Yes I know the drums are beating. Get the message out. I'm calling they declare a world wide pandemic Dec…oh…25.
You know like transgender day of sublimation or whatever on Easter. Or the last drag super at the Olympics.
Or Pansexual perfume day on Mary's feast. Or 112 churches burning in Canada with no hate crime investigation. AND 2 PEOPLE DIED IN ONE FIRE.
Calling it.
That's about all the air time I want to give to their holomodor launch.
Maybe too many people are on to them to fall for a pandemic, maybe it’s just a distraction for some other blindside. Seems like there are plenty of flags being waved to distract everyone, drones, war, etc. In the end everything comes back to banking.
Let’s all get on our knees and pray to our Almighty God that He will disrupt their plan just as he did in America’s election. Always repent , praise God for his love and mercy toward us , AND ask Him for what you need. He hears every prayer, and answers according to His will.