We’ve been paraded a constant stream of public bullying to make one medical choice. It ceased being a choice, when the state of your mRNA in your bloodstream predicated your rights, mobility, and ability to move through society.
In my view those responsible for this charade are part of a conspiracy of malfeasance and to this I say: They have blood on their hands.
There was a point where willful blindness could be ascribed to the pundits. Perhaps at the outset where revealed data points where hidden. But by now the data is aplenty. And what it shows in terms of reproductive health is ghoulish.
Rate Limiting Factor of the Human Race?
Dr. Thorpe indicates that what he’s seen in his clinical practice is a substantial massive increase, in menstrual abnormalities, infertility, miscarriage, fetal death and fetal malformation. He is stating before a special committee before Senator Johnson that “its a danger signal like no other.” He states that the CDC considers a 2 fold increase a danger signal, but he and others are seeing 50, 100 or 1000 fold danger signals.
It is not the case that there is now an excuse for even willful blindness. Its a conspiracy to collude to hide the data from the people who are affected by this requirement to vaccinate with a non-immunizing, non sterilizing, (so of little value), and ultimately dangerous to even humanity’s ability to reproduce.
At what point can society say that the Produced Result of the vaccine the actual intent of the vaccine?
Words that are used are used not in the connotation of their meaning, but as a trademarks or slogans. “Safe and effective”, has now come to mean a series of syllables holding together the massive requirement for you to suspend your disbelief.
But who must you believe?
In my own small circle I know friends who have needed a hysterectomy to stop the bleeding, or other surgeries because of new thick and constant clotting. I’ve known a still born baby at 8 months, mothers with abnormal placenta, friends whose bleeding abruptly stopped. I’ve heard from more than one source that gynecologists are backed up and overwhelmed.
As non-substack media covers this like the above article in the Western Standard how long this will stay hidden is up to you.
Vaccines approved for Infants
Yet despite these and other danger signals being observed in countless of studies, Health Canada has approved these shots for infants.

Moderna Spikevax® COVID-19 vaccine
“The Moderna Spikevax® COVID-19 vaccine is approved for primary vaccination in people who are 6 months of age and older. Its safety and effectiveness in people younger than 6 months have not yet been established. This vaccine is also approved as a booster for people 18 years of age and older.”
“Product names: Moderna Spikevax® COVID-19 vaccine; Moderna Spikevax® Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine (Original/Omicron B.1.1.529 (BA.1)); Moderna Spikevax® Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine (Original/Omicron BA.4/5)”
Manufacturer: ModernaTX, Inc.
Type: mRNA
“Approved for: Primary series in individuals age 6 months and older, or as a booster dose in individuals age 18 years and older (Moderna Spikevax® COVID-19 vaccine)”
Is this a chilling lack of concern for the health of those babies? Is this a collusion with big pharma? Why has Trudeau’s net worth climbed from 10 million to 385 million in 2 years? That’s one hell of a side gig. At what point does failure to act in the face of evidence of harm become the actual desired result? We must ask ourselves if truly this government can have our best interests if they continue to deny the produced results.
This question becomes clearer in focus when we continue to see censorship and media collusion to in fact silence the narrative opposition on the vaccines. Please see my substack post yesterday.
Rare vaccine side effects
According to Health Canada ‘rare side effects occur’
“Rare reactions that have been reported and confirmed after taking an mRNA vaccine are:
Bell's palsy (facial paralysis)
A severe allergic (anaphylaxis) reaction is also rare. Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis may include:
hives (bumps on the skin that are often very itchy)
swelling of the lips, face, tongue or airway
difficulty breathing
increased heart rate
loss of consciousness
sudden low blood pressure
abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea
Call emergency services if you develop or witness any serious symptoms that could be an allergic reaction after vaccination.”
But none of this discussed, or knowable on social media (until Twitter). Instead they went after the kid market hard in western countries.
Promising everything from pizza to ice cream as an exchange, free from informed consent.

If our children are at risk, wouldn’t our babies be more at risk? If our children are at risk wouldn’t our unborn babies be more at risk?
In fact, there is a relationship between our menstrual cramps, and our babies that are being born. That relationship includes death.
Infant Mortality Rate
Maccabi is a health clinic tin Israel that Mr. Shuldman an Israeli citizen, threatened to take to court in order to obtain data on infant mortality organized by the vaccination status of the mother.
The data Mr. Shuldman received documented babies who died between the day they were born and 27 days after birth, from Q1 of 2019 until Q2 of 2022. It demonstrated a 100% increase in the number of babies dying since the vaccine rollout began.
We need to be paying attention to these safety signals and protecting our loved ones by sharing this and other posts. Everywhere non-compromised Gynecologists' are raising the alarm. But in Canada we are taking their medical licenses for deigning to speak for the health of their patients. The narrative needs an exorcism!

Low Birth Rates
Is there an association between birth rates and covid vaccination? Countries around the world are urgently asking their governments to address this question with more than slogans and censorship.

All the while we are newly being trained to think of population as the enemy; perhaps as a method to dismiss the concerns we are observing. Babies shouldn’t be born for the good of the planet? And Climate Change is giving your child a stroke or heart attack? Before we weave ourselves too tightly into living in the twilight zone consider Musk discussing population collapse.

Failure to act by governments needs a remedy.
But of course, the covid vaccine takes its pound of flesh where it will. If those in charge of this monstrosity wait too long, the blood on their hands will be theirs.
All this news seems to pass everyone right by… why does no one seem to care or even notice? I’ve had countless play dates for my kids where their friends and the moms couldn’t eat gluten for fear it was bad and yet they all injected their kids and think all this info is nonsense.
There are still far to many who believe the government narrative because they have for years trusted them. Very hard for many to believe people are evil enough to outright cause harm or death to millions.