“Air pollution is the single-greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally”
That above statement is going to be the new:
We’ve been through the ‘Pandemic’. We were taught to be afraid. Give up our rights. Accept a shot, that we still allow our leaders to continue to market to our children and mandate. There is clear incontrovertible evidence of harm and death. But we haven’t stood as a majority and said SHOVE OFF. Less and less are taking it. But we aren’t taking a stand as a majority. WHY NOT. ITS HORRIFYING TO ME THAT WE ARE COWERING as citizens. It is not enough to save ourselves from further shots. We need to save our society from the ‘international order’ of the requirement to COMPLY.
Now we are being bombarded with phase 2. THE GREEN BOOTS ARE HERE. We need to be scared OF CARBON!! JUST LIKE masks were marketed as ‘altruistic’ the carbon offset app will be proof YOU CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT. BARF.
Will MSM teach people to shun all those who don’t willingly measure their carbon foot print?
As in, look at “Neandrethals drinking their latte’s without imputing it all first!”
These are calorie apps on roids. It’s like a ‘status update’, on FB that decides your social score in a more immediate way. Did you hold your breath today? fart? Consumption will be tailored by these measuring apps as a behavior modification. Just on a strictly volunteer basis. They will say it will never be mandatory. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT BEFORE ANYWHERE? LOOKING AROUND FOR THAT QR CODE TO GET A BURGER? YA.

Then they will implement it as mandatory and evidence of your good citizen standing (along with clot shots).
Then it will be a tax. oh want to do that [insert live-life-thing-you want to do like shower with hot water]? Well do you have enough carbon offset? No? Well. Here. buy some. THERE’S THE DIRECT TAX TO MAN-BOOBS.
Then there will be none to buy.
Get it yet?
Bill S-5, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act

Department of the Environment
• Laura Farquharson, Director General, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Environmental Protection Branch
• Jacqueline Gonçalves, Director General, Science and Risk Assessment, Science and Technology Branch
Department of Health
• Greg Carreau, Director General, Safe Environments Directorate (by videoconference)
Clerk of the committee
Alexandre Longpré (613-992-5023)
Ms. Laurel Collins:
This meeting to discuss was held on March 9, 2023 and you can read the evidence of the hearing and the discussion of Bill C-5 Here.
here’s her speech at the outset of the meeting:
“ I have just a quick note. I'm sure other members have gotten the outreach from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, really emphasizing the importance of ensuring that we are tackling the issue of air quality. This is part of this amendment. It's going to be part of the amendments that are coming up from the Bloc and from me.
They quote the UN special rapporteur on human rights and the environment, David Boyd, and say that one area where CEPA is failing is clean air. As it currently stands, Bill S-5 doesn't even mention air quality.
Air pollution is the single-greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally.
International bodies, such as the World Health Organization and the UN Human Rights Council have stressed the importance of addressing air pollution due to its negative impact on the full enjoyment of human and civil rights.
I just urge committee members to include some mention of air quality in this and to have legally enforceable air quality standards.
Thank you.”
BARF. And before you jump down my throat you green boot fascist: I have an Hns. B.Sc. in Environmental Science, with a Minor in Chemistry (prior to and LLB and an LLM). Your carbon green boot apps are neo-feudalism through Marxism. Nothing more than CONTROL, like everything else we see.

TRY DOCTORS FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTH FREEDOM ? I wonder why these wonderful Doctors aren’t quoted in Parliament? No. Because in Chinada, they are getting their medical licenses yanked instead.
(IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK, QUACKS LIKE A DUCK: IT’S A DUCK. CCP ELECTION Interference? notice anything about Canada that’s say, um, DIFFERENT LATELY?)
I’d love to see LAUREL COLLINS PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR REPORTS. Perhaps Canadians should send her reports from The Great Barrington Declaration? with 936k signatures of Epidemiologists, Public Health Scientists?
As of the writing 16, 039 Medical & Public Health Scientists executed and 47,456 Medical Practitioners.
Great Barrington Declaration
“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
936,000+ Signatures”
The Government INTRUSION so they can “HELP US” and Save us from CARBON AMOUNTS to a deprivation of our CIVIL LIBERTIES. SHOVE OFF ALREADY.
So that statement “Air pollution is the single-greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally. “ Let’s see where it goes.
Mpox, fowl pox, covid…
aliens. (who ever thought we’d be playing that card with the feudal knights (aka AI bots - I wonder if the bots are all now chatGPT enabled, seeing as they can write novels)
The UN, WHO ‘organizations’ fronts ‘ THE THING YOU NEED TO BE SAFE FROM’ SO THAT they CAN BE UNMITIGATED A^%HOLES AND TYRANTS for the people’s own good.
The most innocent interpretation is that is wrong headed paternalism. How far does that get you? Eventually it sits with you, what it really is. …. Frightening isn’t it.
And so I looked up Laura Collins speech “Air quality is the single biggest threat”

Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally
Аir pollution is the single greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally, with some estimated 6.5 million premature deaths (2016) across the world attributed to indoor and outdoor air pollution. Particularly in developing countries, air pollution disproportionately affects women, children and the elderly, especially in low-income populations as they are often exposed to high levels of ambient air pollution and indoor air pollution from cooking and heating with wood fuel and kerosene.”

“Аir pollution is a global problem with far-reaching impacts owing to its transport over long distances. In the absence of aggressive intervention, the number of premature deaths resulting from ambient air pollution is estimated to be on track to increase by more than 50 per cent by 2050.”

“Society bears a high cost of air pollution due to the negative impacts on the economy, work productivity, healthcare costs and tourism, among others. Hence, the economic benefits of investing in air pollution control cannot be overestimated, and it must be understood that there is also an economic rationale to act and that cost-effective solutions exist to address air pollution.”

Poor air quality is a challenge in the context of sustainable development for all countries, in particular in cities and urban areas in developing countries, with levels of air pollution that are higher than the limits set out in the World Health Organization air quality guidelines.

Some air pollutants, such as black carbon, methane and ground-level ozone, are also short-lived climate pollutants and are responsible for a significant portion of air pollution-related deaths, as well as impacts on crops and hence food security, so their reduction has co-benefits for the climate.”
BBQ that measures your Carbon footprint

DO you get the sense that the McKinsey type ‘consultants’ give a whole bunch of ‘Data’ that they ASSEMBLE into “justification” aka economic rationale so they in turn invent our technocratic slavery TO SAVE US FROM THE SINGLE GREATEST ENVIRONMENTAL THREAT TO HUMAN HEALTH.
not homelessness from financial THEIR policies. Not fentanyl. Not Nuclear annihilation.
Don’t plant more trees in your parks or reclaim your bad lands.
Literally track A carbon footprint. IT’S SO ABURD.
OOO EXCITING. calorie tracking is so taboo and body shaming and it wasn’t tedious enough. We have to measure something we can’t see. constantly. and use the measurement to justify our existence. While our governments invest millions in setting up Euthanasia or as we call it in Canada Medical Assistance in Death. It’s like a game this Carbon app, play it well because you don’t get another ‘life’ you only get OO SORRY YOU’RE OUT OF CARBON CREDITS- YOU’VE BEEN EUTHANIZED.
BETTER NOT DRIVE VEHICLES. STAY in your home. windows allow too much heat transfer. make them small. shower only on allotment.
Air pollution and health UNECE
“Air pollution is now considered to be the world’s largest environmental health threat, accounting for 7 million deaths around the world every year. Air pollution causes and exacerbates a number of diseases, ranging from asthma to cancer, pulmonary illnesses and heart disease. Outdoor air pollution and particulate matter, one of its major components, have been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

In accordance with recent estimates by the World Health Organization, exposure to air pollution is thus a more important risk factor for major non-communicable diseases than previously thought. Air pollution is the largest contributor to the burden of disease from the environment.”

Interesting that the UN air pollution accounts for 7 million deaths around the world. In fact according to the Environmental Defense Fund they quote 6 million PREMATURE DEATHS. Do you wonder. if it sounds worse to say 7 million deaths then premature deaths? upping the ante. How do you argue against death? That’s always the PR tactic. should vehicles have emission standards? yes. Should we increase technical capacities to reduce emissions. yes. should we MEASURE HUMANS AS THE NEW ALTRUISTIC REQUIREMENT TO LIVE/ no. hell no. Do not willingly adopt this tripe.

Health effects of air pollution
Around the world, nine out of 10 people breathe unhealthy air.
“Air pollution is now the biggest environmental risk for early death, responsible for more than 6 million premature deaths each year from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and respiratory diseases. That’s more than the deaths from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.”

Children, the elderly, people with existing diseases, and minority and low-income communities are particularly vulnerable to adverse health outcomes and economic impacts, such as missed work days, from exposure to air pollution.”
So who are the Physicians for the Environment? They are a ‘charitable’ organization and they have a job posting here.
Communications Director
Location: Flexible within Canada
Salary: $68,890 - $73,220 per year plus a generous benefits package
Start date: As soon as possible
Contract Term: This is a permanent full-time position.
Application deadline: rolling
About Us: The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) is a charitable
organization that works to better human health by protecting the planet. We seek to better
understand how the environment affects human health and communicate this information to
our members and supporters, the public, and policymakers in order to affect change. We
support and guide physicians and other healthcare professionals to advocate for healthier
environments and ecosystems.
CAPE seeks a Communications Director to develop and implement our national communications
strategy and lead our communications team. CAPE is a storytelling organization. Our power as an
organization relies on our strategic application of research-based communications strategies to
bring the stories of physicians and other health care providers to political decision-makers, the
health community, and the public.
Reports to: Executive Director
Key responsibilities:
● Engage with research on 1. Healthcare providers as strategic messengers; 2. Health
messaging in environmental issues to develop CAPE’s communications strategic
● Engage with CAPE’s physician and healthcare provider leadership to learn CAPE’s voice,
and develop and implement a plan to ensure that our communications across campaigns
and regional committees consistently use this voice in the context of rapid staff and
regional committee growth
● Support CAPE’s campaigns and programs (climate, toxics, banning fossil fuel advertising)
to develop their own communications plans in alignment with this strategic framework
and voice
● Develop a vision for CAPE’s web presence
● Develop and implement a CAPE media relations plan; develop key media relationships in
line with campaign strategic objectives
The charitable data is available here.
How many wonderful people are part of movements for the right reasons, would be horrified how their action incrementally are leading to a social Marxism that has ‘rights reductions’ AND MUCH WORSE as the outcome.
But the air pollution can not be the single-greatest environmental risk to human health because the skies are sprayed and sprayed every single day just for us to be healthier and for the mother earth benefit ...otherwise the ngo's and greta and the scientists would protest....
What a mess. I am looking around and I am trying hard to understand the abisal fractures in the mind of so many who are ignoring all is happening, who are mute, blind, irational, proud of their stupidity and are accepting everything, every lie, crime and attack....but I can't. They lost their minds and they are worse than the "directors" of this criminal theatre...
Thank you, Lisa!
Maybe now is a good time to ditch your phone? Best part is never needing to charge the damn thing.