained scientist. Warmer oceans causing more hurricanes is arm chair physics. It’s the contrast or difference in warm moist air energy and cool dry air energy when mixed together that causes cyclones. A planet warming at the poles means less delta-T to drive cyclones and this is in fact what the data shows. One has to wonder what instigated Prof. Mann to make such a shocking and alarming prediction? Could it possibly be the inevitable clicks that the sensational claims result in? In the past their predictions have for the most part been reasonably accurate with some not unexpected departures from statistical norms. But the 2024 predictions of record number of named storms not only received wide media coverage but the media was also silent 🤫 on its 200% error after only half the number of predicted named storms ever materialized. Today’s science is not only influenced by politics but the reality of the ability of scientists getting paid for clickbait sensationalism also taints the pot.”
Post from here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/daniel-g-22603120_hurricanes-hurricanes-everywhere-normally-activity-7282603733211889664-wIgK
My views are greatly informed by the desire to impose a political totalitarianism for the solutions to climate change.
It greatly assisted my ability to see beyond the mass formation control matrix and to have more objective views. I was educated with a BSc in environmental science and a minor in chemistry prior to studying law.
Yet here I am. A climate realist who loves CO2.
The scams I research in public health are now dovetailed with climate.
I actually believe that the areas in which global control is being effected are allowing the dissenting voices in various professional areas to meet and join forces.
The most educated now are the dissenting, because they must continually scratch the surface and climb down the rabbit holes rather than be force fed their allotments of state media.
Clear as a ringing bell. Keep stating the truth of it👍
Total sense. Thank you